Slicker than your average
Spider man 2 will absolutely over take it. It would be a disaster if it didn't, but there is no way of that not happening due to the strength of the games quality, the brand and the install base.
So it will probably end up number 9 or just slipping out of the top 10 if it's lucky.
Fifa, cod and spider man are all going to chart higher.
Thanks for responding. Can you actually post what I put please because I can't remember using the word destroys. I admit 100% that if I wrote that in a way your post implies that it would be bad. I need to see the context.
I honestly thought I just said it looks leagues ahead. In what context did I write destroys. Did I actually write it destroys gt7? That is extreme and I apologise if that's what I put.
Feel free to post the full thing.
Seriously, I appreciate you responding. I'm a big fan of this site.
I have received warnings and I have tried to improve my posting to be a better contributer.
I promise you I have not done this as a soap box, I made posts to the contact page very early on to discuss things and to improve my posts but I have never received a response.
Wow. Making a drama thread where you clearly omitted the facts to cry the classic persecution strat is one thing, but to then grovel like a lil bitch is next level comedy. This is after you had a near psychotic breakdown over steam reviews on starfieldI guess I used the word "destroys" in that Forza destroys GT7 in that video and not looks "leagues ahead"??
Like I said, more than happy for the post to be shared in this now live thread.
I apologise for using the word leagues ahead, or maybe in using destroyed but legit can't remember saying it. I didnt even get chance to reread my post. It was gone within 30- 50 seconds.

Now you back track and post all this weird groveling stuff? You used the word destroys, get over it. Don't apologise like a little bitch over one word.
Everyone knows your rep, including the mods judging by EL's post l.. you even PM mods? You none stop war but PM mods privately over stuff you don't like?

How old are you bro.
Edit. And no this isn't a personal attack. This is you being called out for not reading a room and using some perspective. You're on a forum complaining about one post being deleted. Which you lied about too.
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