You assume that any particular YT outside of the mainstream names like Pewdiepie or the Paul idiots are known by anyone in the general public? There are billions of people with YT access, and you'd be lucky to find a few million people who know of this guy. To put it in perspective, Pewdiepie might be the biggest name by far on YT, and most of the people I know (all engineers or coders) will never have heard of him. Let that sink in for a moment. I personally have never watched even a single second of any content he's made. I know of him from news articles and the Reddit front page.
Also, no one should care about any reviewers not receiving review codes. I don't care it's Sony, CDPR, or any company not giving codes. Buy a fucking copy of the game, and review it yourself, if it's such a big deal. I'm not going to care about you not getting free shit. I'm not built like that, and I don't think many people are.
Whatever free publicity he gets, will be meaningless to Sony. They have a business to run, and they have their own guidelines to follow. I'm in the fortunate position of not caring what other people have to say about a game or movie. I do my own research based on general gamer/viewer feedback, and I form my own opinions on what I play or see. I've never not bought a game because it reviewed poorly. I've never not watched a movie because it reviewed poorly. Why should someone else dictate my decisions? I never get buyer's remorse, because I don't buy things I'm unsure about, and I get enjoyment out of most forms of entertainment. Even bad games have enjoyable moments, but I haven't bought any games I'd consider to be bad. If I'm unsure about it, I'd rent it first.