Mama Smurf
My penis is still intact.
Alright, I guess it started when we first heard about the system and then really came out at E3, but with the system set to launch in 4 months, shouldn't Nintendo be, you know...releasing media etc?
The E3 unveiling was good, but Nintendo themselves admitted they were mainly showing off how the touchscreen can be used, rather than games for it (though some of them coincided). And it's not just Nintendo, it's 3rd parties too. Everyone seems quiet. Nintendo have always been pretty secretive, but it's obvious they haven't given the go ahead for 3rd parties to release media, because we always see things when they're allowed. Some 3rd parties might not be ready, but there'll be smaller teams out there who'd show their game off early if they could to try and get some exposure before the big guns hit.
Hell, we haven't even seen the final design of the DS yet according to Nintendo. When's that going to be shown? It'll probably be tiny changes, maybe a place for the stylus etc., but we could do with seeing it. We don't even know the final name 4 months before release!
When are we going to hear about a launch lineup? Will MP: Hunters be ready for launch? They hadn't even started on the single player game they intended to put in, if what we heard at E3 is true. Is Pictochat going to be built in or will we have to buy it separately (no one will)?
How much will the system cost? How much will the games cost? There's so much we don't know so close to release.
Surely Nintendo are going to start showing things within the next month. We saw very early videos of Mario Kart and Mario Bros. 4, we could do with seeing updated versions of those. Animal Crossing didn't seem to get much attention beyond a short video. Is it brand new or an N64 port? Can we go online (with any game straight away, not just AC)? What the hell is Nintendogs? It was mentioned a few times throughout E3, but I don't believe it was shown.
I keep worrying that it's going to be delayed, but then I think how it is backwards compatible for a start, so that's a lot of games that'll run on it (that's not great I know), Wario Ware appears to take no time at all to make so that'll be at launch, Animal Crossing shouldn't be hard to get out if it's a port of the N64 engine, Super Mario 64x4 seemed pretty far along (though I'm not sure how big the game's supposed to be), Pictochat seemed finished, and a few of the third party games (Pac-Pix, Pac'n Roll, Bomberman) were either pretty far along or won't take long to make.
In conclusion...hurry up Nintendo you bitches, I'm bored, release the damn information and media.
The E3 unveiling was good, but Nintendo themselves admitted they were mainly showing off how the touchscreen can be used, rather than games for it (though some of them coincided). And it's not just Nintendo, it's 3rd parties too. Everyone seems quiet. Nintendo have always been pretty secretive, but it's obvious they haven't given the go ahead for 3rd parties to release media, because we always see things when they're allowed. Some 3rd parties might not be ready, but there'll be smaller teams out there who'd show their game off early if they could to try and get some exposure before the big guns hit.
Hell, we haven't even seen the final design of the DS yet according to Nintendo. When's that going to be shown? It'll probably be tiny changes, maybe a place for the stylus etc., but we could do with seeing it. We don't even know the final name 4 months before release!
When are we going to hear about a launch lineup? Will MP: Hunters be ready for launch? They hadn't even started on the single player game they intended to put in, if what we heard at E3 is true. Is Pictochat going to be built in or will we have to buy it separately (no one will)?
How much will the system cost? How much will the games cost? There's so much we don't know so close to release.
Surely Nintendo are going to start showing things within the next month. We saw very early videos of Mario Kart and Mario Bros. 4, we could do with seeing updated versions of those. Animal Crossing didn't seem to get much attention beyond a short video. Is it brand new or an N64 port? Can we go online (with any game straight away, not just AC)? What the hell is Nintendogs? It was mentioned a few times throughout E3, but I don't believe it was shown.
I keep worrying that it's going to be delayed, but then I think how it is backwards compatible for a start, so that's a lot of games that'll run on it (that's not great I know), Wario Ware appears to take no time at all to make so that'll be at launch, Animal Crossing shouldn't be hard to get out if it's a port of the N64 engine, Super Mario 64x4 seemed pretty far along (though I'm not sure how big the game's supposed to be), Pictochat seemed finished, and a few of the third party games (Pac-Pix, Pac'n Roll, Bomberman) were either pretty far along or won't take long to make.
In conclusion...hurry up Nintendo you bitches, I'm bored, release the damn information and media.