This isn't mentioned in the OP but is a command list going to be patched in at some point?
According to Ravi it will be fixed eventually.
This isn't mentioned in the OP but is a command list going to be patched in at some point?
This isn't mentioned in the OP but is a command list going to be patched in at some point?
I've read the OP and I still don't know why GAF has been hyping this game for months. What are this dev's previous releases ?
I've read the OP and I still don't know why GAF has been hyping this game for months. What are this dev's previous releases ?
That's still hilarious to me. Talk up your thorough training/tutorial/strategy features; forget to implement and cover the most basic of instructions. How does that even happen?I hope too many people aren't turned off by the lack of a move list. I mean I personally don't care, but if a lot of newer people are attracted by the often praised training system, they might be a little bummed.
That's still hilarious to me. Talk up your thorough training/tutorial/strategy features; forget to implement and cover the most basic of instructions. How does that even happen?
I doubt it was forgotten. It was probably just a really low priority thing to put in the game, and they never had the time to get it in. I think either Ravi or Mike mentioned that it would have taken about two weeks to implement. I'm glad I don't have to wait an extra two weeks to get to the game.
I hope too many people aren't turned off by the lack of a move list. I mean I personally don't care, but if a lot of newer people are attracted by the often praised training system, they might be a little bummed.
There's no in-game move list!?
I doubt it was forgotten. It was probably just a really low priority thing to put in the game, and they never had the time to get it in. I think either Ravi or Mike mentioned that it would have taken about two weeks to implement. I'm glad I don't have to wait an extra two weeks to get to the game.
Let's hope you're right but that animation is bad:
Forced transition between frames, no shadow...
One example a M.U.G.E.N. HD character:
I hope too many people aren't turned off by the lack of a move list. I mean I personally don't care, but if a lot of newer people are attracted by the often praised training system, they might be a little bummed.
Releasing April the 11th needs added to OP.
Get hype everybody. This studio is incredible.
-art pipeline/work ethic stuff-
considering the amount of people playing this game day 1, i dont see why this game would not have all the move list discovered by at least day 2. i know its still a mistake but i dont think this game will have weird motions so just try dp, qcf, qcb, hcf, hcb, charge moves, etc etc etc.
It'll probably be among the first things patched in, but yeah, kind of a painful oversight.
Will buy just to support. Maybe I'll like it.
Anyone else actually starting to cringe when they see "GGPO" in the list of features? Yeah good connections feel great, but with crappy connections it's the worst. It's more up to the matchmaking than anything.
You can set the input delay yourself and there is a proper indicator of ping instead of that silly shit we got in SF3OE
VERY excited, but I wish that dude in the last storymode screenshot was playable.
Holdin' it down in this OT, y'all
Here's a movelist for you guys:
Don't let the lack of one prevent you from enjoying the game!
Also, the SRK Wiki has extensive information on each character's moves, normals and all:
I've been waiting to see the ping in a console fighting game for a while.
For those who don't know, playing someone on GGPO with a ping of under 100 ms is great. Lag is unnoticeable. Up around 250 you will see some rollback, but it is playable.
Here's a movelist for you guys:
Don't let the lack of one prevent you from enjoying the game!
Also, the SRK Wiki has extensive information on each character's moves, normals and all:
Will buy just to support. Maybe I'll like it.
Except the reverse SRK counter super..No SRK motion on Valentine? She's my gal![]()
HDR showed ping and had some input delay setting options. Sirlin fought hard for that.
Also, looking at that movelist- gotta give Mike Z credit for having sane specials and no stupid Chicken Wing crap.
Except the reverse SRK counter super..
I'm very excite. Peacock/Valentine because why not.
Why the hate for chicken wings? They're delicious.
It's an awesome move to go over lows.
Why the hate for chicken wings? They're delicious.
It's an awesome move to go over lows.
complaining about motions?
what are you, a smash fan?
I don't think it's unreasonable to complain about senselessly convoluted motions, especially for a move that doesn't necessarily justify the motion with any inherently unique properties.