I don't see why not. Just make sure to install the Logitech drivers for it.mrwilt said:I have the original Logitech Driving Force force feedback wheel I got with GT3 - just paddle shifter, no gearshift lever. Will that work with Shift 2?
mclaren777 said:I don't see why not. Just make sure to install the Logitech drivers for it.
BoobPhysics101 said:Can you tune the spring rates, alignment settings etc? If so, I can give you real-world S2000 specs that will make it much easier to drive. I track my S2000 in real life so I'm overly familiar with what works with the car.
If it's not as precise as Forza, here's what will work:
Soften the rear sway bar (anti-roll bar), and stiffen up the front sway bar. This will induce understeer and help keep the rear under control.
Stiffen up the front springs, and soften the rear springs. Or set them to equal stiffness if you like a little oversteer.
If you can do alignment, try these specs
Caster: 7-7.5 degrees
Camber: -2.5 to -3.5 camber
Toe in: 0.1 degrees
Rear: Camber -3.5 to -4.0
Toe in: 0.4 to 0.5 degrees
If you can, run a nonstaggered tire setup. Try to run 255 width tires in the front and rear. Forza doesn't really let you run a nonstaggered setup, but maybe Shift 2 does. I'll pick it up today and see what works. The S2000 drives a LOT better with a nonstaggered setup, gives it much better turn-in and front grip, which means better braking and rotation.
Bidermaier said:Thanks for the advice!!! I think I am going to make the S2000 my main car so I really apreciate your help
Whats this?saladine1 said:It's too bad that SMS will not be back for a SHIFT 3. I hope whoever takes the reins for SHIFT 2 development, can make an even better game in the future and don't stuff up the formula...
Their AI is very good. Apart from that, the game looks and performs worse on my rig than Codemaster's F1 game. I dont consider that a "setting" or raising of the bar. I'm not especially keen on their handling model either, it's fucking wonky, especially on the Nurburgring.saladine1 said:I loved SHIFT 1 even with certain issues of handling and such. SHIFT 2 is an absolute gem of a game even with it's issues..
During the course of the PR, people were sceptical about all the hype of "best racing experience ever" and "other certain racing games are boring compared to ours". Fan boys on both camps completely ripped SMS apart as wannabees and whatnot.
Now, i've seen a trend where those same people all over the net have been dumbstruck at the final product. You hear people saying stuff like "I wish GT/FM was more like SHIFT" and "The immersion of SHIFT is the best I've experienced" and "I prefer the handling of SHIFT over GT/FM"..etc
It's a credit to SMS and to an extent..EA for what they accomplished here. They've set the bar for everyone else in terms of delivering an awesome racing experience.
It's too bad that SMS will not be back for a SHIFT 3. I hope whoever takes the reins for SHIFT 2 development, can make an even better game in the future and don't stuff up the formula...
Sure, everyone has their opinion, but the overwhelming amount of reviews, people i've talked to,friends,forum goers have said that what SHIFT offers in terms of the racing experience,the immersion,the atmosphere of motorsport is the elemt that sets it apart from the other games. Obviously, that doesn't mean it's a fact, it's opinion, and I share those sentiments..theignoramus said:Their AI is very good. Apart from that, the game looks and performs worse on my rig than Codemaster's F1 game. I dont consider that a "setting" or raising of the bar. I'm not especially keen on their handling model either, it's fucking wonky, especially on the Nurburgring.
saladine1 said:I loved SHIFT 1 even with certain issues of handling and such. SHIFT 2 is an absolute gem of a game even with it's issues..
During the course of the PR, people were sceptical about all the hype of "best racing experience ever" and "other certain racing games are boring compared to ours". Fan boys on both camps completely ripped SMS apart as wannabees and whatnot.
Now, i've seen a trend where those same people all over the net have been dumbstruck at the final product. You hear people saying stuff like "I wish GT/FM was more like SHIFT" and "The immersion of SHIFT is the best I've experienced" and "I prefer the handling of SHIFT over GT/FM"..etc
It's a credit to SMS and to an extent..EA for what they accomplished here. They've set the bar for everyone else in terms of delivering an awesome racing experience.
It's too bad that SMS will not be back for a SHIFT 3. I hope whoever takes the reins for SHIFT 2 development, can make an even better game in the future and don't stuff up the formula...
EA needs to buy them up, stat.saladine1 said:
markao said:Just revisited Enna for the first time since GTR, those chicanes, even though they are not made out of solid concrete anymore, still making your palms sweat every time you have to go through them at high speed.
Video of the "Old school masters" at Enna, me in a BMW M3 E30 (upgraded to B 1114) vs Darren "chicken" McNamara in a Team Need for Speed Toyota AE86.
Especially when you consider that his hands don't even move. Now THATS driving.sneaky77 said:Awesome driving job.
Did not notice it before, wheel is moving hands not, cool........just another bug that needs fixingNullPointer said:Especially when you consider that his hands don't even move. Now THATS driving.
Weird things happening are often driver related, so you could try a uninstall --> clean sweep and reinstall newer/older ones.Omiee said:yeah i dont get what went wrong, it was fine before i installed new ssd motherboard and gpu.
Can it be some program im missing or something?
edit: btw i had the game installed on my hdd but did a clean install again on my ssd and i still get the same problem
markao said:Weird things happening are often driver related, so you could try a uninstall --> clean sweep and reinstall newer/older ones.
That's how far my problem solving goes, after that I'm relying on others, so I hope someone else can help you outwith it.
Which car is yours?markao said:This happened the next and last race of the championship to me, last corner last lap, second place would have been enough.
Gif of the year!markao said:This happened the next and last race of the championship to me, last corner last lap, second place would have been enough
BMW, cockpit view, racing vs the NFS car.mclaren777 said:Which car is yours?
Holy hell, this game looks awesome. I wish they could have released a demo for my 360markao said:
There will certain restrictions for some races and some of the cars you'll earn you won't be able to upgrade. There are plenty of races in Modern C and Retro C where you will have to buy a European car or a japanese car or just a C class car. But yeah, it's really about driving your favorite car. I love you Supra!sneaky77 said:the thing i don't get is most events force you to compete with a particular car so far... I am about 20% in... so whats the point of buying other cars?
Router said:The more I play the more I want a new GRID. Any news on that?
saladine1 said:There's certainly a few things that need attention.
While I would love to have SHIFT every year,I believe that EA should not make the game a yearly affair. It's got an awesome foundation to build upon. It would be greatly benefitted if the game came out every two years so the devs can concentrate on making an even better game. Don't make this just another cash cow like everything else. There is an absolute gem in the making here and if they want to compete with GT and FM, as they have said, they need to treat this series completely different to every other game of theirs.
But it's EA so that's not going to happen...
T Ghost said:I completely agree with you here. Give devs at least 2 years between iterations and don't force it too much to be to accessible to every type of gamer. EA should niche this title to fans of semi-simulation and simulation. Leave NFS/Burnout for the arcade racer niche and for casual gamers. NFS/Burnout should be the racing games that EA should to go crazy in regards of making it accessible to the whole market, cash cows. If this were ever done, in 2 more iterations Shift could be getting really close to GT and Forza or even surpass them. But... It's EA... So no hopes of getting the right thing done. It's all about the stock market nowadays. F... the consumer, that little pesky thing that keep whining and reluctant to give corps. their little money. Always. No exception. We gotta love and enjoy the extreme hardcore capitalism that we created for ourselves. Enslaved by stock market values. Awesome!
Just a few laps, or when you get more used to the tracks/game, few corners. You will be getting a better idea how a corner flows and how much you will need to slow down, relative to the car you are driving.itsnervedamage said:On to the game, I need tips. I'm having a lot of trouble (really early in...Tier 1 C class) adjusting to learning the tracks while they keep changing up cars on me for those showcase races. Brakepoints and speeds keep changing on me. Do I just need to take a couple extra laps to get used to it, or are there guidlines to getting a feel for these things?
I'm not a big sim racer usually, burnout and NFS most wanted etc. No race-line, trying to wean myself off the track map so I can go no HUD.
markao said:Just a few laps, or when you get more used to the tracks/game, few corners. You will be getting a better idea how a corner flows and how much you will need to slow down, relative to the car you are driving.
tip: Not using the "ideal line" will make it, maybe harder earlier on, but easier the longer you play the game or any other game with the same tracks in the future.
NullPointer said:holy hell, fuck the Miami courses.
WTF?TofuEater said:Driving pretty fast then jumped over a curb and this is what happened:
No words
Corky said:How's the game on PC? Good port? good amount of customization?