I'm 29 years old and with no kids , so...GO!!madmackem said:Shit, i really want to try this but im a 29 year old male with no kids to say i bought this for. It looks alot of fun and im all about gimmicks.
madmackem said:Shit, i really want to try this but im a 29 year old male with no kids to say i bought this for. It looks alot of fun and im all about gimmicks.
bodine1231 said:I'm 32,its a fun game. I'd say its a cross between the Lego Games,Torchlight and Eye of Judgement.
RobbieNick said:I don't know but I think he was in the older Spyro games if I remember correctly.
Bamelin said:Any ideas on how to get Whirlwind in Canada? (no Targets here)
What if I got the game with the buy 2 get 1 free deal?fernoca said:Toys R Us is giving away the Adventure Pack 'Darklight Crypt' with purchases of any Starter Pack. Don't know if it's retroactive (i.e. go with your receipt if you recently got it and get the pack).
seady said:A question:
Is the figure purely gimmick? Any reason why can't the game just let you switch monster through a regular menu? What does the physical figure do to improve the game?
Technically yes, the figure is a gimmick and there's no reason they couldn't have just had every character playable or unlockable within the game. But they probably wouldn't have.seady said:A question:
Is the figure purely gimmick? Any reason why can't the game just let you switch monster through a regular menu? What does the physical figure do to improve the game?
No idea. My friend has the receipt of the transaction, since I got mine through that deal so he'll be asking during the following days.Outtrigger888 said:What if I got the game with the buy 2 get 1 free deal?
Well, see it as a card game. You get a starter pack and you play games that way. You either get more to improve your playthrough, plans, or for collection. There's no need to get them all, aside personal interest.seady said:A question:
Is the figure purely gimmick? Any reason why can't the game just let you switch monster through a regular menu? What does the physical figure do to improve the game?
nicoga3000 said:If you aren't able to find one, I may be able to hunt my local Target for one. If they have one and you're willing to cover shipping, I'll gladly send it your way.
In other news, collection complete! I feel like a dork for sleeping the cards, but they feel so awesome, haha.
bodine1231 said:The sickness continues... I think I have them all now except the 3DS exclusive and the variants which I don't care about. I finally found the Target exclusive today,they had about 6 there but not much else. Toys R Us is getting low on stock too,they had a guy there demoing the game with about 10 kids hanging around.
Not aware of anything at the moment, though leveling system is different. What ever experience/levels you gain on the webgame; stay on the webgame. You character's console/3DS/PC game-level/stats are displayed/shown in a separate screen as additional info.Jack Mehoffer said:There doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation on the web game. It seems neat enough, but is there anything that carries over from it to the console game? I added some of my characters via the portal, but they all seemed to be level 1, and when i took them back to the console there wasn't really anything that had changed. Not sure if I'll stick with the web game unless there's some sort of persistent progress that can be made.
Bamelin said:Hey I appreciate. Going to see if there is any other way but I just might end up taking you up on the offer.
fernoca said:Darn it, 5-3 on the 3DS game still kicking my ass...and I'm glad is doing it. XD
So many rotating platforms, clouds with lightning, enemies... so little time. XD
RobbieNick said:BTW, on the final ice level. I can find the seeker, but not the key. Anyone know where the key is?
Takao said:Does Spyro speak in the console versions? In the 3DS version he doesn't. If you took out Spyro nothing would've been different.
Not quite. I believe that the new Spyro game was originally going to be darker. It was changed after initial tests. Toys for Bob then pitched the toy idea. I'm guessing they made spyro less focused so they could market the other characters more easily. A little shame he is just another skylander though.Takao said:So this isn't a Spyro game at all, but likely another Kirby's Epic Yarn situation.
Good going Activision.
Ken said:What are some of the cooler figures to get? Think I'll get this for someone as a Christmas gift along with some of the separate figures.
Ken said:What are some of the cooler figures to get? Think I'll get this for someone as a Christmas gift along with some of the separate figures.
Ken said:What are some of the cooler figures to get? Think I'll get this for someone as a Christmas gift along with some of the separate figures.
Ken said:Any chance the figures could become rare by Christmas? Not sure if I should get them now or wait until it's closer to December.
Are figures tied to gamertags? So if I use a Spyro figure on my gamertag, would someone else be able to use the same figure and get a vanilla Spyro without any leveling up from my game?
RobbieNick said:Drobot is the best. He's half dragon, half robot. My other favorites are Bash, Zap and Stealth Elf.
Yep, you can reset/erase them in the game.rukland said:The figures store all there info on a chip in the base. So once you start leveling it it's there. Not sure if there is a way to wipe them or not.
fernoca said:Yep, you can reset/erase them in the game.
Ken said:Hmm, how do I know what's in each character pack or is there a catalog of them all? I found a wiki with the 32 skylanders but it doesn't say which comes from which pack.
n8NMONSTER said:the first page of this thread has a good reference.