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Rise of the Ronin and Elden Ring, two different philosophies
Team Ninja has built a solid reputation among gamers looking for a permanent challenge once the controller is in their hands. With Rise of the Ronin, the development teams have slightly changed their approach in order to reach a wider audience. During an interview given by Team Ninja to the JV editorial team, the vision of the difficulty of Japanese studios was discussed. Unlike their previous productions (Nioh, Ninja Gaiden, etc.), Rise of the Ronin wants to please fans of Elden Ring and Souls-like, but also reach out to more “casual” players. To do this, Team Ninja has integrated three distinct difficulty modes.
Q: The Nioh and Ninja Gaiden sagas are renowned for their level of difficulty. Can we expect an extremely difficult video game? How to manage this increase in difficulty in an open world? Have you analyzed games like Elden Ring to achieve this?
Obviously Team Ninja titles aren't designed to be easy for everyone to play, but we wanted to make this title more accessible to a wide range of players. We have developed three distinct difficulty modes that players can choose based on their preferences. The first is aimed at narrative-focused players who want to experience the story and play without too much difficulty. Then we have an intermediate mode for players used to this kind of experience. Finally, we have a harder mode that is more in line with our previous games and meets the needs of hardcore gamers and Souls-like fans. - Yosuke Hayashi (Producer - Team Ninja) and Fumihiko Yasuda (Development Producer and Game Director)
Translated from JeuxVideo
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