I really don't think it's worth making a new thread until this project is officially announced. I just wanted you guys to see what they were working on now.op_ivy said:what is the source for the new project (i'll post the thread)?
mclaren777 said:I really don't think it's worth making a new thread until this project is officially announced. I just wanted you guys to see what they were working on now.
Name Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Time Car Settings
Wax Free Vanilla 42:976 40:966 33:646 [B]1:57:588[/B] Maserati MC12-GT1 Elite - No Aids - G25
Markao 43:010 41:138 33:480 [B]1.57:628[/B] Matech Ford GT Elite - No Aids - G25
sneaky77 44:380 42:866 34:905 [B]2:02:600[/B] Matech Ford GT Elite - Cont-abs
jergrah said:Well....until I decided to try drifting again and then the fun went out the window. I think I'm just going to completely skip those events.
240SX (S13) Drift Alliance
Front Tyre Pressure 32
Rear Tyre Pressure 33
Brake Balance 60
Brake Pressure 10
Steering Lock 44
Castor Angle 8.00
Front Toe Angle 34.00
Rear Toe Angle 33.00
Front Camber 23
Rear Camber 27.00
Front Ride Height - 7.00
Rear Ride Height - 9.00
Limited Slip Acceleration Lock 13.00
Limited Slip Deceleration Lock 13.00
Limited Slip preload 0.00
Front Downforce 1.00
Rear Downforce 3.00
Front Sway Bar 5.00
Rear Sway Bar 4.00
Front Spring Rate 3.00
Rear Spring Rate 3.00
Front Bump Stop 0.00
Rear Bump Stop 0.00
Front Damper Fast Bump 3.00
Front Damper Slow Bump 3.00
Front Damper Fast Rebound 6.00
Front Damper Slow Rebound 6.00
Rear Damper Fast Bump 3.00
Rear Damper Slow Bump 3.00
Rear Damper Fast Rebound 6.00
Rear Damper Slow Rebound 6.00
Final Drive 4.00
1st 2.00
2nd 2.00
3rd 2.00
4th 2.00
5th 2.00
I'd like to qualify some of the comments made here about what we decide to fix. A few people have observed that there is a discrete line between technology fixes and gameplay elements.
It really boils down to the fact that SMS owns the core-tech and has chosen to enhance parts of the game that they own in a forward looking way. So if there is a disjoint here it's because of publisher apathy on their IP elements - from their point of view the game is 84/85 meta-critic and further investment isn't a good business proposition with a normal sales curve.
The harder AI was completed today. There is some testing feedback - but the 'Max' Game difficulty will be 3-5% harder - I hope our effort here, gives extra longevity to the hardcore racers (Personally, my old bones can't do better than 5th or 6th on a grid of 12 on this setting!)
op_ivy said:just reached level 20, whats with the cap? any word on that being removed soon?
sneaky77 said:yeah I reached level 20 around the 50% mark. I don't know that it matters for this kinda game anyway
When we submitted our final changelist for the patch a few weeks back, EA said that the non-requested features such as MLAA, Max graphics settings and AI would take significant test time on their part and couldn't be included, because the DLC in itself required significant test resource.
In all honesty I didn't see that coming - some of the smaller features we got through, but we weren't able to argue the other points - an example cited was that Max AI would require multiple (think 10+) playthroughs to ensure all career paths etc could be completed. Even though we know the code and game more intimately than they do, ultimately the publisher writes the cheque for these patches. That isn't a signal to slate EA btw - they do have a point, but I'm a little gutted since we did put a significant effort on these extras. Fingers crossed we can convince them to include them in the next one
These features were finished, and a no-brainer. Reverting the changes were actually quite a pain in the arse and nearly as much work as the extra testing (IMO), because we understood the scope better than they did when this stuff was tested internally. It's probably a key motivation for WMD to get away from publisher control - they are a dieing breed : aside from marketing money, any developers with talent will be able to shape their own future.. and that's much better for people who give a shit about the games that they play, and for those who wanted to be involved in the community development.
mclaren777 said:First glimpse of Slightly Mad Studios' next project...
"One of our internal concepts atm is Stunt Racer meets Destruction Derby." -- Ian Bell, Head of Development, Slightly Mad Studios
http://www.nogripracing.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=29587&d=1308311258This is an early WIP teaser of one car from the first set we'll have in the initial builds for testing by the Investors.
Every aspect of setting up the car is visible live and the car will react as it should.
There will be a computational fluid dynamic suite (with live tuning) for altering aero.
There are 1000 other things but let's wait for the live date (coming soon).
The cars probably resolve to half a million polys at times.
It's just our current reflection tech 'turned up to 11' in DX 11. This is the garage scene and we plan to have it exactly the same in game.
We have more polys in the suspension in the new stuff than we had in the whole car in Shift 2.
On track we plan to have the same level of detail showing the environment around the car of course.
We're running a fully deferred engine. It's the state of the art as of now.
Our new engine in development is a generation ahead of our one used in Shift 2.
On Shift 2, really on a good PC I maintain it's a very realistic drive (ignoring a couple of poor cars and some dodgy default setups (there was a reason for that, we had to have all cars drivable at Ebisu with the single default setup)). There is some softening of the tyre response of a car on the edge but it's VERY subtle and closer to reality than you might think. It's a case of us softening the tyre wall stiffness a little only.
I recall Henrik Roos (my co head at SimBin, not a bad word at all, I founded it after all ) constantly telling me that when he drove the real FIA GT cars they were very comfortable on and over the limit - in a way that we didn't capture with GTR and even with GTR2. He told me GTR2 was too unforgiving and that these cars can be drifted comfortably. He said it's not the fastest way around the track and it kills the tyres but that's how they handle. We failed to deliver that ease on the limit partly due to limitations (and what we later found to be a bug) in the ISI tyre physics code that caused the grip to 'fall off a cliff' at the limits. Having said that, the input lag on release with PC was crap, I'm driving the lag free version of course, which you can be soon.
Anyway, what we have planned for the initial builds of the WMD project is exactly what you and the hardcore simmers will want (because that's what we want).
We have absolutely no control over EA's marketing of Shift. It's their IP.
On the floaty issue. I think the combination of very soft default springing and damping in the setups and the input lag issue combined to cause that for the most part. The 'softer than they really should be' tyre sidewalls we went with for pad playability contributes a little and the rest is due to the skid audio cues setup we went with I think. We trigger the skid audio well below 100% grip limit to give the player an indication that grip loss is coming. Again, something that is helpful with pad/console play. With the WMD project being PC all the way (then downporting to console later) we'd not do the above and would add it back for the consoles later. Probably link it to wheel use or not actually.
Today weve got some very exciting news the SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED Legends and Speedhunters DLC Packs are coming to PC players around the world at no charge!
Beginning June 30th, the DLC packs will be available to download, for free, from Origin.com. In case you missed it: the Legends Pack features a dozen cars and 5 new tracks from racing's golden age, and the Speedhunters Pack added two new game modes - Drag and Standing Mile - as well as 14 new vehicles to try against your friends for epic Autolog battles.
Below are detailed instructions on how to download and install the free SHIFT 2 PC DLC packs from Origin:
Newly purchasing Shift 2 Unleashed:
1. Select PCDD or PC Packaged platform of Shift 2 Unleashed on store.origin.com
2. Shift 2 Unleashed + PC DLC will be added to cart automatically
3. Checkout (create an account or sign-in if already have an account)
4. Upon successful purchase, you will receive a confirmation page and email which will include the following redemption instructions:
a. Download and install Origin (for new Origin users).
b. Open Origin and navigate to your My Games tab to download and install Shift 2 Unleashed.
c. After installing Shift 2 Unleashed, return to your My Games tab to download and install your DLC.
d. Run game to play.
Already owns Shift 2 Unleashed:
1. Find/Navigate to DLC product details page on store.origin.com
2. From Overlay, select version of base game to add to cart:
a. Packaged (purchased on disc from a retailer)
b. EA Store/Origin Download (purchased as a digital download)
c. Other Digital Download (purchased as a digital download from third party retailers)
3. Checkout (create an account or sign-in if already have an account)
4. Upon successful purchase, will receive confirmation page and email which will include the following redemption instructions:
a. Download and install Origin (for new Origin users).
b. Open Origin and navigate to your My Games tab to download and install your DLC. You must have Shift 2 Unleashed currently installed on your machine.
c. Run game to play.
We cant wait to see you guys on the new tracks, in your new cars, battling in the new Drag and Standing Mile modes!
my interest in possibly purchasing this game for PC has slightly risen now. But I am wondering....do any of the mods improve framerate/performance and get rid of the stuttering many people complained about?markao said:SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED Legends & Speedhunters DLC Packs Coming to PC FOR FREE!
After multiple games were EA neglected PC users, this comes a nice and welcomed surprise!! Even though it seems a origin origin something promotion
@ Wax Free Vanilla, I'm not sure how familiar you are with Ian Bell, but the man is rather enthusiastic about things not yet released, or as others would say, knows how to hype![]()
Missed your question Isamu; As far as I know, the stutters were due to VRam filled up and were gone when you lowered your settings (if necessary). First patch also improved performance, so have not seen people complaining about it. There still seem to be issues for people with SLI/Crosfire set-ups, but those reports are kind of all over the place, from 100% working to not, so not sureisamu said:my interest in possibly purchasing this game for PC has slightly risen now. But I am wondering....do any of the mods improve framerate/performance and get rid of the stuttering many people complained about?
Read info post 774, select option c: Other Digital Download (purchased as a digital download from third party retailers)AEREC said:So I can install the DLCs from Origin to my steam installation of Shift 2?
Same here.NEOPARADIGM said:Just bumping to say I've fallen in love with this game.
markao said:Read info post 774, select option c: Other Digital Download (purchased as a digital download from third party retailers)
I think it should work that way![]()
I'm driving the lag free version of course, which you can be soon.
Wax Free Vanilla said:He's released some more shots, this time featuring an old (Lotus?) F1 car.
good grief.
a shit hot looking, physics beast of a new grand prix legends
Some of his thoughts on Shift 2:
Great, sorry for the misinformation, but I guess that's typically EA, not mentioning the fact that Steam does not count as a digital 3rd partyAEREC said:looks like the free DLC just got included in a update on Steam:
markao said:Great, sorry for the misinformation, but I guess that's typically EA, not mentioning the fact that Steam does not count as a digital 3rd party
But glad you got is sorted out![]()
markao said:Missed your question Isamu; As far as I know, the stutters were due to VRam filled up and were gone when you lowered your settings (if necessary). First patch also improved performance, so have not seen people complaining about it. There still seem to be issues for people with SLI/Crosfire set-ups, but those reports are kind of all over the place, from 100% working to not, so not sure![]()
op_ivy said:i really gotta get back into playing this, but it definitely requires me setting up my wheel to get into - a pad just doesnt seem to cut it
G25isamu said:4 Questions bros:
1)What wheel do you have?
2)What are yer PC specs?
3)Are you getting a rock 60fps?
4)Are a shit load of people playing online on PC?
FlyinJ said:Has there every been an explanation of why when your tires skid in this game it makes a noise like someone rattling a rock inside a coffee can? Is that a bug?
It's funny because I remember seeing a talk at GDC by an audio engineer from Turn10 talking about the most important sound you author for a racing game is the tire skid noise, as it's integral to feedback for the player. He went on about how many iterations of skid noise he makes so the player understands how much pressure and stress the tire is under and how to correct.
Not in Shift 2. No tire skid/squeal noise at all. You just hear someone shaking a rock in a can, and then as soon as you come out of the skid the noise passes out the rear speakers like the can fell off your car.
What the hell!
Steam version, so the first question, will take care of it selfSmokyDave said:Grabbed this on Steam last night and I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth into it. Before I begin though, are there any essential PC patches / mods I should know about?
That's Shift 2's biggest problem in a nutshell. You can tune your way to a good time, but you have to do the work.FunnyBunny said:Shift 2 is fun, but it's default settings are total shit.