Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Nope, it's not. Yes I have a DS4. I don't want to use it with one hand and I don't want the game to require switching grip styles between one moment and the next. That'd be a fail imo. And if it's minor movements like you suggest, then why hold it with one hand to begin with? Juse use both. Which would make the gesture even less realistic if it's meant to be like replacing a hand in 3D space. Meh. Now if they make their standard controller detachable/separate like 2x joycons or, again, like 2 redesigned moves with all the expected inputs and a more convenient form, that's a different thing and I'd be all for it, Wii was a winner, make a next gen version and be VR capable out of the box too as a bonus.
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