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I provide you with this convenient, entirely unlabeled reference graph.
I provide you with this convenient, entirely unlabeled reference graph.
This is my opinion but I think Evil Within is better than RE4. Not in influence or the impact it had it the industry, but as a game I think Mikami made a better survival/horror game.
Just my opinion.
This is my opinion but I think Evil Within is better than RE4. Not in influence or the impact it had it the industry, but as a game I think Mikami made a better survival/horror game.
Just my opinion.
Head shots still the way to go for almost everything so far, even for the porcelain masked baddies. The "halt" so you can shoot me enemy behavior from RE 4 is somewhat still present. Which is kind of weird since we always asummed it was a compromise for that game because it had limited movility options while shooting. In this game since shooting while moving and independent aiming is possible it feels a bit tame to acomodate players.
Personally I think the game would've been far superior to RE4 if it had a moderately bigger budget and a good engine.This is my opinion but I think Evil Within is better than RE4. Not in influence or the impact it had it the industry, but as a game I think Mikami made a better survival/horror game.
Just my opinion.
Not a huge RE4 fan but I'd still take it over TEW mainly for polish and consistency(even though consistency was a problem in RE4 too).This is my opinion but I think Evil Within is better than RE4. Not in influence or the impact it had it the industry, but as a game I think Mikami made a better survival/horror game.
Just my opinion.
I used afreeze bolt on them and ran past.
Okay, found a lever.
And hey, I just got one hit kill'd by this bitch thanks to blowback from a bomb, who by now is as scary as Mickey fucking Mouse to me due to the amount of times I've done this garbage level. Either this game wasn't properly tested or Mikami is surrounded by yes men cocksuckers. This is just fucking annoying and frustrating. Now to repeat this shit again for the millionth time.
oh and due to not finding any levers in that one room I accidentally spoiled myself the identity of this shit boss while trying to find a solution. yay.
okay so a few questions:
1. What are the best things to upgrade first? Which weapons should be focused on. I already know stamina is a must, so that's already at level 3 or 4
2. Can/should you kill thein chapter 4?hair lady
3. Are the items behind the lock boxes random? If not, is there anything unique and/or important to go for?
okay so a few questions:
1. What are the best things to upgrade first? Which weapons should be focused on. I already know stamina is a must, so that's already at level 3 or 4
2. Can/should you kill thein chapter 4?hair lady
3. Are the items behind the lock boxes random? If not, is there anything unique and/or important to go for?
but you haven't played chapteryet11-12
While TEW technically permits you to move and shoot, Sebastian can barely hit a target while standing still. At least compared to the precision of RE4/5.
Opening up the final locker gave me200000 Jelly Jam Jelly Goo!
1- Amount of ammo and matches you can carry is important, don't max them early just get them high enough. Critical hits on the handgun is very useful and save you a lot of ammo if you're good with head shots. Maxed Harpoon is super useful near the end but it's a huge investment(last upgrade is 50000) it's still really good without the last upgrade though.okay so a few questions:
1. What are the best things to upgrade first? Which weapons should be focused on. I already know stamina is a must, so that's already at level 3 or 4
2. Can/should you kill thein chapter 4?hair lady
3. Are the items behind the lock boxes random? If not, is there anything unique and/or important to go for?
I mean, what is survival horror really.
TEW definitely emphasizes survival with limited supplies, and most of the enemies and locals in the game are what I would consider to generally be "scary". What more does the game need to do?
I definitely had a supply problem in chapters 14 (14 was more of an issue of not having enough supplies for the really powerful weapons, you get unlimited pistol/shotgun ammo in the boss fight but it just takes forever) and 15 I was at the mercy of whether or not enemies decided to drop enough ammo to defeat the final enemy in the arena encounter and I did scour every single area thoroughly.The problem is the supplies aren't that limited. The game has too many forced combat scenarios which means they always provide you enough resources to make it through each encounter. Survival horror games aren't about combat but TEW totally is at least through chapter 7. Despite all the horror trappings I always felt like I was playing just another TPS/stealth title. I'm not saying it isn't one but it doesn't really scratch the same kind of itch that the genre usually hits at least for me.
The problem is the supplies aren't that limited. The game has too many forced combat scenarios which means they always provide you enough resources to make it through each encounter.but TEW totally is at least through chapter 7. Despite all the horror trappings I always felt like I was playing just another TPS/stealth title. I'm not saying it isn't one but it doesn't really scratch the same kind of itch that the genre usually hits at least for me.Survival horror games aren't about combat
I mean, what is survival horror really.
In games in Japan, a typical horror game is something like Clock Tower or Silent Hill but survival horror, the kind of game I like to create, is also entertainment. It’s a close genre but the difference between pure horror and survival horror is that in the latter you can defeat the monsters and feel good about it. You have to have that sense of being able to defeat a monster, even if it’s tough.
Supplies haven't been an issue in Resident Evil since like, well, the first game.
Guess I'll take the plunge on TEW. Really adore and miss the classic RE games, and GT just posted a nice roundtable discussion on TEW where LOTS of comparisons are made to those games.
Would anyone agree that it shares a lot of those qualities? More focus on scavenging and constant dread of being low on ammo? Same was said of Last of Us, but I always felt armed to the teeth even on hard.
The flaw in that, is why do people consider the old RE games to be survival horror then? they all have combat. just curious as to what you think haha
It's not even close.
I'm coming around to this as a pure action game but the technical aspects of it are pissing me off.
They did but the combat wasn't the focus. It was more about learning enemy patterns, placement, and the best ways to avoid them. Interacting with them was more like a puzzle than anything else. high level RE is about minimizing combat as possible and figuring out the best routes through the game and managing your inventory. Sure the series made it easier and easier to blow your way through the games as it went on but the combat was always more to spice things up and add a needed element of danger. The combat didn't really drive the entire product. I'm not saying you can't have a survival horror game that is driven by combat but TEW's approach just didn't work for me.
I forgot you could even walk and shoot until now. I don't think I have ever actually used it once.
Chapter 10 wore me the fuck out.
I took this screenshot last night....from Chapter 5 (not really a spoiler but I won't embed regardless)
Harpooned that motherfucker and nailed him to the IV stand. GOTY
Grueling is apt. I would expect it to be miserable if.you don't have at least stamina level 4, I had 5 and it wasn't so bad
I keep forgetting you can quick fire without aiming. I feel like it'd be a waste of ammo to do it so I never really did it.
ink ribbons tho
Yeah. A test of endurance for sure.Chapter 10 wore me the fuck out.
I forgot that was a thing too.
Does that work with bottles?
The first one, sure, but 2 and on have lots of combat
Btw, I think it was chapter 4, but I somehow made a giant pig spawn by a bonfire (after clearing out the area). I killed it and got like 1000 brain-buggers. Probably an easter egg, took me by surprise. Has anyone else done that?
Aside from the bosses most of it is completely optional and even some of the bosses allow for ways to minimize or avoid it. Was there enough ammo to kill everything in your path? Absolutely, but the idea was to train you so that you wouldn't have to or even want to. Playing RE to kill stuff is frightfully dull as there isn't much to the combat which was never that deep. Silent Hill actually had far more complex combat than RE did up until RE4.
Yeah. A test of endurance for sure.
I barely got past every section...died a lot too!