I actually managed to disarm the time bombs 70% to 80% of the time. But duringthere were bombs with such a small blue area it became impossible for me to disarm them safely.the last chapter
That was a classic troll moment. You spot another one of these bombs, not suspecting anything, and when you're about to disarm that thing you see the tiny blue area you're supposed to hit. Totally caught me off guard and I died of course. lol
I didn't touch the bomb the second time.
Is the time frame of these bombs just as small in Akumu?
That's what all of the Akumu bombs are like. I've managed to disarm all but one so far (two blowing up, but I had saved so not a big deal). One of them is during an event where there's no save before or directly after, so I just skipped it.
The part angry joe is playing is one of the best in the game imo...
I loved it and wanted the whole game to be like that.
any changes to the check point system on akumu ?
I missed the very first bomb since I wasn't prepared for the delay. But since then I've disarmed every single bomb I've come across without fail.
LOL! So I'm playing chapterand this is the first time I've actually fought a14I threw a bottle at the back of his head and shot him with a 240% damage harpoon and he got stuck to the ceiling. I was like "uhh...you okay, buddy?" and he fell after a few secs. I was like "nope. not gonna chance it" and dropped a match on his ass. lolFake Ruvik besides the one you're introduced to.
At this rate his playthrough should clock in around 30-35 hours. They should really drop it down to casual.
The part angry joe is playing is one of the best in the game imo...
Chapter 10 Man,fuck this boss, he's wrecking all of my shit every which way. do I gotta use the cars and wait till he picks em up to do some safe damage, is there a gimmick I should know? I wasted nearly all my ammo tried to kill that multiarmed chick previously.
Hey, I was curious about chapterI passed it awhile back, but is it possible to stealth kill the enemies in that chapter? I was crouched and behind one that hadn't noticed me but it wouldn't let me. I tried for a good 5 seconds before it turned around and saw me.8.
It feels a lot like their proof of concept stage, it has all of the game's major elements in one very tightly packed area with multiple possible routes. If any area of the game were going to be a demo it should probably be chapter 3.
If you're talking about theI never could the first time you're introduced to them in chapter 7.double-headed things
It feels a lot like their proof of concept stage, it has all of the game's major elements in one very tightly packed area with multiple possible routes. If any area of the game were going to be a demo it should probably be that area.
If any level should have been the level to base the entire game around, it would have been chapter 3.
The art design and atmosphere too.
I wish the entire game stuck to that setting while getting progressively bigger andmore mansions etc
according to the art book, the fake Ruvik is called Mr. UNKNOWN. Ruvik and another subject synchronized at high levels.
Chapter 10 Man,fuck this boss, he's wrecking all of my shit every which way. do I gotta use the cars and wait till he picks em up to do some safe damage, is there a gimmick I should know? I wasted nearly all my ammo tried to kill that multiarmed chick previously.
Yeah, I cut myself off from the media after a certain point, so I was under the impression a large part of the game was going to be like that.
mikami likes to jump around a lot with settings..I guess to "mix things up"
The same thing happened in RE4...I still wish the entire game was in the eastern european/village part.
Yeah I kinda want that art book now. Especially if it has insight on stuff like what they were trying to do, what was scrapped, etc.
Isn't Spain on the western side?
never mind me x]
Been a long time since I played.Yeah its based on spain I think ,so you are correct.
Thanks to the lockers, I think I now have all the bolt types (including DLC, making for a lot of selection), seems pretty early for that.
One of the first things I did was disable the DLC that comes with pre-ordering. I so love that Steam lets you do that.
Easily the worst form of pre-order DLC is the one that gives you bullshit advantages early on in the game. Can't stand that sort of thing and I'm happy completely ignoring it.
Isn't Spain on the western side?
Yeah I kinda want that art book now. Especially if it has insight on stuff like what they were trying to do, what was scrapped, etc.
Quoting just to get your attention.
What's the fastest way to kill those guys I asked about stealth killing? I was using harpoon. It was one harpoon and then a match. Is there a more efficient/economical way of doing it?
Watching people that play THAT badly and then claim the game sucks is whats wrong with players these days. Welcome to true horror!
Quoting just to get your attention.
What's the fastest way to kill those guys I asked about stealth killing? I was using harpoon. It was one harpoon and then a match. Is there a more efficient/economical way of doing it?
At E3 2003, another revision was revealed that is widely known as the "hook man version" now,[50] though officially titled Maboroshi no Biohazard 4 (幻の「バイオハザード4」?, lit. "Hallucination Biohazard 4") on the Biohazard 4 Secret DVD. During Mikami's introduction of the trailer, he assured that development was proceeding very smoothly and claimed the game to be scarier than ever before, warning gamers with the quote "Don't pee your pants!"[50] The story was set in a haunted building where Leon contracted a bizarre disease and fought paranormal enemies, such as animated suits of armor, living dolls, and a ghostlike man armed with a large hook.[44][50] The game had an otherworldly feel to it, containing elements like flashbacks and hallucinations that were marked by a bluish tint and a shaking camera.
The fighting chance dlc does allow access to two bolt types you won't see anywhere else. They're so expensive to craft that I've never actually used them, though.
Watching people that play THAT badly and then claim the game sucks is whats wrong with players these days. Welcome to true horror!
I liked to get them to chase me, shoot them in the leg with my handgun, and then drop a match on them.
I just used shotgun to the face x 2 and if they were not dead a match, or pistol to the legs + match.
Watching people that play THAT badly and then claim the game sucks is whats wrong with players these days. Welcome to true horror!
One of the first things I did was disable the DLC that comes with pre-ordering. I so love that Steam lets you do that.
Easily the worst form of pre-order DLC is the one that gives you bullshit advantages early on in the game. Can't stand that sort of thing and I'm happy completely ignoring it.
I'm not sure you know which enemies I'm referring to. These aren't regular enemies. They will never fall to one handgun shot to the leg, as far as I know. Not even one shotgun blast to the legs was taking them down.
Okay, well I'll just stick with my strat then. I'm fine with harpoons since they're so cheap to make.
I had to stop watching it was too painful.
dont watch my streams then
well I did finish it on survival, so I cant be that bad![]()
mikami likes to jump around a lot with settings..I guess to "mix things up"
The same thing happened in RE4...I still wish the entire game was in the western european/village part.
They will if they're sprinting. That's what I meant by chasing.