They'll play for a week and get bored because it doesn't have their awesome bro Ryu. The game needed lobbies/spectator more than a story mode.
None of this excuses that from the start it should have been a priority, not along the way when shit was getting hectic, and you have to make a decision close to crunch time. From a design standpoint, they chose some other questionable stuff as the sell (I continue to use hitbox viewing as an example) for the game, and leave the fundamentals out in the process. I cannot agree with that perspective on game design.
None of this excuses that from the start it should have been a priority, not along the way when shit was getting hectic, and you have to make a decision close to crunch time. From a design standpoint, they chose some other questionable stuff as the sell (I continue to use hitbox viewing as an example) for the game, and leave the fundamentals out in the process. I cannot agree with that perspective on game design.
The tutorial was not as good as VF4 Evo's.They teach people how to play the genre better than any other game has, Id say thats more attention to fundamentals than any other company.
None of this excuses that from the start it should have been a priority, not along the way when shit was getting hectic, and you have to make a decision close to crunch time. From a design standpoint, they chose some other questionable stuff as the sell (I continue to use hitbox viewing as an example) for the game, and leave the fundamentals out in the process. I cannot agree with that perspective on game design.
Painwheel Basic Combos
I put together some really basic combos and intermediate stuff for any novices curious about Painwheel. She is one of the more difficult characters so I tried to provide some basic combos you can build off of. Learn the BnB Starter, add a Combo Finisher. If you wanna get more advanced add Fly Cancel Combos . Any combos that go beyond these basics will have to be tailor made to avoid the Infinite Protection System which is why I have yet to provide any air combos.
The tutorial was not as good as VF4 Evo's.
Honestly, I am a bit baffled by the reactions here.
I can easily draw paralells to what happened in Sine Mora.
There, I bitched about something (to myself) - the cave section being "too hard" -, but the NEXT DAY, I immediately did it. Really, without delay (hah, see what I did there?).
And a WEEK went by. A whole friggin weak. Every single playthrough, I went through there without hitting the walls. I go to the uber-hardcore-omg-shmup forum, and bam: some hardcore dudes STILL complain about cave sections. Really? Mmkay?
Skullgirls. Lack of movelist? Yeah, bummer. Last day, I had to constantly switch between tabs, etc. Today? I know everything of Parasoul. Every move. Of course I do. Who does not know the full movelist of a char (sans Dante UMVC3) after a few hours of play or at worst ONE sleep over it?
And here we are, some people still cant get over it. By the time it takes to write a post, one can learn a character's movelist. Literally. And there are 8 characters.
So yes, it is a bummer - at first. But by today? Seeing hitboxes is a long-term feature. Having movelists is for day one. Yeah, it sucks for day one. But we are at day2 already. It is past us.
Yes, Yes, and not really as much as, you know, telling them what the moves ARE rather than the guess and check of the days of yore. Extraneous.Why do you continue to use hitbox viewing as an example? Because it shouldn't be a priority? Because other games don't have it? It's an awesome feature that will help people understand the game/moves better...what the fuck?
It doesn't matter to you, it matters to casuals. It matters a LOT. Hitbox viewing? They don't give a shit, they're not in that deep.Honestly, I am a bit baffled by the reactions here.
I can easily draw paralells to what happened in Sine Mora.
There, I bitched about something (to myself) - the cave section being "too hard" -, but the NEXT DAY, I immediately did it. Really, without delay (hah, see what I did there?).
And a WEEK went by. A whole friggin weak. Every single playthrough, I went through there without hitting the walls. I go to the uber-hardcore-omg-shmup forum, and bam: some hardcore dudes STILL complain about cave sections. Really? Mmkay?
Skullgirls. Lack of movelist? Yeah, bummer. Last day, I had to constantly switch between tabs, etc. Today? I know everything of Parasoul. Every move. Of course I do. Who does not know the full movelist of a char (sans Dante UMVC3) after a few hours of play or at worst ONE sleep over it?
And here we are, some people still cant get over it. By the time it takes to write a post, one can learn a character's movelist. Literally. And there are 8 characters.
So yes, it is a bummer - at first. But by today? Seeing hitboxes is a long-term feature. Having movelists is for day one. Yeah, it sucks for day one. But we are at day2 already. It is past us.
abandon Skullgirls to play a fighting game where they can play with their friends.
I'm curious, what about the tutorial is so great? It didn't teach anything that an average FG player wouldn't know iirc.I was going for 2D fighters, Evo didnt make me better at SF![]()
Why cant they?
Yes, Yes, and not really as much as, you know, telling them what the moves ARE rather than the guess and check of the days of yore. Extraneous.
It doesn't matter to you, it matters to casuals. It matters a LOT. Hitbox viewing? They don't give a shit.
It doesn't matter to you, it matters to casuals. It matters a LOT.
Also, it matters to people who like using lots of characters and to have that as an absolutely invaluable reference left out is very much controversial and worth being riled up over.
I'm curious, what about the tutorial is so great? It didn't teach anything that an average FG player wouldn't know iirc.
Just because something is a priority doesnt mean its going to make it in. The way I see it, youre lucky you got as much as you did.
Im not aware of the specifics, but the features you want would take weeks to implement properly, while the hitbox took 1 day. Sometimes a simple and taken for granted feature isn't as simple. You would rather have lobbies than story mode, sure, but to set up a good lobby system is expensive and takes other kinds of talent. The people working on story mode probably don't overlap with the network engineer much.
They teach people how to play the genre better than any other game has, Id say thats more attention to fundamentals than any other company.
It doesn't matter to you, it matters to casuals. It matters a LOT. Hitbox viewing? They don't give a shit, they're not in that deep.
Also, it matters to people who like using lots of characters and to have that as an absolutely invaluable reference left out is very much controversial and worth being riled up over.
Also, it matters to people who like using lots of characters and to have that as an absolutely invaluable reference left out is very much controversial and worth being riled up over.
I'm curious, what about the tutorial is so great? It didn't teach anything that an average FG player wouldn't know iirc.
I would have preferred lobbies/spectator mode/move lists too, but this game was also Ahad's vision as well. I think it'd be unfair if they only used his characters with no story or context as to what is going on. This is a fairly niche product and they had no assurance that it would sell enough copies even with the standard modes we've come to know in every fighter.Yeah, it's a shame there's so much missing. I know they had both time and filesize constrants, but if that's the case, I would have preferred if they did without the single player story aspects instead of excluding more important things like training mode options.
I can see what you mean. It's nice that the online even works at all tbh. I can't wait for those patches though. The lack of Spectator and lobbies killed MvC3 for me. I don't expect that to happen with SG too soon, but it'd help if those two things got added sooner rather than later.The hardcore needs outweigh the casuals needs in a game like this. I've played like 5 randoms and only one was super awful. All the others knew BnBs and stuff. Casuals aren't interested in this game.
Yep, I can get the complaint...No lobbies is killing it for me right now. I really don't know how they left that out. I don't care if it was gimped like MvC3's with just life bars, no lobby system at all is really bad :/.
Daisuke Ishiwatari and Mori(iirc) actually bought one of everything from Ahad/Mike last year at EVO. They were definitely in love with the designs, but they haven't had a chance to test the full game as far as I know. Ono may have more experience than them when it comes to that subject.Your average dudebro casual who only plays SF4 isn't, but the anime casual fan is.
The guys who made Calamity Trigger a hit probably are loving this game , if they know about it.
Yeah, it hurts the most when it comes to spectating stuff. A lot of the hardcore folks are picking it up and building some good BnBs/strategies. I want to copy that shit fast and in real time if possible. I guess I'll have to settle for youtube action until things are improved.Oh there's no lobbies or spectating? That's a deal breaker for me, sorry.
No buy for me until that gets put in.
So... smaller dev team means effort should go into extraneous content like hitbox viewing instead of core fundamentals like a move set built in?Wait, there's no lobbies or spectating?
Yeah, this pissed me off in MvC3. I'm just accepting it here since we are playing a product made by a significantly smaller team with less money. I'm kind of done with promises and words if spectator/lobbies don't make it into the game though. I'll play this for a while, but my trust in fighting game companies will be done. It'll be a big blow for me.I honestly have no problem with anything, the no move list is dumb but whatever, except the lobby system being left out. You do NOT release a fighting game in this day and age with no lobby system. You just don't. The absence of one will kill this games online community.
This kind of attitude is kinda messed up and it's gonna start looking immature and shortsighted to boot. This wasn't just Mike Z's game and there are lots of people who enjoy a good single player offering.Well then they sort of fucked up on where they put their time and money towards imo.
All the SP stuff can be tossed to the wayside in return for lobbies and spectating. Why? Well I'd be giving them money for it is why. Now it's a wait and see until they add it or if they add it, and depending on how long it takes, it could just be too late to have earned my $15.00.
This day and age for fighters the online is make it or break it. Shitty SP will not effect you in the long run. Go look at SC5.
Yeah, you should definitely give the tutorial a shot. The tech tutorial is particularly important since throws here are 3S throws. It's not like Mahvel where you can mash the shit out of a button to get out or like BlazBlue where you get different colored exclamation marks and a generous tech window. Throws in this game are hard to tech properly. I'll be going through that tutorial quite a few times.I will probably check out the tutorial one of these days coming up, but on Day 1, all I wanted to do was jump right into the action. The three characters I've grown to enjoy the most are, Filia, Parasoul, and Valentine. If anyone wants to play some matches sometimes just hit me up on XBL. My GT is: jtrov.
I agree with you. Some people are really not taking a second to think it through here. The price is 1/4th that of a regular retail release. Something had to give after the all the time and money they invested in the game. Adding new features and modes brings in new glitches and possible breakdowns of the game that have to be tested and fixed. They just didn't have the luxury of a 100 man team or deep pockets to make it happen. They should keep their expectations in check while playing tons of friends if they have the game and they should take a chill pill with this crusade if they haven't bought it yet.It shouldn't be forgotten that there's a pretty substantial difference in what the developer has to work with when comparing a $40-50 retail disc and a $15 digital game released through a console's proprietary online store.
There is a time and place for learning. Maybe this is your chance to learn a fighter in a more comprehensive manner? I've played all types of fighters and I've even played some where I began and got wiped(think 40-0) only to improve immensely after a few weeks/months.I'm conflicted by this game- because I know I'll never be "good" at this the way I could be "good" at say, KOF, so that's a big demotivator to play. However, I can just tell this is a great game if I actually could play it the way it was intended, and I love the fanservice and art touches. I just can't do real combos- my execution is horrible in just about any fighter, but it really seems to hurt here more then any other game.
Anything is possible. I guess it depends on how much enjoyment you can get out of single player and the online multiplayer. This game is built for the long haul. DLC hooks are firmly planted in there and the roster is only going to become larger/more varied.I wonder if it would be possible for me to like a fighting game casually? I don't regret buying, but I'd never see myself playing this game at a tourney.
Mike has said that he is legitimately interested in making games from other genres iirc. I also see this game as far less combo oriented compared to BB or Mahvel. You only need good blocks and ten hit combos to kill severely injure your opponents after 3-4 hit confirms.I really wish Reverge would make a more footsie/poke oriented, less combo heavy game next time, but I can't see Mike Z ever doing that. Or even a non-fighter in the SG universe, I see this universe as having Guilty Gear-like potential.
NeatSchooling With Skullgirls (Tutorial Mode)
Just finished my first SG video going over tutorial mode with live commentary, comparing certain aspects to other fighters, stuff like that. Really liking the game, more online/story mode stuff to come.
I pretty much have to agree on this. Why focus on story when there's so many other things that should have been included.
None of this excuses that from the start it should have been a priority, not along the way when shit was getting hectic, and you have to make a decision close to crunch time. From a design standpoint, they chose some other questionable stuff as the sell (I continue to use hitbox viewing as an example) for the game, and leave the fundamentals out in the process. I cannot agree with that perspective on game design.
Schooling With Skullgirls (Tutorial Mode)
Just finished my first SG video going over tutorial mode with live commentary, comparing certain aspects to other fighters, stuff like that. Really liking the game, more online/story mode stuff to come.
I've said this many times but I was really against not having the movelist, but if it came to the point where it has an impact on gameplay, then I'm fine having it external. Just have to spend more time with the game (which we all should be). At least we have it available as a PDF.I could not praise the tutorial mode enough, it's what fighters desperately need, and what I've been begging for forever in fighting games. I don't think it compensates for a move set though.
Hitbox and hitstun meters are nice, but I would rather have a move set built into the game than those. It's a no brainer. They're icing on the cake.
So... smaller dev team means effort should go into extraneous content like hitbox viewing instead of core fundamentals like a move set built in?
Not really, it's inexcusable, even if being patched in later. Literally seems like the easiest possible thing to implement into the game.
It shouldn't be forgotten that there's a pretty substantial difference in what the developer has to work with when comparing a $40-50 retail disc and a $15 digital game released through a console's proprietary online store.
Schooling With Skullgirls (Tutorial Mode)
Just finished my first SG video going over tutorial mode with live commentary, comparing certain aspects to other fighters, stuff like that. Really liking the game, more online/story mode stuff to come.
Personally I'm much more worried about the loading times reported and the memory issues the game seems to be having (disappearing sprites), which I'll assume they're also working on.
Schooling With Skullgirls (Tutorial Mode)
Just finished my first SG video going over tutorial mode with live commentary, comparing certain aspects to other fighters, stuff like that. Really liking the game, more online/story mode stuff to come.
This. Everything else can be worked around. (including lack of lobbies by calling your friends after a match to connect, lol)
But this is fucking inexcusable game breaking shit. Why am I punished by not being able see what my opponent is about to do when I knock out his first character? Different key animation frames have the same hit boxes, so seeing the animation is essential.
I hate random bitching about small stuff just as much as anyone, but the bolded really irks me as well. There's no luck in the equation here. If the small indy developer of a title in a niche genre that already has plenty of well established games with much bigger (and recognizable) rosters wants me to give their game a chance, they damn well better offer features that differentiate them from the competition.
Including an comprehensive tutorial is one of those features (and really is the only reason I'm considering buying this). So no, I'm not "lucky" for getting as much as I do, it's in fact the other way around. They'll be lucky if I choose to spend my money on their game over the hundreds of competitors out there. Also I'm sure they're very aware of that fact.
So if some of those potential customers are crying they won't buy the game until it has a movelist in game, if the number is big enough the developer sure as hell better listen. Which is exactly what they're doing, so I don't see any problem.
Personally I'm much more worried about the loading times reported and the memory issues the game seems to be having (disappearing sprites), which I'll assume they're also working on.
Can you try clearing your cache to see if it helps?
The game was built around expectations of data coming in at a certain rate, and for some reason the 360 isn't able to maintain that rate consistently. This didn't show up in our testing so it's something peculiar to home users' HDDs.
Im on PS3. I know how to clear the cache on the 360 but have no idea how to, or if it's even possible on PS3. It' a slim with 500 gigs
You could try redownloading the game. Flawless on my end.
EDIT: LOL game just froze my PS3 literally a minute after I type this.
Im on PS3. I know how to clear the cache on the 360 but have no idea how to, or if it's even possible on PS3. It' a slim with 500 gigs
Oh, huh - I've seen it happen rarely on PS3 during dev, but I don't think I've seen it on the retail release yet.
Does it really happen for you that often? It almost makes me wonder if your HDD is dying or something, because we've definitely had devkits with worn-out HDDs that had that problem show up more often.
That was fixed yesterday. Things have been running fine on XBL since then.I heard the Xbox version has broken online. Is that true?
It was true for a few hours on launch day. It's fixed now.I heard the Xbox version has broken online. Is that true?
Where on the totem pole is spectating and lobbies for you guys in terms of getting it added, or maybe even guess how long from now it might take?
I heard the Xbox version has broken online. Is that true?
If it took him one full day to code the hitstun bar thing, then I understand why this game got so late: this shouldn't take more than 2 hours. ^^Truth be told, from what Mike has said, adding a move list would actually be harder (UI work, more bug testing, localization across languages and platforms, etc.). He wrote the hitstun bar thing in like a day I believe.
This is a terrible sarcastic retort. The game is stuck between this place of appeasing casuals and being "made for the hardcore." Story is important for casuals, so they double up on artists and whatnot. You simply sit on the other side of the fence, and see your priorities different. If they are trying to go for the casual appeal too, it's a no brainer to put a move set in there to appease that audience.It took me, literally, 2 minutes to figure out the moves for my it really that difficult to press buttons? And hitbox viewer is far more helpful for anyone thinking of playing the game in a serious way...
Casuals should determine what features are in-game, of course. They don't give a fuck about hitbox viewer, therefore no one should.
It clearly is controversial if people are defending the exclusion to this degree.I keep seeing this, but is this true? Have a bunch of "casuals" actually gotten up in arms about there not being a movelist in the game? Have a bunch of "casuals" that actually know about the game, and were interested in it, suddenly said no to it because of the lack of an in game movelist?
Controversial? A lack of an in game movelist is controversial? I can't shake my head slow enough at this.
Just been thinking about something. Since MikeZ had to convince autumgames to patch in the movelist regardless of sales numbers does that mean if it doesnt hit the numbers they want we won't see any further patches or updates?