
Whistleblower EXPOSES Extreme Racism INSIDE Compulsion Games During Development of 'South of Midnight'
A whistleblower intimately familiar with the studio exposes what's really going on...

The Whistleblower Comes Forward
A whistleblower intimately familiar with Compulsion Games, and someone I have known of for a long time and trust completely, reached out to me shortly after this all went down. Out of sheer frustration with the company’s internal chaos and hypocritical handling of PR, they decided it was time to reveal the real truth, and that I was the trustworthy source to get this out to the masses.
According to the whistleblower, they informed me:
Let that sink in for a second. They replaced a Black voice actress because she didn’t sound “Black enough.” If that’s not the definition of tokenism and racism, I don’t know what is.“The lead voice actress for the main character was a totally different person than the one in the final game. She was hired to voice the protagonist, but apparently, she didn’t sound... err... Black enough."

This also disproves that original rumor that @Grummz tweeted about (above) how South of Midnight potentially raceswapped the game's protagonist, but at the same time, what actually DID happen... wasn't any better whatsoever.

The whistleblower continued:
"Eventually, they replaced her altogether with the voice actress you hear now. The irony is that the people crying racism are supporting a studio that hired a white dialect coach to teach a Black voice actress how to sound more Black."