I played The Binding of Isaac last night, for the first time in several months, and it was remarkable how much better that game is at applying the mechanics and sensibilities of a roguelike to another genre.
Are shortcuts instant?
I've beaten the mines twice now and gave Tunnel Man the necessary item, however the shortcut is still under construction.
Maybe it's because you like Zelda more. But I'm just speculating.I played The Binding of Isaac last night, for the first time in several months, and it was remarkable how much better that game is at applying the mechanics and sensibilities of a roguelike to another genre.
https://twitter.com/JWonggg/Justin Wong @JWonggg
Has anyone played the game called "Spelunky"? Its an evil game. Can you save? Everytime I die I start at Level 1 again...
This game is so cheap
I played The Binding of Isaac last night, for the first time in several months, and it was remarkable how much better that game is at applying the mechanics and sensibilities of a roguelike to another genre.
I don't get this game. Randomly generated levels. Ugh.
Is there any reliable way to find the black market?
Is there any reliable way to find the black market? If not, what's the best general strategy to increase your chances? Does it only appear on a certain level?
now i've discovered the temple is pretty much impossible with a default spelunker, need more items.
Does anyone have a reliable strategy for beating the final boss?
That guy screws me royally.
That sucks, I really hate the bugs he releases and make sure I'm never in front of him for that reason.dear lord I finally sorted out the ankh, got that hedjet and made it to the temple, stepped off the beginning of the first stage and wasted a mummy with the shotgun I earned myself, only to be hit multiple times by those things he releases for insta death. most amazing run ever then dead in 1 second on the temple. FUUUUUUU
what's this about a ghost making more money? Explain. I need to start attacking the gold achieve now, I've never bothered but usually feel rich if I've got 50,000..... how the hell is 500k even achievable?!
When ghosts touch gems they turn into diamonds, which are worth a lot more.
I was too, until I actually decided to start taking them on for massive riches and I found that they're really not scary after all. They're pretty easy to dodge even if it might cost a rope or two. If you let a ghost touch all the jewels in a treasure room in the Mines, that's $70k and hopefully a shotgun from the guy in there. Very worth it if you're going for the $500k.loving all the little secrets. shame I'm more scared of that ghost than a real ghost
Welp 370 deaths and I just now discovered that you can shoot ropes downward, and that you can cancel out the kickback from the shotgun![]()
I was too, until I actually decided to start taking them on for massive riches and I found that they're really not scary after all. They're pretty easy to dodge even if it might cost a rope or two. If you let a ghost touch all the jewels in a treasure room in the Mines, that's $70k and hopefully a shotgun from the guy in there. Very worth it if you're going for the $500k.
No, it doesn't. I just mean that hopefully I can kill that guy and get his gun.wait wait, he kills the shopkeeper as well?! I FUCKING HATE THAT SHOPKEEPER.
That's the treasure room I keep talking about, btw. It's not meant for anything but high scores.also, what's up with the shopkeeper in the box with 2 chests? I Tried to free that asshole with a pick axe once, thought he might be like 'OMG THANKS HERES RICHES' he murdered me. fucker.
Me and a bro took a shot at this and rarely made it out of the caves throughout a lengthy session. A week later me and two bros took a shot at it and we only got out of the caves like three times.
Any advice other than to stop being ADD dipshits?
Welp 370 deaths and I just now discovered that you can shoot ropes downward, and that you can cancel out the kickback from the shotgun![]()
Standing still, tap forward as you fire and you won't budge.
got to temple and Anubis dry humped me in about 30 seconds. the longest ive ever spent in temple.
Thanks. I think the last one is probably the biggest problem we have to work on. With three people and only one person controlling the camera, it takes even more effort to pace things properly.use the 'look up' and 'look down' extremely frequently.
decide what you're going for. I play now like 'i'm chasing gold' or 'i'm rescuing people' based off achievements.
don't try and do everything. figure out if you really want to kill the shop keeper. Often it's not worth it. treat every bad guy as the end of you, cause it can be.
above all, patience. I generally die way too much from rushing it. try to take your finger off the run button a lot more than you probably do (I play with the run button 90% held, I can't help it and I die a lot because of it)
Maybe it depends on what you use it on.maybe it does, or maybe its random? i was using one forever yesterday.
themoreyouknow.jpgThere's an x% chance it'll break every time you use it. If you're lucky it could last forever!
There's an x% chance it'll break every time you use it. If you're lucky it could last forever!
i've killed that asshole twice now. holy jesus at the overpowered scepter you get. feels so disappointing when a tikitrap robs you of your life anyway![]()
i didnt realize how amazing the pickaxe is. for some reason i thought it broke after several hits (for some dumb reason), now i realize its like one of the best items in the game. i love tearing apart levels with the thing.
Not if you bring it with you to the next level; it becomes unbreakable when you do.There's an x% chance it'll break every time you use it. If you're lucky it could last forever!
Don't use the scepter! It's glitchy and will randomly kill you out of nowhere. I try not to use it at all but yesterday, I sorta panicked and used it and insta-died. I had 70 bombs, 20 ropes, jetpack and all the other good stuff. Oh, and 15 life. God damn it!i've killed that asshole twice now. holy jesus at the overpowered scepter you get. feels so disappointing when a tikitrap robs you of your life anyway![]()
Yeah, that'll be a tough trade... Losing the unbreakable mattock but hopefully gaining a fixed scepter that doesn't randomly kill you.Yeah the invincible pickaxe is a glitch though, so it'll be gone whenever they get the first patch out.