Red Chocobo
They do, but you need to be a lot closer to them than you were in 2.
Ahh, that's cool. Thanks
They do, but you need to be a lot closer to them than you were in 2.
Yeah it also seems to depend on what other sounds are going on around it. Sometimes I'll hear the bottle sound and it will take me 30 seconds of looking to figure out where it is coming from, other times the sound didn't kick in until I was practically touching it. That and the sound effects completely cut out from time to time.
The sound effects programming seems to be not very good.
Ahh, that's cool. Thanks![]()
I know this is probably mentioned somewhere in this thread, but I don't want to read the whole thing >_< Do you have to have prior experience with the Sly games to play this and appreciate this one? Checked out the giantbomb quick look, and I do really like the look of this game, but I don't know I'm ready to do a play of the whole series or anything. Since it's a cross buy game, it's also appealing.
Do the bottles still make a clinking sound when you are near them?
Yes. There's 1 in particular right outside of the base in the first world that is driving me nuts. I have no idea where it is so I have to assume it's somewhere underground and I just can't get it to yet.
I'm shocked that there are people saying that it looks no better than the old games :/
Spoiler shot. :/
Spoiler shot. :/
Do the bottles still make a clinking sound when you are near them?
I can't say I've had that happen to me. What version are you playing?
I finished Sly Cooper 3 recently and it kind of left a sour after taste, although I really don't like the art direction in this game is it more like the first game or more like 2/3? Because I LOVED the first game.
What am I doing wrong in World 3 during the Operation?It's really starting to frustrate me.I'm playing as Bob and it's telling me to "Loosen the valves" by rotating the right stick, but he's just moving a little to the left and that's it.
I'm beginning to see why getting high score on all the arcade games is a gold trophy. The Alter Ego machines are fucking retarded with their high scores.
What am I doing wrong in World 3 during the Operation?It's really starting to frustrate me.I'm playing as Bob and it's telling me to "Loosen the valves" by rotating the right stick, but he's just moving a little to the left and that's it.
What am I doing wrong in World 3 during the Operation?It's really starting to frustrate me.I'm playing as Bob and it's telling me to "Loosen the valves" by rotating the right stick, but he's just moving a little to the left and that's it.
That should have been obvious. :/Just keep rotating the right stick clockwise even if he looks like he's stopping and he'll continue his thing.
I just finished it. Overall it was ok, but I'm a little disappointed.
Way too many mini games and not enough solid platforming. The actual platforming was far too focused on the gimmicks of each ancestor/costume and just didn't hold a candle to Sly 1.
I hated the Bentley's hacking segments and they seemed to occur every five minutes in this game.
The first few worlds were enjoyable, but it soon got repetitive and by level 4 I wanted it to be over. It was towards the end that the game also fell in quality. Level 5 was both short and rather "meh". The platforming at the endwas completely banal and I just wanted to get to the next part.with all the ancestors at once
The end boss was an utter joke.
The levels, while much larger than those in Sly 2 and 3, where unnecessarily large. The extra size is only used to pad it full of collectibles and treasures. It just becomes harder to navigate and find clue bottles. I don't particularly feel an urge to get 100% on this game with all the weird locations of sly masks and the time it would take. I did get 100% on the first three games however. The actual mission lengths remain about the same as the original games.
I hope I'm not alone in feeling that each boss was far too silly and unformidable. There was no short of silliness in the original games, but somehow I felt at least that I could take the enemies seriously. Mugshot, Panda King, Rajan,The Contessa,Jean Bison and Clockwerk were all great bosses in terms of the fear they can create, while still keeping it light and kid friendly. Not to mention the wonderful atmosphere in the viscious voodoo level in the first game. Each time I encountered a boss in this game, I don't particularly get a feeling that the boss fight is going to be challenging at all.makes a poor villain.La Paradox
I was also let down with the story. They had huge potential with this, and they wasted it. I wanted at least an acknowledgement of Sly's parents or something a little more complex than what actually happened. I predicted the "twist" pretty early on. The time travel mechanic was merely an excuse for the different environments and ancestors. A story felt slapped on it afterwards. Additionally, the ancestor's did not feel very inspired.
On the bright side, the game is beautiful. I really enjoyed the art style, if some character designs were a little too detailed for my tastes. Unfortunately my ps3 had several frame rate issues with the game, but it held up most of the time. Additionally, when there were many platforming areas that were done very well and reminded me of the older games. I feel like this all could be improved for the next Sly. I hope it will happen.
For reference, I loved Sly 1 and 2. I felt that Sly 3 was the lowest point in the series. I rank this higher than Sly 3 but it doesn't match the first two games. I do not rate it as low as Adam Sessler, but his review was spot on in many respects.
So it really is like the first Sly game then? Neat. Just gonna wait for European release now.
So it really is like the first Sly game then? Neat. Just gonna wait for European release now.
It's like the first Sly in terms of platforming focus and in carefully designed smaller levels, but it uses a hub world like Sly 2 and 3. All Sly games have had collectibles, except 3 I think.
Are there ever arrow barrels that don't have a target within range? I"m in world 2 with one treasure to go and there are at least a couple arrow barrels which seemingly have no targets close by.
Why?Make sure to use Bently's binocucom at some point after completing world 4.
Are there ever arrow barrels that don't have a target within range? I"m in world 2 with one treasure to go and there are at least a couple arrow barrels which seemingly have no targets close by.
I very much disagree with you. I just got done playing a little bit of Sly 3, and the difference is DRASTIC.
By the way, here's a small comparison between the PS3 and Vita versions in the episode 3 hub world. Only view if you have already got to that point or you don't really care what the world environments are. Differences in color are because one is direct feed (Vita), and one is a camera shot (PS3).
Can definitely see the lighting effects drawback on the Vita:
And the decrease in draw distance (as you said Grim: I compared it more and it definitely is quite a bit worse):
Overall the Vita version does still look great.
Thanks for the screens, very useful. It still looks okay on Vita but it does look great on PS3. Is the difference enough that you find yourself playing the Vita version less?
(I can only really see myself playing this on Vita)
No. There's no doubt the PS3 version looks a good deal better but I play the Vita version more and have no problem whatsoever with that![]()
Through act 2! If you like sly cooper, this rox. I am having such a good time.
The unlockable for getting 50 emblems is amazing.