It really isn't either, Bethesda simply don't have the talent to compete with these games, OG Demon's Souls is still one of the strongest if the not the strongest in many aspects between all From games.
Nah I don’t agree, like at all.
Demon’s Souls is far too linear in structure to compete with Skyrim, and is also highly combat focused while Skyrim is quest focused. In many ways they’re completely different games targeting different audience, but the thread was made this way so here we are.
And no DeS doesn’t come even close to Elden Ring imo so definitely don’t agree that it’s some top FROM game. As said the reason why I never played Dark Souis is because I never finished Demon’s Souls, and the reason for that is because it’s simply repetitive. Sooner or later I always end up in a repeating scenario of either playing an area over and over to reach and finish a boss or a grinding scenario of replaying the same starter area to slay blue knights or whatever over and over to level up, til I’m just plain bored. I don’t think that’s an interesting gameplay loop, or fun.
Elden Ring might push you into replay marathon sessions too, for bosses if you refuse to back down and come back when you’re more powerful or have better gear.
But to level up in ER you can just take a different path to explore and find a dungeon and gain new levels or new gear that way. That’s a big difference between the games. Much better structure as far as I’m concerned. And much more fun. It’s my all time #1.
You can try another area in DeS but it’ll still be a linear thing that gets boring fast if you’ve already been there before, everything is exactly like it was the last time you were there. There is really no way to play it without it getting repetitive unless you’re somehow already king of the hill and beat everything at your first try.
Meanwhile in Skyrim there is no grinding at all, there the main gameplay loop consists of exploration and finding loot and doing quests, the combat is there but not a gameplay pillar in any way. Doing similar quests or visiting the same areas for point A to B to A quests can get repetitive too, but not to the point that it feels linear. And you always have the choice to just wander off and ignore the quest and do something else. I love that open ended structure. It’s why it’s one of my top games of all time.
Skyrim is actually amazing in VR as well, especially after some modding with HIGGS so you can fool around with the physics and grab stuff like in Alyx.