Diddy Kong
Jet Set Radio Future and Halo 2
This may be a stupid question, but are there any good Xbox 1 emulators out? I know it can render quite good resolutions itself, but running some of the titles in 1080p with AA would be nice.
I think the reason was that the console is a fucking bitch to emulate.
enclave if you can find it.
Rallisport Challenge 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Jet Set Radio Future
Shenmue II
Steel Battalion
crimson skies
kingdom under fire crusaders
kingdom under fire heroes
Jade Empire is fun.
Anything from Sega is a must.
Good callEscape from Butcher Bay
Dino crisis 3
Cel Damage.
Too bad it never got a sequel and didn't have online since it was before XBL.
It's so damn fun!
I really liked Gun Valkyrie. Unique third person shooter. Watch a video to see if it's your thing, though.
I bought and tried to play this game recently. I can see that it's an awesome game but I just can't get over the control system, makes it nigh on unplayable for me. Beware if you do get this, it's got a learning curve that I couldnt be bothered to surmount.
Hell most couldn't. It's a shame too because it was so fun looking but those controls were some of the worst controls known to man.
Let's mention Breakdown again. There's an adjustment period but I've yet to play anything else that's similar since.
Phantom Dust is an extremely unique and well thought out game. Surprised it wasn't brought up in here sooner. Here is a pretty good video that talks about it.
Phantom Dust
Phantom Dust
Why would I want to play the worst version of a game when I already own the best version since its release in 2004?![]()
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Also - Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
this came out at the very end of the xbox's very short life span and it's a shame because of how enjoyable it was. would have loved a more fleshed out sequel on the 360. such a shame to see it die before it had a chance to live up to its potential.
If you like Metroidvania type games, look no further than the gorgeous, one-dev-developed Dust: An Elysian Tail.