she owees $13k to IRS for taxes, has a million dollar home that is paid off but has to pay property taxes on it, has two cars, two additional condos, one in DR and one in Vegas
It's almost like she's good at convincing multiple men simultaneously to give her money by making each one feel special.
She should really get a job that utilizes those skil- hey wait a minute...
I say she's not really in love with you.
Why do you say that? The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.
I thought you were dark10x for a moment.
Why do you say that? The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.
Why do you say that? The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.
Why do you say that? The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.
The next day she texts me and asks to comeover at like 11pm to help her with her laptop. I say yes.. she comes over and we just talk and I help her with her laptop.
As the days go by she reaches out to me everyday asks to hang out. I oblige of course. I meet her little son, I meet her mom. Within a week in a half I was literally living at her place. Taking care of her and her son as much as I can, I work full time at in insurance company as a manager and it takes alot of my time up.
So anyway, after a month in the relationship she leaves for the Domincan Republic where she is originally from, she has a condo there and went there for two months. We had an amazing first month. I on my own gave her about $1k before she left because she was giving subtle hints that she didnt have any money and I felt bad for her and the child, as I care very much for them.
Said alot of mean things etc.. the next day she gets on a plane and shows up at my door with all the money I gave her and hands it to me.
I was shocked. I took the money back. Sorry... but I thought it was over with her and it wasn't a couple of bucks.
What has been a struggle with me with her is that I am in love with her, she is in love with me, I can tell, she says so. But it is always about her needing money and that in her culture and with the men she has been with in the past always helped out.
She is divorced and also has an ex-fiance. She left to the DR again about a month ago and is gone until the end of April, so another two months away, if anyone is counting that is 6 months dating her and only being around her for 2 months total.
Ok, here is the final chapter. Back in december she said she was going form DR to Miami for a day to get some jewelry that was hers form her girlfriend that she could sell, when checking out her phone I saw a plane ticket from her exfiance to Miami and he had a ticket too to meet her there, I confronted her on it and she said he just wanted to meet in person to finally understand
She just constantly brings up stuff that upsets her with me, like not helping out financially, not treating her like a princess etc.. It is hard to be positive when the person your with constantly wants to bring up the negative things you have done.
Why do you say that? The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.