GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.

I Insist You Play Mass Effect as a Woman
You’ll regret completing this space trilogy series as a dude.
But here’s one choice you absolutely shouldn’t make: Do not, under any circumstances, play the protagonist as a guy.
Look, there’s nothing wrong with men. I’m one myself! It’s totally OK to be a man, and in most circumstances, it’s perfectly OK to choose to play a male character in a video game when given multiple gender options. Many men find it very affirming of their identity to see their body type and masculine presentation reflected by their choice of on-screen simulacrum. According to BioWare, more than 80 percent of Mass Effect players chose to play as the male version of Shepard over the course of the trilogy’s initial release, and I’m sure most of these players simply didn’t know any better. That’s why I’m telling you before it’s too late that the female version of our hero Commander Shepard is the superior Shepard, and I insist you play as her.
I already completed ME1 as a dude.
I guess, I am ruining EVAN URQUHART's day!!
For the record, I have played all games as Fem and Male Shep and consider Mark Meer to be better, but both are good.