Kills Photobucket
Holy crap
What are the chances of this game getting a sequel?
It's Activision, so over 100%
Holy crap
What are the chances of this game getting a sequel?
Holy crap
What are the chances of this game getting a sequel?
I got one silver at a Walmart. My others came from Ebay.
Where do you live, and when are you usually out? My son is desperate for more figures and I can't find any these days for a reasonable price. I'm sure there's a restock on the horizon but try telling a 5 year old that.
omg @ Skylander vault. It's like a real version of the 40-year old virgins apartment or something
Gamemaster, your collection is amazing. Awesome pictures. Good luck in collecting everything.
Gamemaster that's wild!
You could look at it like that. Only I am much cooler than he is. I am 33 and have 3 kids, so no 40-year old virgin here.
You could look at it like that. Only I am much cooler than he is. I am 33 and have 3 kids, so no 40-year old virgin here.
Thanks. It's part of my man cave. Other parts of my room are dedicated to characters like Mega Man X, Halo, Blue Dragon, Resident Evil, Castlevania and such.
To the person who asked where I live. I live in Oklahoma City. We have been seeing wave 3 pop up in droves. Infact, I have some extras for sale. I'm not a scalper, and anytime I help others find these things, I do so at a loss, because I don't care about the tax. That's what I've been doing as of late, finding figures for those less lucky to find them. I dislike scalpers and scalping, so I beat them to it, in order to help others.
When you say this, do you mean for sale here? All I need is a goddamn Stealth Elf and I can't find one for the life of me.
I just signed up here not too long ago. If being able to help people, by selling to them here, is allowed, then fine. I don't want to do anything that will get me in trouble, though, so only if it's allowed here.
May as well keep the Skylanders behind the counter with the Battlefields and Call of Duties at this point. Around here, people just call in and place "every Skylander you have" on hold and come pick them up 15 minutes later.
so Gamemaster since you have gone down both paths for each skylander. Any thoughts on which path you like best?
Guys, these auctions on ebay for the 3ds ver sans characters? Legit? Are there counterfeit copies flying around?
Im guessing why theyre priced low is because you can not buy starter characters in single/adventure packs?
Holy shit, dude... Part of me wants to hate because a) I've had a really hard time finding figures in stores and b) I *wish* I had that collection. Sadly, I was just showing the pics of your collection to my wife and she said, I quote, "if you ever did that, I would shoot you."I hope you enjoyed looking at my collection. I always update my pics upon each new wave of figures, so these were pretty recent.
Guys, these auctions on ebay for the 3ds ver sans characters? Legit? Are there counterfeit copies flying around?
Im guessing why theyre priced low is because you can not buy starter characters in single/adventure packs?
Very nice! It's good to see other married men with these type of collections. I'm not the only one! I don't have a dedicated man cave, at least not until we finish our basement. For now, I've got a large man shelf filled with novels and collectibles. My wife shakes her head every time I bring home more Skylanders (so far we've got 18 figures and one adventure pack), so she would KILL me if I did what you've done! So bravo, GM! Awesome collection...Thanks. It's part of my man cave. Other parts of my room are dedicated to characters like Mega Man X, Halo, Blue Dragon, Resident Evil, Castlevania and such.
Good for you! It's good to see people just enjoying this for what it is and not taking advantage of others simply to make a few bucks. Can't stand these effing scalpers. Some of the prices on eBay are just criminal...To the person who asked where I live. I live in Oklahoma City. We have been seeing wave 3 pop up in droves. Infact, I have some extras for sale. I'm not a scalper, and anytime I help others find these things, I do so at a loss, because I don't care about the tax. That's what I've been doing as of late, finding figures for those less lucky to find them. I dislike scalpers and scalping, so I beat them to it, in order to help others.
You could look at it like that. Only I am much cooler than he is. I am 33 and have 3 kids, so no 40-year old virgin here.
3 kids? How do you keep them from "playing" in your vault? I have only one (4 years old) and it is impossible to keep him away from my stuff (both phisically and psicologicaly).
It must be either environment or genetics. My daughter has never been a troublemaker. We did absolutely no baby proofing to our house. Electronics, knick knacks, games, etc were all out in plain sight at all times. Even if she found something on the floor that looked like food, she would ask us first before eating.
Conversely, our friend had a girl the same age and she got into everything. The type that would go hunting for something else to fuck with the instant you took something away from her. Her family had a big gate around the TV entertainment center because she would turn the TV on and off, touch the screen, and fuck with the electronics all the time.
You know, most girls have liked me just because I'm me. I don't usually flock to trends. I try and break them.
I was doing this before I started dating a cheerleader during my highschool days, and ever since I was a kid in general.
I don't think females are going to dog men who love gaming and decorate their man caves with gaming-related material.
I was usually dubbed the "cool-nerd." Not boasting, though. I tend to think more people are becoming open-minded about most things in life.
Very nice! It's good to see other married men with these type of collections. I'm not the only one! I don't have a dedicated man cave, at least not until we finish our basement. For now, I've got a large man shelf filled with novels and collectibles. My wife shakes her head every time I bring home more Skylanders (so far we've got 18 figures and one adventure pack), so she would KILL me if I did what you've done! So bravo, GM! Awesome collection...
Well, I'm not married... yet. I hope to be someday. I just won't rush into it, until it's right.
Good for you! It's good to see people just enjoying this for what it is and not taking advantage of others simply to make a few bucks. Can't stand these effing scalpers. Some of the prices on eBay are just criminal...
Can you post a pic of yourself man?
Who sells the single pack Whirlwind? All I can find is the triple pack and I don't want double trouble and my son already has drill sergeant.
I'm vaguely interested in getting some of the Wave 3 figures, but my kids have more or less lost interest in playing, and I can't say the game is challenging or interesting enough for me to grind for the newer characters. Maybe once Activision announces whatever the sequel plans are, I might bite.
Hahaha.. "Rapture 2011".. XD ..nice one, GameMaster.
And sexy + Skylanders + Mortal Kombat stuff?! :O!
Thought I guess, some were expecting you to look like either skinny with glasses or really fat....with glasses.![]()
Exactly.Thanks. Like I said in an earlier post, people these days have more of an open-mind to all things.
No matter how one looks, each os uf humans are capable of having an open-mind, if we want. I am 33, and I still go to the store on each new release of Marvel Super Hero Squad, G.I. Joe, animen and all other types of cartoons. I own almost all seasons of Pokemon and Spongebob. While I did have my kids in mind, I also had myself in mind.![]()
I'm thinking of getting into these, since I bought my friends son one. But is the game actually any good? Is it like a little kids version of diablo or something, you just run around killing and levling up?
If Activision and Toys for Bob don't make you the official spokesperson, I think that you at least instantly became the GAF spokesperson for this game as soon as you posted that first pic of your man cave!I have so many good things to say about this game. Activision and Toys for Bob should make me this game's spokesman. This game is this generation's Gauntlet. I only expect us older gamers (I am 33) to understand the arcade feel of this game, but to those who got their start with systems like PS2 and such, it can be compared in gameplay, to games like Champions of Norrath, Diablo, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and the Hunter series. It has the ease of a LEGO game, but that isn't a bad thing either, as LEGO games are a blast to play as well.
Considering that it's Activision, I can't possibly imagine them not making a sequel, especially considering how popular the property is. Even if they didn't sell a ton of copies of the game itself, I'm sure that the insane amounts of cash that they've likely made off of people buying extra characters has more than made up for it. If they haven't made oodles of money off this, then they've done something seriously wrong...One thing I would like to see, is a sequel. I've given a lot of thought to how cool it would be, to see a sequel that is open world. An open world game with buyable figures. I got this idea from the Adventure Packs. Imagine having empty areas in the world, spring to life by placing a new Adventure Pack on the portal. That makes it so Toys for Bob and Activision could keep the sequel going for quite a long time, as there is more room in the world, for various Adventure Packs. However, a sequel in any capacity, is better than nothing.
I don't remember where I heard this, but I believe that a cartoon is actually in the works. I would look into this if I were you and see if you can pitch some of your scripts.I've done everything with this game. I created a form of tournament play surrounding the cards. I also wrote a couple of spec scripts for a Skylanders TV series. Of course, that's not to say anything is being done with them. I'm just a fan writing a "fanfic," but as an actual script. I wish a TV series/movie would be developed for this IP. Novels would be cool as well. The scripts are just there for me to read, enjoy and picture, as if I were watching it.
My wife was just talking to me about this the other day, wondering if these would eventually become available. I showed her your man cave picture and how you've got triples of every character and she wondered if the unopened ones would become valuable one day. I guess we'll see...The game could be easy to find 10-20 years down the line. The toys, however, will not. That makes holding onto them that much better. Think of it like this. Al got giddy and stole Woody from a garage sale, because he was hard to find. Imagine how many people will be giddy, when they find a random Skylander toy that is now hard to find, at some vintage store. Who needs to hunt that far down the line, when they already have them?