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Now the question to ebay or not.. Thinking not, as none of these would be duplicates for me, and the ebay prices aren't that high.
It looks like individual figures are back in stock at Amazon. Most are $4.99. Finally picked up Sonic Boom.
Is this game any good? I have an 8 year old and a 4 year old I am thinking of picking it up for. Any console version superior than another? I have all 3, leaning toward Wii version but they're all the same price.
Is there a lot of content in the game without needing to go out and buy more stuff? The idea of having to buy action figures for new characters or adventure packs for new levels makes me skeptical to buy.
so totally torn!
Do I get
Drobot, Flameslinger, stump smash or Prism Break, Boomer, & Voodood
I bought it for the 360 to avoid the wireless setup (no need to replace batteries). I gave it to my 5 year old for his birthday last weekend and we played it together, along with his cousins (5 and 7). They love it so far, and I can say it's a pretty good game as well... it might be a bit easy for me and a little challenging for my son so far.Is this game any good? I have an 8 year old and a 4 year old I am thinking of picking it up for. Any console version superior than another? I have all 3, leaning toward Wii version but they're all the same price.
Is there a lot of content in the game without needing to go out and buy more stuff? The idea of having to buy action figures for new characters or adventure packs for new levels makes me skeptical to buy.
Drobot, he's awesome.
Oh man! bummer! I picked up the 3 pack of Prism Break, Boomer, & Voodood since my son wants Boomer.
Prism Break and Boomer are insane when you get into their higher level upgrades. Imagine Boomer walking around laying up to 6 troll bombs at once. Yeah.
Well, the Facebook page did a poll recently to pick a color for an upcoming series of limited edition-colors and the winner was:
So look out for blue-figures...soon.
There's one in the main post; but doesn't have pictures for each...So I bought this for the gf for christmas, are they releasing new figurines or just different styles of packs? Is there a list of every figure that exist?
Drill Sergeant is, by far, the worst character in all regards. Weak, hard to control, weapons hit walls more than enemies, lame upgrades. You aren't missing anything if you don't have him.
Got it for my kids or Christmas. Spent yesterday hunting at stores for the figures. Sor far we've got 2 3 packs (the one with Drobot, and the one with Voodood), bought the Pirate and the Darklight Crypt Adventure packs, and bought Dino-Rang, Bash, and Sonic Boom as individual characters.
I think back when I was a kid, and I would have thought it was the greatest shit ever if my dad was into this crap. Hopefully my kids don't take this for granted, lol.
Anyways, I'm considering picking up the 3DS version at some point. It's a totally different game, right?
Drill Sergeant is available in Canada. My local Walmart had almost nothing but him at one point.
However, Whirlwind, I had my girlfriend bring back from a visit to the USA.
I just bought Whirlwind at Toys R Us in New Brunswick Canada.....they had a whole wall of just her, like 50 of them. And I was there on Xmas Eve and they weren't there, so they were holding them back for some reason (exclusivity just expired maybe?) GOGOGOGO!!!!
There's one in the main post; but doesn't have pictures for each...
(quoting makes the image smaller, so click -and hold- to see it bigger)
I'm pretty sure there are more guys scheduled to come out. My kid keeps asking for 'Camo' and 'Warnado' and I can't find them anywhere.
Also, are you guys who are managing to find them in store going there when shipments get delivered? Maybe it's because it's the week after christmas, but Best Buy, Target, and Walmart don't have a single Skylander at their stores. Toys R Us had a decent amount but it was pretty much all the same dudes we already have.
There will never be DLC. The game is complete. Everything is known. If you look at the image linked on this same page, you will see everything.so, are the figures region free? US figures are alot cheaper than uk ones, i would assume they have the same chips in, right?
also has anyone investigated the disc content to find out how many skylanders and level packs activision can milk out of this before needing dlc?
Now I'm curious.
So what's the consensus on 3DS vs console?
Also, which packs/characters are rare and should I be on lookout for?
I'll need to give this a shot. Thanks for the response. Overall, fun game? good online (for console)?