Developed by Mossmouth.
Releases on July 4 for 1200msp.
20 achievements worth 400 points total.
Only available on Xbox Live Arcade.

Spelunky is a platformer with lots of monsters, items, traps, and secrets.

Dying in Spelunky can be quick and painful.

But each time you restart, you'll play a new, randomly-generated set of levels! There's a lot of freedom to how you want
to navigate the levels, which are fully destructible. And even though they're randomized, you will still get more skilled
over time!

You can pick up and use or toss practically everything you come across (to your own detriment, if you're not careful!)

You'll also be able to play Spelunky with friends in local multiplayer! There's co-op and deathmatch.

With multiple players interacting, co-op becomes a much different game. It's easy to help or hurt each other, so
socialization is important!

Deathmatch has been likened to a platformer version of "Bomberman" by testers, although it's much faster-paced, with
more (and more varied) items and weapons at your disposal. There will be AI bots for those that want to deathmatch
alone. For players that are competitive but don't always feel like killing other players, Spelunky will feature leaderboards
for highscoring and speedrunning.
If you play enough, not only will you get good enough to beat the game, but you may start to unravel some of its deepest secrets...

Box art


Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Further Reading
The Full Spelunky on Spelunky - A blog post by Derek Yu that talks about how the idea of Spelunky was formed, the design of
Spelunky, and the XBLA version.
'Spelunky': The everlasting platformer (The Verge/Polygon) - If you're looking to read about Spelunky in depth, definitely check
out this article. It has tons of info and art regarding Spelunky all the way back from its inception to now. Derek Yu is also
interviewed throughout.
Don't be fooled by Spelunky XBLA's quiet launch (Gamasutra) - Derek Yu discusses why he isn't nervous about the public's expectations for Spelunky and what his goal was during development.
Quick Look: Spelunky (Giant Bomb) - Okay, it's not an article. It's a video. But it's too good not to include! If you want to see gameplay of Spelunky with good commentary, check this video out.

Two pieces of DLC have been released. Each are 160 points (2 dollars).
Explorers DLC:

8 adventurous new souls have entered the caves seeking excitement and treasure! The Explorers DLC adds the Eskimo, the Robot, the Viking, the Round Girl, the Round Boy, the Cyclops, the Ninja, and the Golden Monk to Spelunky's lovable cast. These characters can be selected in both Adventure Mode and Deathmatch Mode.
Arenas DLC:

Can't get enough of Spelunky's fast-paced Deathmatch Mode? The Arenas DLC reveals 24 new arenas to battle your friends in! These chaotic death traps offer up all kinds of devious ways to kill or be killed, from sacrificial altars to perilous bee hives. Will anyone survive?
Thanks to SAB CA for posting this info in the thread.

The original Spelunky is a freeware game for the PC. Although the XBLA version will have way more features than the original,
the original is still fully featured and has gamepad support. It is one of my favorite games of all time and has infinite replayabillity.
Derek Yu has stated that once Spelunky for XBLA is released, he will revisit the original and release bug fixes and improvements.
If you need something to tide you over until Spelunky for XBLA releases, definitely check it out!
To download the original Spelunky, go here!

For the info in this thread and more, go to spelunkyworld.com.