Never apologize for the noise effect. I don't see how anyone plays 2 or 3 without it. Gorgeous screens.
Don't know if this needs a new thread but Eurogamer has put up a long article regarding the wrongs on HD collection.
They should end with "poorer than the Antikythera mechanism"I'm hoping this thread title makes an ENIAC reference at some point.
They should end with "poorer than the Antikythera mechanism"
Since I don't have a ps2 or a PC to play these I went out in search for a copy.....no luck whatsoever .....tried many different stores.....I could find it for 360 but not ps3.
The guy at best buy said they pulled the ps3 copies....so maybe something will happen?
I just wanna play the games....lol
The new ones are better in SH2 in my opinion, don't let nostalgia fool you.
For Silent Hill 3, the problem with the news ones is that they're not properly synced especially the last stage.
Running around town aimlessly and then into an apartment building as blobs spray me as my radio warns me whenever one is near is kind of... boring.
I just finished 3 on the PC and I've no idea what you mean by that. I think you'll find that's not the case when you revisit it. 3 is no more combat heavy than 2. You can avoid combat at nearly every turn outside of the boss battles.hertog said:I borrowed it from a friend, but I was disappointed in how combat-heavy this game was.
The DF comparison video is great. Shows how big of a mess they did with the fog.
"That shadow just now..." No it's not a shadow, it's a fucking monster because now it's as plain as day to see!
those SH3 otherworld pics make me so fucking livid at how the otherworld in Downpour turned out. :'(I just finished 3 on the PC and I've no idea what you mean by that. I think you'll find that's not the case when you revisit it. 3 is no more combat heavy than 2. You can avoid combat at nearly every turn outside of the boss battles.
On that subject, I took some shots of 3 running at 1080p on my rig. It's amazing how well the game holds up visually.
(made them links so as to not throw off the page view)
The DF comparison video is great. Shows how big of a mess they did with the fog.
"That shadow just now..." No it's not a shadow, it's a fucking monster because now it's as plain as day to see!
Yep, I noticed this and pointed it out earlier in the thread as well. It's a damn mess.
I'm glad I rented it rather than bought, but damn.. I really wanted to play SH3 again (sold my copy years ago). I'm holding onto hope for a patch but I might as well just send it back until that happens... IF that happens, I should say.
Will I miss out on anything if I put the combat on easy or beginner, just to mitigate the clunky combat? Are the puzzles more interesting on hard?
Will I miss out on anything if I put the combat on easy or beginner, just to mitigate the clunky combat? Are the puzzles more interesting on hard?
The puzzles only change in SH3 with higher difficulty levels, and there are separate difficulty level options for puzzles and for combat.
Will I miss out on anything if I put the combat on easy or beginner, just to mitigate the clunky combat? Are the puzzles more interesting on hard?
In SH3, the puzzles become holyshit mindfucks, for example the first puzzle you must read passages from Shakespeare and hope you can come up with a four-digit code from the info within. That is the first puzzle in the game.
I recommend playing SH's on higher combat difficulties, I always found the combat more urgent and oppressing than "clunky"![]()
The puzzles change in SH2 as well. The wallet you grab out of the toilet with the combination to the safe becomes a puzzle on the hard or extra riddle difficulty. The other puzzles have riddles which are more cryptic and require more thought that what you get on normal or easy.
Wow, is that right? It's been so damn long since I played SH2 :/
I should go back and unlock all of the endings. Man, I miss this series...
The different difficulty settings for combat and riddles was one of my favorite things about these games.
and always that sudden wall of white...
in the video you can also see some interesting ideas about how light&shadows work...
ha-ha indeed
I know I'm probably one of those annoying "not seeing the forest for the trees" guys, but I just spent the better part of half an hour running around trying to figure out what to do, only to have to check a FAQ and realise that a door previously locked randomly unlocked itself without telling me after a story event. That sucked.
After meeting Eddie, Angela's room unlocked itself.
Is there a decent rule of thumb for knowing which doors are usable when outside?
I played the game a dozen times and I had no idea that there were any magic door shenanigans at work, but I guess it makes sense that the game wouldn't let you proceed to any plot critical rooms without clearing certain conditions, or at least not without being super obvious about it.
The best way to go about any indoor area in silent hill is to tackle them floor by floor. Check every single door and scour each open room before you move on to the next. If you play like that you won't miss anything. The map auto-updates itself and marks all doors you check with an X if it will never open.
Don't know if this needs a new thread but Eurogamer has put up a long article regarding the wrongs on HD collection.
in the video you can also see some interesting ideas about how light&shadows work...
ha-ha indeed
How many Silent Hill games offer the puzzle difficulty levels? There's Silent Hill 2, 3 and Downpour, but I know The Room and the first game only have the action level difficulty. I've played Origins and Shattered Memories, but I don't remember if they offered the puzzle difficultly levels.
0rigins and Homecoming don't let you select puzzle difficulty, only combat difficulty. Shattered Memories has no difficulty at all from what I can remember.
slight correction.
Silent Hill HD Collection |OT| First game to ever be ported to stone tablets
slight correction.
I enjoyed the hospital a lot more than the apartment building. It's a shame, though, I'm not really feeling the general atmosphere of the game anywhere near as much as I expect I would have back when this game was first released.
I enjoyed the hospital a lot more than the apartment building. It's a shame, though, I'm not really feeling the general atmosphere of the game anywhere near as much as I expect I would have back when this game was first released.
The Director's Cut version for PS2 and the PC version should both be available on Amazon/eBay, although the latter may be pricey.well, is there another easy to find, legally available version of SH2 that I can play on my consoles or PC?