I'm afraid it's not there. It's really one of my main gripes. Really used to it coming from GR2/GRAW.Mesijs said:I tried to find it at the controller layout, but there isn't a button to switch shoulders right?
Is the PS Eye at the base of your TV? When you're calibrating the controller, are you pointing directly at the Eye as the first step indicates?Mikasangelos said:maybe its because my TV is up on my Mantle and im some what aiming up.
supermackem said:Holy shit did they localise all the voice work or has everyone got a geordie in there squad in single player. When i heard hostial down in a geordie accent i nearly spit my mountain dew all over my tv. hahaha. Also anyone who preorded from game you get the preorder bonus map in an email.
Edit: Yeah the main dude is english in my copy yet in the vids ive seen hes american.
Dibbz said:How is the single player in this? Is it long? Does it have variety in the missions or is it all balls to the walls action?
Check on your receipt. It should be printed on it.zychi said:did anyone get their game from gamestop? did you get an abandoned vouched with it? i assumed the voucher would be inside the case but it wasn't. i put the pro code in and my abandoned is still locked. any ideas?
zychi said:did anyone get their game from gamestop? did you get an abandoned vouched with it? i assumed the voucher would be inside the case but it wasn't. i put the pro code in and my abandoned is still locked. any ideas?
zychi said:did anyone get their game from gamestop? did you get an abandoned vouched with it? i assumed the voucher would be inside the case but it wasn't. i put the pro code in and my abandoned is still locked. any ideas?
Oh I thought you got it at a store and not online. My copy I got from the store had it on the receipt. You may want to call gamestop's customer service and ask about. The code is not linked to pro or in the case so they may email it.zychi said:yeah i definitely got hosed on the receipt because i ordered it from gamestop and got some bogus ups reciept.
Greg said:Yeah, it's under the barcode on the receipt. It says "Your unique code is:"
W1SSY said:The code on the receipt is right below the barcode and above the survey information.
Same here. I also didn't get one for Mortal Kombat and Portal 2.Mikasangelos said:Yeah i didnt get a code either.
My code gave me both at the same time. When you enter the code it shows the shotgun and then abandoned. With both being preorder bonuses you shouldn't have only got just the shotgun. Did you accept the thing that pops up and then go to download or just cancel thinking it was only the shotgun?zychi said:I just went to my local gamestop and he printed out a receipt for me, it had the code on it. Maybe since I got it from gamestop.com they forgot to include it in the package.
e: and its a shotgun code. anyone need a shotgun code? this is why i hate the exclusive dlc, if you dont get a code you wasted your time and money.
e2 claimed.
I'm afraid this game was going to get hated on regardless of what they did. Hell, reviewers would dock a few points for not having a campaign if it didn't have one. SOCOM gets no love anymore.KingOfKong said:zipper should have just made this multiplayer only. any low scores from reviews seem to be based off the campain. I haven't touched that yet but the multiplayer is crack! The multi alone should warrant higher scores then it has been getting.
TheFuryMGS3 said:The multi is TRASH, going from confrontation which has a reasonable damage model and better maps, this is so disappointing. I see why it is rated so low, it feels like a cheap knock off that is wearing the socom name. This game feels so much like homefront: ugly, overhyped and filled with so many cut corners.
No Lobby or party system......... WTF
No Bullet penetration.......
Improper reload animations.......
just to name a few of the many problems. Those who say that it will eventually be patched and be better, WTF is wrong with you?!? Shit is shit, it can stink a little less but at the end of the day it is still shit.
I haven't feel this cheated by a purchase in a long while, that is the only thing it will be remembered for.
zychi said:It's so nice to have a real socom again. I've been loving the classic mode since Tues' launch at midnight.
J-Rzez said he is a page or so back, I believeandycapps said:Crazy that there doesn't seem to be a GAF clan for this yet. Seen lots of people requesting invites, but nobody saying they'll be the leader. I'd do it, but I'm too busy with work to be responsible for all that.
demolitio said:I ended up creating my own clan with some buddies and people from my old clan so we can do some clan matches. This game makes clan wars so damn easy since it's a click away compared to the stupid schedule nonsense from S:C that wasn't even ready for a long time at launch.
It's also nice being able to do 4v4's if we want or any other size.
I'm sure those modes will be released as DLC later. Paid DLC of courseSyphon Filter said:Real socom? It's nothing like the real socom games. No pistols,break,extraction,escort nor demolition.
andycapps said:Crazy that there doesn't seem to be a GAF clan for this yet. Seen lots of people requesting invites, but nobody saying they'll be the leader. I'd do it, but I'm too busy with work to be responsible for all that.
TheFuryMGS3 said:The multi is TRASH, going from confrontation which has a reasonable damage model and better maps, this is so disappointing.
Well they all have to be on at the same time to invite but 7 currently with more on the way from my old clan. My coleader was one of the 18 that went to their community day and is one of the most dedicated and nicest guys out there unlike most of socom.com. We have a few others from there that we like and aren't assholes in general. The clan is all about fun in the end, but we want to take clan matches serious. We have some decent people that communicate a lot and then we have some good people who like to dominate everything in sight while I'm in between depending on how much medication I had to take that day...lol.Giriath_89 said:How many people do you have? Are you all Americans?
Well if you bought it new, you have SOCOM Pro, and new maps/modes will likely be free for your account.ChefRamsay said:I cannot believe I'm saying this, but Zipper may have actually gotten this one right...
I'm sure those modes will be released as DLC later. Paid DLC of course((
Yeah I'm pretty spoiled by XBL too and I hate PSN with a passion, but at least Zipper nailed it with how fast the matchmaking is. Hopefully the party system will be good, too.KPunk said:well i am really enjoying this game, so far everything is great playing with friends is so much fun....HOWEVER when you play at prime time like NOW, its by far the most annoying thing. every game is 15 of 16 players, FULL when i join, friend cant jump in to join the battle. wasted a good 45 + min trying to play with 1 friend. honestly my single only complaint so far about the game..i cant wait for the patch. PSN is such a garbage piece of shit, compared to XBL im seriously spoiled with live.