well, back to random guessing then.
Maybe people born after Labor Day are the ones affected. So, any September-December people have downloads?
well, back to random guessing then.
Maybe people born after Labor Day are the ones affected. So, any September-December people have downloads?
R. Chase Razabdouski ‏@ChaseRaz
Watching my article analytics on the #Origin #SimCity fail... problem seems worst in the southeast U.S. http://www.examiner.com/article/ea-s-origin-game-platform-fails-to-launch-simcity-on-time
I've seen someone say that they've been rolling through their Deluxe Preorders first, and just now getting to the Limited versions.
So, question is, the people that got on earlier, were they all deluxe owners or not.
Laptop kept cutting out after I increased graphic settings, re-applied thermal paste, now downloading latest ATI drivers.........the game did warn me about my old drivers at the start.......
Followed another GAFers advice on picking up a cdkey early, getting constant delays now after they took my money. My bad really, should of just waited patiently for the 8th....
Heh, this guy mentions the Southeast being the worse.
Dammit, EA, stop being Stateist like 80% of NeoGAF!
Yeah same for me, got a early e-mail about 24 hours bla bla bla.
Wonder how long we'll have to wait for a paid expansion to literally expand your cities into something reasonable. The abrupt end of cities in these screenshots is awful.
Edit: Can a neighbor build up to that line on your border and make the illusion of a large city?
Wonder how long we'll have to wait for a paid expansion to literally expand your cities into something reasonable. The abrupt end of cities in these screenshots is awful.
Edit: Can a neighbor build up to that line on your border and make the illusion of a large city?
I preordered months ago and the game is still locked for me. I am in Washington state.
Hate you!
What's the point then? Might as well be playing on an island chain. Sigh.No that's the reason why the region view looks absolutely ridiculous with the large streets going between each city and nothing else connecting them.
Quoting for new page!
Downloaded and installed the game but the screen goes blank for a few second and then nothing happens. I see the icon for the game at the bottom butI can't switch to it.
Windows 7, 64 bit, AMD Radeon 4000 series. two monitors
what gives?
Weren't we going to wait till everyone has the game?
Someone tell me this is not the maximum size of cities. If it is, no buy from me.
Someone tell me this is not the maximum size of cities. If it is, no buy from me.
Jump out of dual monitor mode until you get in the game?
There was only 1 person that mentioned they weren't getting the game until in 2 days, so we figured we'd just start anyway.
Someone tell me this is not the maximum size of cities. If it is, no buy from me.
Sooo I'm a little late but reading the last few pages is tonight a bad time to impulse buy the LE from Origin? Is this a Diablo 3-style wait until tomorrow thing? or is it select relailers having problems?
Holy shit.Sadly yes for now, although they say they're looking into changing(chargingit. Keep in mind it's balanced somewhat by the fact that you're controlling multiple cities/playing online but it is definitively a shame.
At 60%, any Discovery Delta 2 people got it downloaded/created the server? Also, what region to join?
Sadly yes for now, although they say they're looking into changing(chargingit. Keep in mind it's balanced somewhat by the fact that you're controlling multiple cities/playing online but it is definitively a shame.