run into the house nest to the barn and wait for leatherface to enter. than keep hitting the trap switch in the next room. he should go down in 3 or 4 hits
I'm almost finished with Chapter 6, so not even halfway. Right now I don't think it will top Wolfenstein, but I still have supposedly the best and worst chapters of the game yet to play. Too early to tell.
I thought Wolfenstein was a 9/10, and that's actually what Evil Within is in my mind right now, at this point.
Wolfenstein does a lot of things better than Evil Within, though, as far as like characterization, lore, dialogue, etc. In the end, that will probably leave the longer-lasting impression on me, because of that.
It was a personal question, because Wolfenstein is my own game of the year and The Evil Within has been the only game I've been looking forward to that might surpass that.
It was a personal question, because Wolfenstein is my own game of the year and The Evil Within has been the only game I've been looking forward to that might surpass that.
Choppy animations, stilted dialogue that was clearly translated and forced to make work, poor framerate, glitches, little things like icon prompts not consistently showing up unless the camera is in a certain position, etc.
Just arrived at Chapter 6. Ridiculously cool scenery/approach at the start. I really dug Chapters 1-3, but 4 & 5 were junk-town deluxe, in my opinion. I really dug the beginnings of Chapter 4, actually, but after a certain new enemy was introduced and the Silent Hill-like mental shit took over, the scenario/stage design fell apart. Chapter 5, design-wise, felt like total ass-planet though. The "boss" encounter at the end reminded me of something from RE5, which I'm not sure if I like/dislike at the moment, ha! Fortunately, the combat is fucking awesome in this game, so at least fighting the baddies always feels good and is satisfying (this game seriously has the best 3rd person shooter enemy feedback. Easily my favorite "head-shot" game now).
I'm not sure what to think of the traps in this game, however. Conceptually, I love the idea. Luring enemies into spots and triggering hazards to conserve ammo/resources is cool and everything, but I don't really agree with how it's implemented. Take a game like Haunting Ground, where the traps felt very much integral and organic to the games environment/location. That game's house of horror-like traps and hazards felt literally built into the establishment/structures the player was exploring. The traps in Evil Within feel more like they were placed down by a user in a Deception game (see Trapt on PS2 as well). Does anyone else feel the same way about how they're implemented in this game? It's not the worst thing ever, but as someone who's played other horror games with similar ideas (like Deception/Haunting Ground), it was all very transparent to me.
For example, in Chapter 3...
there's factory-like switches inside cabins that activate arrow traps or floor spikes. My problem is, they don't feel like they fit into the environment, or rather, as if someone placed them there naturally. The floor boards below the floor spikes, for example, don't even have any noticeable holes/indents to show that there is a mechanism below. You could argue this in various ways. One, it's a fucking video game and the way the developers implemented traps sort of compliments the arcade-like action game design. Two, this game's world is definitely not grounded, so you can have that suspension of disbelief as the entire game could all be in Sebastian's head, for example).
. Still, it's something that's been sort of sitting in the back of my head every time I encounter a trap ,so I figured I'd test the waters here and see if anyone else noticed this "disconnect".
Will play more today, but I'm hoping the game picks up again. I really didn't care for the majority of Chapter 4 & 5, but I keep seeing/reading people flip out about later chapters, so I'll see, I guess.
I'm almost finished with Chapter 6, so not even halfway. Right now I don't think it will top Wolfenstein, but I still have supposedly the best and worst chapters of the game yet to play. Too early to tell.
I thought Wolfenstein was a 9/10, and that's actually what Evil Within is in my mind right now, at this point.
Wolfenstein does a lot of things better than Evil Within, though, as far as like characterization, lore, dialogue, etc. In the end, that will probably leave the longer-lasting impression on me, because of that..
Awesome, good to hear you're liking it that much. I think we have pretty similar taste in what we look for in games, as Wolf is also my current game of the year and Evil Within is the only other contender as far as I'm concerned. It's a shame TEW falls short in the story department though, but I never really expected it to excell there. BJ and co. are just too charming!
All in all fantastic horror action. Currently in chapter 9 and I can say it's the best new game I played this year. The only disappointing chapter so far was 8 because it was short and rather served for the story than for gameplay.
But I enjoyed the rest of the game so far (of course I haven't finished the game yet). Feels like an amalgamation of Resident Evil, The Last of Us with the style of older horror movies like Evil Dead.
So I pre-ordered this game, then I canceled it because it looked too scary and all the talk about technical issues. And yet here I am playing it anyways xD. Chainsaw man was scary D:, hope I can make it through this game!
So I pre-ordered this game, then I canceled it because it looked too scary and all the talk about technical issues. And yet here I am playing it anyways xD. Chainsaw man was scary D:, hope I can make it through this game!
Yeah, I'm pretty confident I will! All the impressions I've read sound amazing thus far. It's a bummer I have to wait so long before I'll be able to play it though. The urge to click spoiler tags is strong
This game was a disappointment to me. I was expecting so much more given all of this hype.
It was so scripted and hyper linear like FFXIII. It was like playing a movie that you had to stop and fight in occasionally. A B tier movie. The ending was the biggest disappointment for me, though I'm not going to spoil it for anyone.
Not that there is much to spoil.
I was at least expecting some extra content like Mercenary mode since this game was so much like RE4. Nope. Just the linear single campaign.
It's insanely easy. You mean bad as in boring, or trivial?
as soon as she spawns, run to the left and hang on to the ladder, when she starts running at you, press circle to drop down the ladder and then flip the switch for hit #1. Then run to the other flame door, crouch through it, and then quickly climb the ladder and flip the switch and the fight is over
I used all my shotgun and handgun ammo, about 10 exploding arrows and all the traps, she started limping but she just wont die! Is there a way to get the ammo, key and... Green juice next to the elevator without killing her?
It's insanely easy. You mean bad as in boring, or trivial?
as soon as she spawns, run to the left and hang on to the ladder, when she starts running at you, press circle to drop down the ladder and then flip the switch for hit #1. Then run to the other flame door, crouch through it, and then quickly climb the ladder and flip the switch and the fight is over
I didn't flip any. I just burned the bodies when she was near.
I didn't find a single boss fight in that game difficult. I kept hearing about how this game was so difficult around the net, but it was super easy for me from beginning to end. The only parts that gave me trouble were the parts that required you to do things you didn't normally have to do, and it doesn't tell you that.
Laura in chapter 10? I used all my shotgun and handgun ammo, about 10 exploding arrows and all the traps, she started limping, but just wont die! Is there a way to get the ammo, key and... Green juice next to the elevator without killing her?
Choppy animations, stilted dialogue that was clearly translated and forced to make work, poor framerate, glitches, little things like icon prompts not consistently showing up unless the camera is in a certain position, etc.
This game was a disappointment to me. I was expecting so much more given all of this hype.
It was so scripted and hyper linear like FFXIII. It was like playing a movie that you had to stop and fight in occasionally. A B tier movie. The ending was the biggest disappointment for me, though I'm not going to spoil it for anyone. Not that its really possible.
I was at least expecting some extra content like Mercenary mode since this game was so much like RE4. Nope. Just the linear single campaign.
Each Chapter plays different from each other. Some are stealthy, others more action-focused,others have puzzles, other are based on environment traps to kill your enemies. There's a lot of variety in gameplay and combat. The only negative thing for me(and really frustrating) was the action-shooting parts and generally the controls in this game (character movement and control,aiming and shooting,camera,small FOV,etc). I didn't mind the slight technical problems on PS4 neither the black bars.
It's insanely easy. You mean bad as in boring, or trivial?
as soon as she spawns, run to the left and hang on to the ladder, when she starts running at you, press circle to drop down the ladder and then flip the switch for hit #1. Then run to the other flame door, crouch through it, and then quickly climb the ladder and flip the switch and the fight is over
I just kept luring her into the flame trap/floor over and over and dunking her in. Definitely the most repetitious and easy boss so far. She is really slow in that area so I just walked around her to the switch every time.
So I got all the way to chapter 10 last night, tried to make it through 10 before bed, that was a horrible mistake, I had to quit and go to bed before I started getting frustrated haha
I'm so close to breaking down and buying this. I've been trying to find a way I can give the PC version a shot so I know I will have a satisfactory experience with it. Else I'd get the ps4 version.
Sounds like people think the game is great if they can overlook the poor coding poor bug checking etc... And they hate the game if that stuff really bothers them.
Sounds like people think the game is great if they can overlook the poor coding poor bug checking etc... And they hate the game if that stuff really bothers them.
Poor coding and bug checking? Do you have the game? The animations / controls are a bit janky like Resi and other survival horror games, there's odd frame drops at completely random times, other than that there's nothing else wrong. Not seen any major bugs or glitches up to chapter 9.
I agree with the guys complaining about the bugs. Deff not as smooth and tight as RE4. I think its due to the engine. I wonder how this game would look and play on MT Framework
You and me both. The enemies just aren't fun to fight anymore, and the environment just lost all its atmosphere. It's crazy that chapter 9 and 10 have such masterful game design, and then the game just loses it. If the game would have had the quality of those two chapters throughout the game, it would have been a 10/10 for me.
You and me both. The enemies just aren't fun to fight anymore, and the environment just lost all its atmosphere. It's crazy that chapter 9 and 10 have such masterful game design, and then the game just loses it. If the game would have had the quality of those two chapters throughout the game, it would have been a 10/10 for me.
For people having issues with the new enemies in Chapter 11, it helps to simply consider them as 'timebomb' enemies. The second you see one you just have to make a beeline and take them out before they can do any damage to you, usually using up some of your more powerful ammo. I like that they force you to get out of your comfort zone and get on the offensive to avoid damage.
Seriously, it's like every single segment lasts just as long as it needs to and the scenarios are presented in just the right order to keep things fresh. Transitions between sections are seamless and fluid, and the game flows that way for a whopping 12-15 hours.
run into the house nest to the barn and wait for leatherface to enter. than keep hitting the trap switch in the next room. he should go down in 3 or 4 hits