Are deals at Costco YMMV or will the price be $33 everywhere?M_A_C said:This game is $33 at Costco... Worth it?
Are deals at Costco YMMV or will the price be $33 everywhere?M_A_C said:This game is $33 at Costco... Worth it?
Sounds like a problem with your TV settings.Outtrigger888 said:In the beta I couldnt get the screen sized to fit my screen, theres an option in the full version to change that correct?
Yeah, check the weapon progression page - I believe it says the level requirements. You unlock all of the guns relatively early though.Hi-tekk said:Quick question: how do i get access to the FDO-11? Do i have to be at a certain level/rank? I'm currently at level/rank 4.
Lyonaz said:Been playing online for the first time, Supression MP all day and hot damn is the game a lot of fun.
Still getting used to playing with the Move, but getting gradually decent with it. What's the best settings btw?
I do wish you could change shoulder view though, view getting obscured by your character sucks.
Nope. I'm guessing that most are just using suppression respawn to mod weapons because it's the easiest way to do it without the use of teamwork. I know my clan rarely played respawn in previous SOCOM games (quick warmup), and that's all we're playing right now just because it's the quickest way to mod. I'm sure once the party system gets going there will be a shift to a lot more classic game types.panda21 said:is there anywhere you can see how many people are online in different game types?
it seems like everything other than respawn supression is a ghost town, i can't even get into respawn bomb.
Yeah, they're awesome. Sacrifice is really good for 8v8/Classic, but it's too small for 16v16. That's usually the map that gets skipped for voting in 32p games unless the other option is the map that was just played previously.10dollas said:The maps in this game are sooooo Goooooood (sacrifice being the exception) Why can't other developers place as much emphasis on a great map package.
bob page said:Sounds like a problem with your TV settings.
Outtrigger888 said:Doubt it, most ps3 games dont scale correctly like LBP and motor storm, it usually asks you to move the screen horizontal and vertical to fit to screen. Was wondering if this game had the same option. There were black bars on both sides of my tv during the beta
TTP said:You playing in 3D right?
I recall someone mentioning getting black bars when playing in 3D. There is a video on youtube about that. Let me see if I can find it (edit: I can't :/).
Outtrigger888 said:Ya i was playing in 3d, and how are the move controls? Is it smoother than killzone 3? Which I thought were pretty clunky ever after calibrating the hell out of it.
panda21 said:For guns I think the mp5 or pdw with an m4 (or m16? I forget which) or iar are my favourites. Those ARs have the best accuracy but also pretty good all round stats. Do you unlock extra scopes and attachments as you mod them? I made mod 1 on something but it didn't seem to unlock anything.
10dollas said:The maps in this game are sooooo Goooooood (sacrifice being the exception) Why can't other developers place as much emphasis on a great map package.
CatPee said:The game doesn't tell you what you unlock with each mod, so you have to go into the armory screen to see what's now available to the gun.
yup, i havent actually opened my copy to play, but all of the other games had some fantastic, unforgettable maps.KPunk said:In my opinion this is what zipper does best.
Greg said:Just use weekend_warrior's spreadsheet for the mod listings, and this page if you want the weapons broken down by stats
Just a bit more sound reduction - that's it. Once you unlock the high suppressor for a gun there's no reason to go back to the low.panda21 said:what does the high supressor do?
As a purchase or a rental?whatevermort said:I'm sure that this has been covered, but if I want a decent single player shooter, is this worth taking a chance on?
I think the concussion grenades need to be less lethal. Even I'm getting almost as many kills with them as with frag grenades.Greg said:PE4 is ruining my fun in this game right now. Roper said on his twitter that they're going to be adjusted, but clan challenges are awful right now with people spamming that shit.
They can be tossed as far as grenades, you get 3 of them, the blast radius is larger/more powerful than grenades, there's no indicator (which is fine if they're used properly and planted to something, but while in the air there is no indicator like a grenade), and to detonate them you only have to be pointed in their general direction. And on top of that, unlike a grenade where you have to aim it properly, you can use them to kill enemies behind objects by simply detonating it above their heads.Razor 81 said:I've read this before about the PE4, what exactly is the problem with them?
Yeah, according to my stat page, ~70% of my hits with each are kills.BobTheFork said:I think the concussion grenades need to be less lethal. Even I'm getting almost as many kills with them as with frag grenades.
Chris Roper said:Double XP for All Competitive SOCOM 4 MP Games
Welcome back, soldier! In an effort to help bring everyone up to speed we're doubling any and all XP earned during competitive multiplayer games for the near future. You don't have to do anything other than complete a game to reap the benefits of our limited-time "Double XP" bonus, so what are you waiting for? We'll see you online!
I might have to get on and play some.Killthee said:Looks like double XP is live.
Killthee said:Looks like double XP is live.
At least a week, but it's been going on since Friday in classic mode. It wasn't working in respawn and it wasn't always 2x XP so they didn't officially announce it but they ended up just leaving it up for classic mode. I basically modded up my main weapons due to this already.Got the Shakes said:Any idea how long double XP is going on for?
really?BobTheFork said:Wait, did they make a mistake on the PR because I'm playing right now and I'm not getting double xp. I WAS getting it all weekend and I thought it was ending last night anyways but it sure isn't on for me now.
I love the IW.BobTheFork said:Could someone tell me which assault rifle for Spec Ops is considered the 'good' one. Im using the sfcr at mod 4 but I don't think I like any of them. They are all inaccurate except this one and it only has 20 shots a clip![]()
bjscott05 said:Are deals at Costco YMMV or will the price be $33 everywhere?
IPoopStandingUp said:I can't believe KZ3 has better move controls than Socom 4. I was under the impression, maybe because of the SharpShooter bundle, that Socom 4 was designed with the SharpShooter in mind. But assigning the cover to O and grenades instead to the Move button may be the stupidest decision ever. I feel like a spider having to press the O button with the Sharpshooter to get into cover while maintaining a finger on the joystick.
Also I think because it's a 3rd person shooter the reticle is a bit off to the right when the gun is pointed dead center. As result I feel like the gun doesn't mimic the actual gun position like KZ3. These two factors combined makes the controls ridiculously clunky. I think if I had played this first I would have liked it better. But after having fallen in love with KZ3's controls last week, this game just seems horrible.
I think the SharpShooter ruined this game for me.
Were very happy today to announce that SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs is now offering free maps and weapons to all PS Plus users! You might remember that we gave away the classic SOCOM map Abandoned and a couple of exclusive shotguns as an incentive to pre-order the game through GameStop. All PlayStation Plus users can now download Abandoned and the shotguns free for the next month! For those of you without Plus yet, dont worryyour time will come shortly. Recall the blog announcement a couple weeks back announcing that, as a token of appreciation, the PlayStation Network will be giving all users 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership, coming soon. After a month of PlayStation Plus availability, Abandoned and the shotguns will continue to be available for SOCOM Pro members.
But thats not all. When we announced SOCOM Pro shortly before SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs hit stores, we promised that wed be delivering the oft-requested M16 and AK-47 shortly after release. Were happy today to not only say that theyre almost here, but that theyre being packaged alongside a set of new competitive multiplayer maps!
Dubbed the SOCOM Pro Assault Pack, this bundle will be available as a free download exclusively to SOCOM Pro members and features three all-new competitive multiplayer maps: Red Line, Double Cross and Driftwood, as well as two fan-favorite weapons, the M16 and AK-47. The maps, inspired by missions from the single-player campaign, have been designed to feature tighter spaces with intense 8 vs. 8 matches in mind (not that 32-player skirmishes arent a blast on all three maps).
Assault Pack Maps:
Red Line A monorail depot highlights this small and highly war-torn urban location.
Double Cross A plane has crashed into a small mountain village, leaving wreckage and burning debris scattered throughout the area.
Driftwood A small fishing village with a tight layout results in intense close-quarter battles.
Assault Pack Weapons:
M16 This highly accurate Spec Ops weapon is great at range and, with a suppressor gained at Mod Level 2, can be used in stealthier situations as well.
AK-47 This Insurgent weapon is difficult to control but inflicts a high amount of damage. Its also capable of holding a large amount of ammo at Mod 5, making a very deadly option for aggressive players.
And last but certainly not least, dont forget that our Double XP bonus promotion is currently underway and affects not only every game type but both your player level and weapon progression!
macewank said:so I downloaded Abandoned.. 100kb? That reeks of disc-unlock to me.
Why do we allow companies to do this to us?