Hey, Pitmark! It's fucking fake.
Acting like we don't already kniw wr getting Blissvember
Not that either nope.
Hey, Pitmark! It's fucking fake.
Acting like we don't already kniw wr getting Blissvember
Wait nvm, who's taking care of the OINKtober OT?I'm totally shock no new Halltober thread is up. Usually you guys have a new one 3 days in advance
I'm just trying to keep the snitching honest, brother.Does this mean the thread can't make fun of Jinder anymore?
It has been October all day here.
I am so fucking tired.
I'm just trying to keep the snitching honest, brother.
John Zach LevesqueWait nvm, who's taking care of the OINKtober OT?
America time is tge only real timeIt has been October all day here.
I am so fucking tired.
John Zach Levesque
Come to Parody Thread Urges...Do any of you ever have inconvenient dreams of having sex with a wiener dog?
John Zach Levesque
America time is tge only real time
Yep, first time in months the wife let me have a sleep in, all the way to 9:30am. Just then I had an unexpected nap on the couch for 20 minutes too
Probably due to the long weekend and cold weather. Probably.
The platforming sections in Cuphead are fine but as I thought they seemed totally unnecessary and the boss fight stages are much more fun
so assume my friend wants to buy a bullet club shirt for wear indoors only, far far away from the judging eyes of normal people everywhere
which shirt would funnel the least amount of money to a racist
for my friend
Well that's boring.
When the gameplay videos started surfacing I was left wondering just what the hell they worked on for three years. The music and visuals look great but the game seems incredibly one dimensional. I know most platformers are but there looked to be barely any variance in stage design beyond that he background art.
I was hoping for a Gunstar Heroes style game but it looks to be half that.
Just play the game; it is fun as fuck. Play it and you may not have to lean on 'wondering', 'hopes' , 'seems' and 'looks like' hot takes . The variance is there in abundance in that every challenge is a puzzle unto itself and being able to successfully beat one boss fight or run and gun segment doesn't guarantee your success in the next. It is all designed differently and only your persistence to get better will see you through. It's top 10 of the year.
Nashvember is a wrestlinggaf tradition. If we have to suffer through ultraviolent july then you young buck marks can stomach Nashvember. Rest assured my finger will be on the snitch button come October 31st waiting for any other OT aside from Nashvember.
And that's a SHOOT in honor of Shootember.
i may watch ROH for once
We should call it The November
In honor of The Wrestler
Wait what did I miss? Who's racist?
So it's now October 1st for pretty much everyone, who's slacking and do we take them to WrassleGAF court?
But it's all so wonderful to look at!The platforming sections in Cuphead are fine but as I thought they seemed totally unnecessary and the boss fight stages are much more fun
It's 2nd October here in 90 minutes!
Zach said he was making the thread, then he went to bed.
...is he working us?
Wait ,How is Mickey consider old?