I think we should come up with some sort of plan, e.g. For Utilities

Split them up and stuff.
Theorycrafting time:
It would seem like the advanced utilities should be shared, to make the most out of them, since they are so expensive. It would be hard for any single city to sustain all of those at once in the same city, although it is possible. In Beta 3, I had the advanced hospital, fire department, and police station working within the budget of a 120k population city.
Those utilities should probably be put in the city that would synergize with its specialization the most.
So like....
A dirty city with lots of industrial should probably have the advanced fire station since the hazmat extension will help put out all the hazmat fires from dirty high density industrial buildings.
That dirty city should probably be established in a city with coal or oil, since you can then use the mined resources to cheaply power some oil or coal power plants and help to provide cheap power to the rest of the cluster. Also, the extra pollution wouldn't matter that much since you're dirty anyways.
The dirty city/cities could also handle most of the garbage collection in the beginning, since they could burn the garbage.
Cities with lots of water should try their best to pump it and provide extra to other cities.
Cities with no or little water should probably handle sewage treatment instead since it can use the water reclaimed from the treated sewage, and then import the rest of the water from other cities with a better water table.
The advanced police station should probably be established in a casino city since it will need all the help it can get to combat crime.
I guess it wouldn't really matter where the advanced hospital should be.
The town who specializes in the university should make sure that it has multiple ways for students to get to the university from other cities.
The nuclear power plants should be established in the city with the most educated sims (probably the university city)
The city that specializes in electronics should probably also handle the main recycling center, since it produces resources to be used in electronics manufacturing.
Even though another city has the advanced utility building and is sending you services, you still might need to supplement your own city with a basic building just in case, if needed.