Ville Pukema
The hell is that screaming/moaning? are you watching porn/hentai while you play?
Some sim on Drizzle's stream has apparently been giving birth for the last 10 minutes :lol
The hell is that screaming/moaning? are you watching porn/hentai while you play?![]()
I have been playing. Which server?
The hell is that screaming/moaning? are you watching porn/hentai while you play?![]()
My first city is horrific, traffic infrastructure is a mess and the zoning is just haphazard lol. Love the look of the game though.
Reminder for new page and all:
People from VIRIDIAN WOODS #1: please make sure to join NA EAST 1 server, that's where our region is set up! I invited those that were ingame and on the right server last night, I can't send invites to those on other servers! I will send out more invites when I get back home tonight (6.30pm PST ish)
(Saw your post Stasis)
Also, the game is TONS of fun, although I'm running into trouble with my first city. Oh wellll :x
Has Viridian Woods 1 been created already?
Nope, not the GAF regions, just playing in a private region with a couple of my buddiesWow, those are awesome region view screenshots. Love the look of the first one especially, the night time shot.
Is this on one of the GAF regions, a public region, or are you playing a private region by yourself?
I'm playing, but had the time to play the tutorial only. As fas as I know, there's no server in Brazil or South America. Maybe we'll have to connect to the North American servers instead? I'll check it tonight as soon as I get home from work.I received the origin e-mail now, but will probably have time to install/play only on the weekend
Any Brazilians playing? Is there a Brazil/South America server?
US East Coast. When did you log in first?
I just logged in... still doesn't show that you have played the game. So it won't let me invite. I guess you need to log into the correct server?
Bummer :/
Do people from EU want to create a new region? We should be able to get enough people together.
Soo, I've gotten the game downloaded and everything, but I can't get into my city at all.
Someone claimed my city and then abandoned it, but now I don't have access to it. I'm thinking it's a LE and DD issue even though I already bought the upgrade to DD.
I'm wondering if I can take one of the other cities...
You can just join the NA east server? It's not like this is an FPS where latency is an issue.
You can just join the NA east server? It's not like this is an FPS where latency is an issue.
Requoting for the new page just if anyone has any idea what's going on..
Bummer :/
Do people from EU want to create a new region? We should be able to get enough people together.
A... possible problem. It may be that if the person who starts the region has any of the extra content no one without it can join. If thats the case then the regions should be created by someone with the base game.
Except that's the thing I bought the 20 dollar DD upgrade from Origin and I have all the stuff included in it, the German, British and French city set.
Did you activate it? I only have the limited set but I had to manually enter a game code to get Plumbob Park.
Haha no^^ It's just that I want to play in a region where everyone starts together. I think there were some other people asking for this as well. Kind of lame to start when everyone else has already built their city.
Key has arrived from GMG. Time to VPN this shit up.
Did you activate it? I only have the limited set but I had to manually enter a game code to get Plumbob Park.
I should be online in about 5-6 hours i hope someone will be there to invite me to discovery delta(1)
Hardly anyone has started yet, don't worrywhen I went to bed last night I think onl
czartim had seriously started building stuff. However you do it, people will always start at different times anyway
Check the purchase email from origin and see if theres any game codes in it. If there are add them to origin. This is just me speculating on the cause mind you.
Okay. I too got my key from GMG. However Origin still seems to be overloaded since it's not appearing in my library after I activated it.
Hey guys, im here waiting for my gf to buy some shoes and i have a GS right next to me.
If I really loved simcity 4 will i like this game?
What are the main differences between sc 4 and this?(besides drm)
Is it still possible to play with gaffers?
And do you recommend i buy now at full price or wait until later?
Okay. I too got my key from GMG. However Origin still seems to be overloaded since it's not appearing in my library after I activated it.
Just to confirm I also got my key from GMG. Redeemed it on Origin, it said was successful but nothing is showing in my library.
I'm from UK.