Smooth framerate I guess?Spookie said:Whhhhhhhhat? Colour me corrected then. It plays exactly like MW2, I mean feels exactly the same! :/
Smooth framerate I guess?Spookie said:Whhhhhhhhat? Colour me corrected then. It plays exactly like MW2, I mean feels exactly the same! :/
MacBosse said:More fast impressions:
- Feels alot like Bioshock blended with the last Raven game Wolfenstein
- Guns feel weak, the gun is awful, the shotgun is kinda cool. There is a upgrade system for weapons
- Story seems alright, its told trough flashbacks and audiotapes
- Enemies are cool, they really setup the encounters in a cool way
- Enviroments are really nice done, alot of detail
- What looks like the main villain is truly the stereotype russian general kinda guy, but with a bearpelt cape (so evil)
I'm liking it so far. Will surely be recieved as Wolfenstein was. Too bad Activision just let it out to die. Raven makes solid games.
MacBosse said:Soooo ... I'm the only one who is playing it right now? I just got it and played about 20 minutes of the first level. Reminds me of Bioshock actually. The enviroments are full of nice little details and audiologs, it helps bring the place to life.
So far its good, but Raven ... no subtitles option? The hell?
Anyone else playing? Anyone buying it? Anyone even knows it's been released in Europe? :lol
Edit: Looks like even Raven doesn't know it's out ...
Homepage for Singularity
Stumpokapow said:What console are you playing it on, btw?
MacBosse said:More fast impressions:
- Guns feel weak, the gun is awful, the shotgun is kinda cool. There is a upgrade system for weapons
- Story seems alright, its told trough flashbacks and audiotapes
- Enemies are cool, they really setup the encounters in a cool way
- Enviroments are really nice done, alot of detail
- What looks like the main villain is truly the stereotype russian general kinda guy, but with a bearpelt cape (so evil)
TheThunder said:This has "price bomb in a month" written all over it so getting it at $60 may not be the most wise decision.
MacBosse said:360.
DaBuddaDa said:The "gun" is awful, the enemies are "cool," the environments are "nice," and the villain is "evil?" God, please don't ever try to review videogames :lol
Thanks for the impressions though, i'm glad someone else had this game on their radar.
jehanzeb_khan said:Just played an hour of this game. Really liking it. It definitely has a bioshock vibe to it as well as feels kinda similar to wolfenstien game. The town level gave a lot of Silent hill type of feel. I really like the atmosphere. The gameplay is alright. hopefully it gets better as the game progresses. Graphically on pc it looks nice. It has typical UE3 issues. Like slow texture loading etc. Atleast from the first hour or so that I have played, I am really liking this game. Everyone should atleast give this one a try. I am curious on why activision released it with no hype at all. Like even in media there is little to no info about this game.
MacBosse said:What are you smokin'? Feels like MW2?
Gimme some of that crazy stuff!
jehanzeb_khan said:nopes, played it on pc. My 360 rrod on me last month
Will buy the new one probably by the end of this year.
Stumpokapow said:It's more than a week before Singularity comes out at retail, although there are some stores selling it particularly in Europe so I don't assume that everyone in here with impressions has pirated it. I also note that the game leaked just before you posted the thread.
Because we're trying to crack down on pirated impressions, I checked your Gamertag. I notice that Singularity is not on your Gamertag and yet you've played several games online since posting this thread so it's not a case of having an outdated gamertag in your profile and it's not a case of having your Xbox offline.
Would you mind showing some confirmation that you actually purchased the game or were given a review copy?
bad-joey said:In his defence, I saw the game this morning at my local store (NL) so its available at least in some places. But if he pirated, then screw him![]()
Stumpokapow said:It's more than a week before Singularity comes out at retail, although there are some stores selling it particularly in Europe so I don't assume that everyone in here with impressions has pirated it. I also note that the game leaked just before you posted the thread.
Because we're trying to crack down on pirated impressions, I checked your Gamertag. I notice that Singularity is not on your Gamertag and yet you've played several games online since posting this thread so it's not a case of having an outdated gamertag in your profile and it's not a case of having your Xbox offline.
Would you mind showing some confirmation that you actually purchased the game or were given a review copy?
MacBosse said:*snip*.
MacBosse said:All these Swedish online retailers has it to be released tomorrow. Shops are closed tomorrow so no surprise that it's on sale today.
MacBosse said:Wow, attacking hard are we?
Lets see.
"It's more than a week before Singularity comes out at retail". Wrong.
All these Swedish online retailers has it to be released tomorrow. Shops are closed tomorrow so no surprise that it's on sale today.
"I checked your Gamertag. I notice that Singularity is not on your Gamertag and yet you've played several games online since posting this thread ..." Wrong.
That Gamertag hasn't been online the past 18 Hrs. This thread was posted at 09:01 AM. But, where am I playing then you ask? At work? You bet.
"I also note that the game leaked just before you posted the thread." Wrong.
From what I can tell the game was leaked 4 days ago.
Now this puts me in somewhat of a problem. Do I have to provide evidence to not get banned straight away? Yes probably since this is not a democracy, mods do as they please. But being accused of pirating without any subtancial proof against me kinda pisses me off. Not providing proof will surely get the same ol' "you can't provide it because ..." but yeah, I don't care. I'm putting my foot down.
So with the risk of getting banned, Stumpokapow, with respect, you won't get shit from me.
:lolXBL Gamertag:
Or you could stop playing the drama queen, see the point Stunpokapow is making and provide him with some sort of proof that you actually own the game to make matter easy for everyone involved?MacBosse said:So with the risk of getting banned, Stumpokapow, with respect, you won't get shit from me.
AgentOtaku said:Yep, PC version gameplay on YouTube
Glad to hear all the positive vibe. Activision, you fucking suck...
MacBosse said:Now this puts me in somewhat of a problem. Do I have to provide evidence to not get banned straight away? Yes probably since this is not a democracy, mods do as they please. But being accused of pirating without any subtancial proof against me kinda pisses me off. Not providing proof will surely get the same ol' "you can't provide it because ..." but yeah, I don't care. I'm putting my foot down.
So with the risk of getting banned, Stumpokapow, with respect, you won't get shit from me.
Hesemonni said:Or you could stop playing the drama queen, see the point Stunpokapow is making and provide him with some sort of proof that you actually own the game to make matter easy for everyone involved?
MacBosse said:But you see, that is the thing about putting the foot down. You don't do as they tell you.
Anyways, I'm leaving the debate about this in this thread. Don't want to derail. PM if anyone would like to discuss the matter.
duckroll said:Usually when people get a game early and enjoy the game, they're proud to show that they own it. Right?
BobsRevenge said:I almost don't want to play this game because I know if it turns out really good then it would only be more tragic that Raven is now just another Call of Duty dev studio.
Activision really needs to get their shit straight.
S1kkZ said:nolan as a voice actor AGAIN (in typical drake mode)