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Should Far Cry 7 include a FC2 remaster?


We all know they've done this before including Far Cry 3 remastered and blood dragon with ultimate editions of their new games like FC5/6.

A lot of series fans have never experienced Far Cry 2 which was the birth of the modern far cry formula. A 4k 60fps remaster with some QOL changes would be perfect. Obviously it wouldn't include the online.

What do you think gaf? Yay or nay?


Nay. I'd rather they don't touch it. If you think about Ubisoft as a company it's a miracle Far Cry 2 even got made. It's a product of its time and as there as many people that love it there's just as many that hate it.

Personally, I loved it. It's probably one of the most divisive shooters of the X360/PS3 era. And given the current landscape of gaming it's best left in the past.

Far Cry 2 deserves more than a remaster, they should remake it. Keep the grit, don’t include any of the bloated crap from the recent games.
Definitely agree. If it was remade by the right people and the recent Far Cry open world bloat was left out, it could be interesting.



Far Cry 2 is the best Far Cry to be honest when it comes to setting and plot, even gunplay. The series jumped the shark after 3.


FC2 has its issues, but the setting is still incredibly interesting. I'd replay it even as a standalone release.


It should include a good fc game first and foremost.

Also not a great fan of fc2 other than some neat things like fire propagation etc.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
Works for me, but then I never pay more than $20 or $30 for ubisoft games since they drop in price so fast.
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Reminder: You can play the Xbox360 original on Series X. It's not especially enhanced, but does run at a solid 30fps (instead of the 15-25fps it often bumped along at originally). Still plays really well.

*edit* Good ol' XBone also plays it nicely.
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As someone who's play FC2 recently, no. You don't wanna replay the maleria game.
Plus it's set in Africa, so expect articles from IGN/Kotaku about racism.


which was the birth of the modern far cry formula
It's Far Cry 3 not Far Cry 2. Far Cry 2 didn't have the concept of clearing the map with points of interest.

And they would never remake it and "leave the bloat out of it", not a chance. So they better not do it.


Far Cry 2 would need more than a full remake,it would need a reworking as the original is far too racist by making you kill black people in Africa. -IGN
We all know they've done this before including Far Cry 3 remastered and blood dragon with ultimate editions of their new games like FC5/6.

A lot of series fans have never experienced Far Cry 2 which was the birth of the modern far cry formula. A 4k 60fps remaster with some QOL changes would be perfect. Obviously it wouldn't include the online.

What do you think gaf? Yay or nay?
Absolutely not. I don't want Ubisoft to touch that game with a 10ft pole. They would ruin it.

There is definitely a demand for a new version of Far cry 2. A spiritual successor has to be made.


We all know they've done this before including Far Cry 3 remastered and blood dragon with ultimate editions of their new games like FC5/6.

A lot of series fans have never experienced Far Cry 2 which was the birth of the modern far cry formula. A 4k 60fps remaster with some QOL changes would be perfect. Obviously it wouldn't include the online.

What do you think gaf? Yay or nay?
I honestly consider the best FC is 2, and then 3 for some silly reasons. but again, i dont like ubisoft recent bad decisions. I already choose to not buy any games from them, even if its FC2, which is my fave game from Ubi beside Wildlands


Far Cry 2 had some great ideas and nice settings. But the execution wasn't so good. AI particularly was terrible, specially summed up to infinity spawning enemies.

If I remember it right, as soon as one enemy spotted you, you couldn't hide anymore and all enemies in the area would automatically chase you, and that made encounters annoying.

Particularly, I think the best thing is to keep moving forward. No waste of time and resources on remaking or remastering it.
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Why would they do that when they can remaster it a bit call it Super Duper Edition and charge you 70 euros for it? You know theres consumers here and out there that would preorder that shit. Dumb people exist and as long as they do, corporations will cheap out as much as possible. Gaming isnt fun anymore, it's a product that needs to sell or else. Ubisoft stopped making fun games a while ago.


Enough time has passed people are actually viewing FC2 in a positive light.

Game was just as repetitive (if not more so) than all the other Far Cry games.


Far Cry 7 must be different, FC6 is a bittersweet experience a boring one because once You get the weapons of the firsth chapter (island) You can basically end the Game without the need of new ones. It's fun because the set and gameplay elements. The story is bland , no great characters.besides Main enemy.

The problem with FC is that is just a sandbox Open world Game like Just Cause

FC7 must have way less Side missions , less collectibles , a huge focus on Main story and get deeper on weapon/armor customización that really makes You feel that a long quest for a new weapon was worth.

FC7 should include more Survivor elements and return to the original one when You are left alone on an rich Open world with little or not towns and useless NPCs with lame stories and lame Side missions.
FC2 was super immersive for me. I'm not sure if it was the audio, the setting or the story but I was all in. Messing with the AI, starting fires and boating down a river at night. Couldn't get into the other's like I did with 2. It was janky as shit and I played it on PS3 but it was a solid experience, respawning enemies and all.

I would gladly take a proper remake or remaster.


I would love to see a version of the game with the mechanical improvements they made in FC3. I tried playing it twice, but when I kept getting shot out of a moving car and killed by people in an area that's supposed to be friendly to me, I got annoyed and quit. If it had the standard Outpost mechanic, and if I could get some decent weapons at the beginning of the game, it might be worth playing.

I've never checked to see if the PC version got mods along these lines. Maybe someone has already done this work?


The lack of love for Far Cry 1 is disturbing. It desperately needs a remaster. The game still looks decent cranked up on PC and it's over 20 years old now. The later levels are a bit clunky, and the game goes off the rails a bit once the mutants start showing up, but it's a really fun game IMO.
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Yeah I don't get the love at all - It's a crap game
"But the guns exploding is fun!" - No it's not, it's an awful mechanic.
"The fire is so cool!" - Great? But it's not the whole game

The respawning bases and the constant driving for hours was just annoying as hell.
The one thing from FC 2 other entries should have included was the map itself being in-world. It kept you immersed in the experience, as things could still happen while you're looking down at it, compared to Far Cry afterwards where it was just another menu. I'd even argue it feels better than opening a menu and seeing a million icons, in typical Ubisoft fashion.


I kind of agree about your other points. The fire effect was also in Far Cry 3 and it could still engulf a large amount of bases in that game, but it was tweaked to be slightly less insane which made it seem weaker than 2. I'm indifferent towards the gun jams, so I can see how some would like it as an added RNG element to battles, and I can see how some would hate it. It wouldn't have fit the area design and enemy design of FC 3 anyway.
The lack of love for Far Cry 1 is disturbing. It desperately needs a remaster. The game still looks decent cranked up on PC and it's over 20 years old now. The later levels are a bit clunky, and the game goes off the rails a bit once the mutants start showing up, but it's a really fun game IMO.

It did have a remaster. I played it recently on Xbox Series X.


It even had an alternate version, SNES/Sega Genesis style:


And that version had it's own sequel.

The problem with the 'Classic' remaster series that the OP is pointing out, is that they skipped FC 2 Classic and went straight to FC 3 Classic.
I never played FC2 but all I've seen made it appear like a polished version of Boiling Point with some remnants of FC1's style. Not really interested in that. A FC1 remake though should be fun. Doom3, HL2 and FC1 were all great and pushing the tech and the genre. (edit: and Fear... those were imho the last games that actually improved the genre)
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I'd say FC2 is the dictionary definition of rose-tinted glasses effect, I played it at release and at the time it was cool because open world games were new but it had so many issues, most things in the game were annoying, not working properly or just rubbish.

Far Cry 3 was much better, then 4 improved it slightly and 5 near perfected what they were trying to do with the main narrative + open world gameplay. Sure being drawn into the main missions when you were having fun was annoying but it also pushed things along so you could get back to the funner part.

Dr. Suchong

I'd actually welcome it.
I never finished it on Ps3 because of game breaking glitches at several points of competition percentage, that were (to my knowledge) never patched.
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best in the series back when Ubi pushed the limits of gaming
I just finished FC 3 Classic last week and I really want to make an argument in regards to Ubi pushing limits, specifically with Vaas and how he was such a captivatingly grounded mocap/voiceover villain performance, during a time where games weren't really known for grounded performances.

However, I'm not sure if another dev beat them to the punch. I know that MGS series had mocap/VO but they always felt over the top/anime in many ways comparatively.


Far Cry 2 had some great ideas and nice settings. But the execution wasn't so good. AI particularly was terrible, specially summed up to infinity spawning enemies.

If I remember it right, as soon as one enemy spotted you, you couldn't hide anymore and all enemies in the area would automatically chase you, and that made encounters annoying.

Particularly, I think the best thing is to keep moving forward. No waste of time and resources on remaking or remastering it.
You describe FC 3, enemy in 2 doesnt magically locate You, 3 did that, even with supressor equipped. They had hundred metres vision even if You are inside bushes.


Sure. It should also include remasters of Far Crys 1-6 because why not?
Far cry 2 can't be played on modern consoles but 3-6 can. Every far cry except 2 you can platinum because servers are gone. Far Cry 3 already got a remaster port. Far Cry 2 didn't. They should do a basic remaster (res + FPS) bump of FC1+2 to make them playable for most console gamers. Porting the pc version would be even easier and I'm assuming a better version anyway.
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