Haha, same here. Almost there now though!
Yeah, if the proxy works![]()
Weird. I demanded the CAGROCKS discount be applied to my new order and they just gave me $20 worth of promotional credit which I applied when I reordered the game. I just used the email support to they were suprisingly fast and helpful. I'm not in the US either, but meh, money is money to them.
So is the Digital Delux version worth it? I rather buy a physical copy of the game but they are offering $20 off your next purchase on Origin so I'm not sure on what to do here.
So is the Digital Delux version worth it? I rather buy a physical copy of the game but they are offering $20 off your next purchase on Origin so I'm not sure on what to do here.
How many people still want to join GAF regions?
If there's enough of them I'll just open a new region. Titan Gorge (3)
Viridian Woods #2
Lancaster Pointe - (GAF) Arcticfox (Origin) Arcticfox24
Yorkshire Cliffs - (GAF) StevieP (Origin) ???
Tudor Isle - (GAF) Soi-Fong (Origin) Moki-asa
Wessex Bend - (GAF) Reluctant-Hero (Origin) Reluctant-Hero
Traviata Knoll - (GAF) StUnNeR H2K (Origin) StUnNeR-H2K
Giovanni Woods - (GAF) The Wizard (Origin) DeadPixelOrigin
Figaro Forest - (GAF) Pyrogeek (Origin) Joby21
Tosca Cliffs - (GAF) Snuggler (Origin) Snuggler666
Straussburg Isles - (GAF) JordanKZ (Origin) J0rdan_KZ
Burghausen Hills - (GAF) Norante (Origin) Norantus
Bamberg Basin - (GAF) Spazo (Origin) SpazoQC
Hohenburg Shores - (GAF) froliq (Origin) frolique
Matisse Plains - (GAF) Dr.Palutena (Origin) DrPalutena
Gaugin Valley - (GAF) sdornan (Origin) sdornan
Rousseau Flats - (GAF) RedWaltz79 (Origin) RedWaltz
Monet Plateau - (GAF) sl4yor (Origin) Tabzor
Has anyone seen any of the skin sets in action in a gameplay video? Mostly interested in the double decker busses.
Viridian Woods #2 UPDATE - Anything BOLD/UNDERLINE has been updated/changed. We have a few new players. I'm also PM'ing everyone with details I collected in the original PM I sent to everyone.
Not sure on the cheapest way to go about it, but keep in mind that it's $20 bucks on a specific list of games and it expires on March 18th.
I don't get it, can I buy Sim City for 20 off?
I don't get it, can I buy Sim City for 20 off?
I don't understand how the deluxe edition could be worth 20$ more. The landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Berlin Gate and Big Ben) are nice but useless, there's already a bunch of landmarks in the game that serve the exact purpose (and they all take so much place that I'm not sure I want them in my city unless I'm 100% focused on tourism).
The buses and train are the only thing of value imo and even then, it's a minor thing.
If it was a 5$ DLC then sure I'd go for it but I would never pay 20$ for that.
I don't understand how the deluxe edition could be worth 20$ more. The landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Berlin Gate and Big Ben) are nice but useless, there's already a bunch of landmarks in the game that serve the exact purpose (and they all take so much place that I'm not sure I want them in my city unless I'm 100% focused on tourism).
The buses and train are the only thing of value imo and even then, it's a minor thing.
If it was a 5$ DLC then sure I'd go for it but I would never pay 20$ for that.
I don't understand how the deluxe edition could be worth 20$ more. The landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Berlin Gate and Big Ben) are nice but useless, there's already a bunch of landmarks in the game that serve the exact purpose (and they all take so much place that I'm not sure I want them in my city unless I'm 100% focused on tourism).
The buses and train are the only thing of value imo and even then, it's a minor thing.
If it was a 5$ DLC then sure I'd go for it but I would never pay 20$ for that.
any one know the first country that get the game unlocked through Origin ?
We could use VPN to unlock the game early tomorow... from what i understand it,s actually legal but ''unappreciated'' by EA.
did it for ME3 worked like a charm XD
This man is on to something here...
Showing a willingness to pay $20, TWENTY dollars for 3 landmarks is setting a bad precedent. How much will the inevitable highway and farm expansions cost, $200 bucks??? Lol...
Pretty sure all the DD upgrades have gone down in price over time? When they do a price drop on the game it'll also adjust accordingly.I don't understand how the deluxe edition could be worth 20$ more. The landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Berlin Gate and Big Ben) are nice but useless, there's already a bunch of landmarks in the game that serve the exact purpose (and they all take so much place that I'm not sure I want them in my city unless I'm 100% focused on tourism).
The buses and train are the only thing of value imo and even then, it's a minor thing.
If it was a 5$ DLC then sure I'd go for it but I would never pay 20$ for that.
There's also the theme building skins that appear with the culturally appropriate landmark.
I think it's overpriced too, but I still bought it![]()
Agreed, was overpriced but I purchased it anyway.
This man is on to something here...
Showing a willingness to pay $20, TWENTY dollars for 3 landmarks is setting a bad precedent. How much will the inevitable highway and farm expansions cost, $200 bucks??? Lol...
How many people still want to join GAF regions?
If there's enough of them I'll just open a new region. Titan Gorge (3)
That's how EA makes the big bucks.![]()
I'm thinking about it, but how often would I have to play, sometimes I have a life. lol
That's the nice thing about the asynchronous multiplayer. You don't necessarily have to play it as much as everyone else. But it can get to a point where it will be detrimental to others, if the time disparity is that severe, and especially if others rely on you for specific cervixes.
How does it work if someone uses cheetah speed compared to someone that uses Llama speed? Hard to describe but won't someone progress a lot faster within the region compared to someone else in the region that is using Llama speed?
How does it work if someone uses cheetah speed compared to someone that uses Llama speed? Hard to describe but won't someone progress a lot faster within the region compared to someone else in the region that is using Llama speed?
How does it work if someone uses cheetah speed compared to someone that uses Llama speed? Hard to describe but won't someone progress a lot faster within the region compared to someone else in the region that is using Llama speed?
Well my plan is grabbing the digital version off Amazon ($45 with the discount) and if I want more -- upgrade to the DD here for another $20.
Totally forgot this was coming out so soon until I saw this thread bumped. What discount on Amazon? I'd like to pick the game up but I'm reluctant at $60.
Discovery Delta 3
CheeseTom (please check if misspeled)
Yeah I know its more than JUST the landmarks but it still sets a terrible precident.
People are basically saying "Yes EA, I'm willing to spend 1/3rd the price of the game for 3 landmarks and a few other small, minor things."
The proportional value of content compared to what you get in the game is like 1/200. Meaning the whole European landmark thing should cost 5 bucks or under.
There was an error that got some people a discount. But Amazon is offering 20 dollar gift card basically if you buy the game
If it worked on Kindle Books I'd happily pick it up but I don't use Amazon frequently enough for anything else to make the credit worth much. I'd rather just wait for it to be discounted.
I am pretty sure it works on anything sold on Amazon.com. It is just general Amazon credit.