So I just got invited in to a beta today. Is it the same as the 2nd one? I assume it lasts until launch.
So I just got invited in to a beta today. Is it the same as the 2nd one? I assume it lasts until launch.
Added a new Community section with a link to a spreadsheet where everyone's Origin usernames will go. PM me your GAF, Origin and real world region and I'll put it in as soon as possible.
Looking for people to collaborate with this so if anyone wants to help out, PM me!![]()
GAF-Name Origin-Name
*Rentahamster Rentahamster
*FearMyWrench FearMyWrench
*saunderez saunderez
Fixed1979 Fixed1979
*FuzzyNorman Absolute22
*Smiley90 Smiley90
*AppleMIX AppleMIXX
Felix Lighter FelixLighter
Stasis ??
Notrollius ??
Cripterion ??
Nero3000 Oren3000
Metalmurphy ?? (+1 if possible)
Burgess_101 Burgess_101
Rs4 Rsfour
Pyrogeek Joby21
*Moaradin Moaradin
Snuggler Snuggler666
Liquidsword Liquidsword98
Phreaker Phreakerz
Reluctant-Hero Reluctant-H
LyleLanley MelvinVanHorne
Got The Shakes GotTheShakes
mikekennyb mikekennyb
4 hours? :/From OP:
Closed beta tonight, Feb 27th, from 5pm PST to 9pm PST. Full game unlocked, play for the whole 4 hours uninterrupted! Check your email!
If I missed people or if you want to add your origin nick, or if you're also in for today's beta, just post here. Cjdamon, you're more than welcome to copy paste this.
WAtching the stream right now. I love the building upgrade system overall but that big park look terrible lol.
Alright, I went through all the posts again and update my signup sheet, asterix marks those who are in for the beta as well!
Code:GAF-Name Origin-Name *Rentahamster Rentahamster *FearMyWrench FearMyWrench *saunderez saunderez Fixed1979 Fixed1979 *FuzzyNorman Absolute22 *Smiley90 Smiley90 *AppleMIX AppleMIXX Felix Lighter FelixLighter Stasis ?? Notrollius ?? Cripterion ?? Nero3000 Oren3000 Metalmurphy ?? (+1 if possible) Burgess_101 Burgess_101 Rs4 Rsfour Pyrogeek Joby21 *Moaradin Moaradin Snuggler Snuggler666 Liquidsword. Liquidsword98
If I missed people or if you want to add your origin nick, or if you're also in for today's beta, just post here. Cjdamon, you're more than welcome to copy paste this.
I'll get to editing it properly when home...
GODDAM, fucking EA ! Was looking at simcity in gmg just yesterday, was 45 Euros with the voucher i think, today it does not show up for me anymore..... FUUUUUUUUUU, i just cant justify 60 Euros for it, any legit place to get the game cheaper elsewhere ?
I got it from a place called gamehold for £29.17 (its £2 more for the limited edition).
Question is though, will it work on my Origin account, as far as i can tell, UK=/= Europe ?
Silly question: I just pre-ordered with Amazon. Do I get automatic entry into the next beta? If so, when is the next one?
Question is though, will it work on my Origin account, as far as i can tell, UK=/= Europe ?
Even if googling, i cant find the place, link ?
Thanks, no idea how trustworthy it is though, might bite in the end after all, still got some time.
I got a code for tonights beta, is there anywhere I can download the game before it starts?
Did you get your code already? Or just the confirmation that you WILL get a code? If you already have it, you should be able to put it into origin and start downloading.
Damnit just a confirmation![]()
I haven't gotten my code yet, either. I don't think anyone has.
For our beta region, are we laying out any ground rules? I'm thinking that since we only have 4 hours, to just let everyone do whatever the hell they wanna do. Organized stuff can be saved for the real game next week.
Just play nice, and feel free to fuck up your own city if you want to test things out, but just make sure that your actions won't detrimentally affect the other people in our region.
Quick question about the multiplayer:
Will you be able to interact with other player's cities that you don't know? Meaning, is multiplayer/online only with friends, or will it just place your city next to other cities of other people playing online?
You're free to either join a private region (just yourself), a region with friends and no strangers, or a random region with strangers. Your choice.
Alright, I went through all the posts again and update my signup sheet, asterix marks those who are in for the beta as well!
Code:GAF-Name Origin-Name *Rentahamster Rentahamster *FearMyWrench FearMyWrench *saunderez saunderez Fixed1979 Fixed1979 *FuzzyNorman Absolute22 *Smiley90 Smiley90 *AppleMIX AppleMIXX Felix Lighter FelixLighter Stasis ?? Notrollius ?? Cripterion ?? Nero3000 Oren3000 Metalmurphy ?? (+1 if possible) Burgess_101 Burgess_101 Rs4 Rsfour Pyrogeek Joby21 *Moaradin Moaradin Snuggler Snuggler666 Liquidsword Liquidsword98 Phreaker Phreakerz Reluctant-Hero Reluctant-H LyleLanley MelvinVanHorne
If I missed people or if you want to add your origin nick, or if you're also in for today's beta, just post here. Cjdamon, you're more than welcome to copy paste this.
I'll get to editing it properly when home...
Awesome!!! TYVM..Sounds fun. This won't be available on Steam will it? I'd rather not have to buy a physical copy, but I don't want to bother with Origin.
Glad some of you are enjoying the stream (sorry about the park layout ;]) tomorrow is going to be exciting. Just you wait.
Any idea when keys will be distributed?
Oh wow is there another beta? Hopfully I'll get into it, shame the timing is a bit werid, its probably something stupid like in the wee hours of the morning for me :|
You should get them around 430.![]()
Code:GAF-Name Origin-Name *Rentahamster Rentahamster *FearMyWrench FearMyWrench *saunderez saunderez Fixed1979 Fixed1979 *FuzzyNorman Absolute22 *Smiley90 Smiley90 *AppleMIX AppleMIXX Felix Lighter FelixLighter Stasis ?? Notrollius ?? Cripterion ?? Nero3000 Oren3000 Metalmurphy ?? (+1 if possible) Burgess_101 Burgess_101 Rs4 Rsfour Pyrogeek Joby21 *Moaradin Moaradin Snuggler Snuggler666 Liquidsword Liquidsword98 Phreaker Phreakerz Reluctant-Hero Reluctant-H LyleLanley MelvinVanHorne
I never order physical copies but if the key can be plopped into Origin, it might be worth it for the credit. Forget using an actual disc, though, ew.
GAF: Snuggler
Origin: Snuggler666
Add me to the group since I'll likely be on board day one. I apologize in advance for all of the future pollution and crime leaking from my city.
It starts in an hour... They sent out emails who will get in yesterday though, so you're probably out of luck :/