Yeah, as the guy above said, I don't get why it would be odd for 'slim' to actually be in the product text somewhere, after all it is what the PS2
SLIM was called.

(btw it wasn't really called PSTwo, there was just a "Two" label in the bottom right corner of the box.. on documents, websites, press releases etc the words 'slim' were certainly used across the board)
Does anyone really think all PS3 phats will be depleted by holiday time? From the looks of it the slim will release in late August/early September, at latest in early October.. though that's only if it's not announced at GC but at TGS.
So basically that means only a month or so away, would Sony have the slim around $300 whilst selling 80GB phat bundles @ $400-350? Also, what will happen to the 160GB PS3 phat?
I really wonder if the slim will be a single SKU, 120GB is a sort of odd size placement when you think about it.