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The greatest Spider-Man movie is...

  • Spider-Man

    Votes: 29 19.0%
  • Spider-Man 2

    Votes: 85 55.6%
  • Spider-Man 3

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • The Amazing Spider-Man

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming

    Votes: 7 4.6%
  • Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

    Votes: 26 17.0%
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters


Doc Ock GIF


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Spider-Verse feels like cheating because it's so unlike the rest, but it's that.

Spider-Verse aside? It's Spider-Man 2.


So many people voting for the most disappointing spider-man.

Spider-man 2 was so bad for so many reasons. Why does anyone think it was good? Doc Ock’s arms got you all in a trance too?
good cast, villain, action set pieces, engaging narrative, score, pacing, dialogue

in comparison, the first Tom Holland film feels like MCU DLC with dodgy CGI, war crime joke, action sequences nowhere near as engaging or well directed. no genuine danger because Stark is always nearby. waste of good actors and underdeveloped villain

Tobey McGuire and Alfred Molina helped set the bar and the film still holds up


good cast, villain, action set pieces, engaging narrative, score, pacing, dialogue

in comparison, the first Tom Holland film feels like MCU DLC with dodgy CGI, war crime joke, action sequences nowhere near as engaging or well directed. no genuine danger because Stark is always nearby. waste of good actors and underdeveloped villain

Tobey McGuire and Alfred Molina helped set the bar and the film still holds up

The action is the only good thing about that movie. Now let me remind you of how awful the other things are in that movie lol!:

1. Peter losing his powers. Never explained and thoroughly dumb. He gets his powers back. Why? Because the script says he does. He goes to Dr Connors to figure out what’s wrong with him and DOESNT tell him he’s Spider-Man. So it was a waste of time.

2. Every adult in Peter’s life is a mentor-spewing advice machine except JJJ. All of them were one-note, one-dimensional. Aunt May was especially painful because she exists to remind Peter of his uncle’s death.

3. Doc Ock’s transformation into a villain was hilariously dumb. He shows off state of the art prosthetics that would change the game for crippled and amputees. But THAT isn’t why people are crammed into his apt. It’s because of a highly volatile energy experiment.

In his apartment.

With no precautions whatsoever.

But he puts goggles on so it’s okay LOL.

Then a highly sensitive control chip that has no protection around it whatsoever breaks and his arms control him? Gaddam that was some smooth brained script writing. Even for a comic book movie.

4. Mary Jane is super annoying. Asshole move at the end to leave her wedding while giving no explanation to anyone as to what was going on.

5. Robbing banks to pay for another experiment instead of just taking the materials he needs.

6. Doc Ock’s sacrifice at the end. What a fucking waste. Spends the entire movie as a zombie with no emotional motivation (unlike green goblin). Just to wake up from it and immediately die.

7. Everyone shits on Peter. It got old that 90% of the movie saw Peter not catching a break. I remember watching it in the theater and thinking “Dear Lord enough already! We get it. No one likes him. And because of this piss poor script, NOW I DONT LIKE HIM.”

Maybe that was the goal all along. To get me to not like that movie.


The action is the only good thing about that movie. Now let me remind you of how awful the other things are in that movie lol!:

1. Peter losing his powers. Never explained and thoroughly dumb. He gets his powers back. Why? Because the script says he does. He goes to Dr Connors to figure out what’s wrong with him and DOESNT tell him he’s Spider-Man. So it was a waste of time.
Peter gains confidence thereby inspiring audience

2. Every adult in Peter’s life is a mentor-spewing advice machine except JJJ. All of them were one-note, one-dimensional. Aunt May was especially painful because she exists to remind Peter of his uncle’s death.
Respect your elders and pay your rent pls

3. Doc Ock’s transformation into a villain was hilariously dumb. He shows off state of the art prosthetics that would change the game for crippled and amputees. But THAT isn’t why people are crammed into his apt. It’s because of a highly volatile energy experiment.

In his apartment.

With no precautions whatsoever.

But he puts goggles on so it’s okay LOL.

Then a highly sensitive control chip that has no protection around it whatsoever breaks and his arms control him? Gaddam that was some smooth brained script writing. Even for a comic book movie.
Genius has a bit of an ego and don't think anything can go wrong. Harry funded it so why not make a bit of a show. Also it isn't meant be hugely grounded like the subsequent (superhero) films. He makes a sun, enjoy the suspension of disbelief and eat yo popped corn

4. Mary Jane is super annoying. Asshole move at the end to leave her wedding while giving no explanation to anyone as to what was going on.

5. Robbing banks to pay for another experiment instead of just taking the materials he needs.
Pay in cash, keep a low profile, less hassle, don't want popo to come after you fam

6. Doc Ock’s sacrifice at the end. What a fucking waste. Spends the entire movie as a zombie with no emotional motivation (unlike green goblin). Just to wake up from it and immediately die.
Tragic end, he was corrupted and wanted to finish what he started

7. Everyone shits on Peter. It got old that 90% of the movie saw Peter not catching a break. I remember watching it in the theater and thinking “Dear Lord enough already! We get it. No one likes him. And because of this piss poor script, NOW I DONT LIKE HIM.”

Maybe that was the goal all along. To get me to not like that movie.
He battles through adversity, despite all the setbacks

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Peter gains confidence thereby inspiring audience

Respect your elders and pay your rent pls

Genius has a bit of an ego and don't think anything can go wrong. Harry funded it so why not make a bit of a show. Also it isn't meant be hugely grounded like the subsequent (superhero) films. He makes a sun, enjoy the suspension of disbelief and eat yo popped corn


Pay in cash, keep a low profile, less hassle, don't want popo to come after you fam

Tragic end, he was corrupted and wanted to finish what he started

He battles through adversity, despite all the setbacks

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
Pretty decent defense. I could pick it apart but then again I like movies like Kung Pow so I have no room to talk.

But, yeah, Kung Pow has a better script than Spider-man 2.


Gold Member
I kinda like them all.

I told those bastards I liked Michael Bolton.

Seriously though, spider verse, Spidey 2,and homecoming are probably my favorite. But even the asm movies are enjoyable as weird as they are.

It's like all the batman movies; each director has their own style and it's fun


Just watched 2 recently it’s actually bad. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug. The bank robbery idea was especially dumb.


Spiderverse and then Spiderman 2, yeah, i'm on that boat.

I love Raimi's style, he knows how to do top cheese.
I really like Tom Holland as Spiderman but his stand alone movies have felt pretty small compared to Raimi's movies, probably mostly because of the MCU.
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The action is the only good thing about that movie. Now let me remind you of how awful the other things are in that movie lol!:

1. Peter losing his powers. Never explained and thoroughly dumb. He gets his powers back. Why? Because the script says he does. He goes to Dr Connors to figure out what’s wrong with him and DOESNT tell him he’s Spider-Man. So it was a waste of time.
The fact that you somehow don't find this part of the movie make sense, makes me doubt of your sharpness.


Tough decision.
Out of those went with Homecoming. With Parkers being equal the MCU weighed the scale for me.
Spiderverse was a great film with the best story of these. Like 1&2 a lot for the villains. still find the films watchable.
Didn't care for ASM and haven't watched again.


The fact that you somehow don't find this part of the movie make sense, makes me doubt of your sharpness.
Okay explain it to me. Since you’re something of a scientist yourself. How does he lose his powers and then gain them back? What is the closest medical explanation of how it’s possible for someone to lose a part of their DNA suddenly.


Okay explain it to me. Since you’re something of a scientist yourself. How does he lose his powers and then gain them back? What is the closest medical explanation of how it’s possible for someone to lose a part of their DNA suddenly.
Medical? Spiderman powers are space magic, nobody has any idea how they work even in the comics, the idea of his powers being tied to his will makes as much sense as the powers themselves.


Spider-Man 2. No other Spider-Man film nails the duality of his life as well.

It is the most emotionally driven and has the best action sequences.
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I'm gonna raise my shield here, Batman's my guy but Spider-Man and Superman trade off for a very distant 2nd place depending on the day, I've seen every single Spiderman film opening weekend in theaters, Spider-Man 2002 was my first superhero movie my dad took me to as a kid. I own a decent amount of Spider-Man comics, grew up on the tv shows, PS4 game was okay. Annnnd I've revisited all the movies a lot as I've gotten older and uhhh.

I don't think any spider-man movie, yes even Raimi 2 and Spider-Verse are really all that exceedingly excellent. Or that great. And Spiderman 1 and 2 used the be my favorite movies ever as a kid. That said none of them except maybe far from home I'd say are just offensively bad. They're all just kinda decent I guess.

Spider-man 2 is the best of all of them and is a really solid good movie to me. Which is enough to make it the best spider-man movie to me as well.
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Far From Home was a big step down, for me. I was admittedly disappointed to see that the consensus seemed to be the opposite.


ChatGPT 0.001
Couldn’t quite like Spider-Man after the 2000s movies, the villains have been a problem since Sandman. They got to fix that.


The 2nd one is probably the best movie overall, but my favorite is the 1st. The newspaper guy was straight up hilarious, and the fighting match scene felt like the old Spiderman cartoons, the way he mocked the fighter and so on.
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Both Spider-man 1 and 2. I didn't even think they would have the interest to release a decent Spider-man at the time, but be damn. Its not just a great Spider-man movie, its a great movie all around.

Just look at how loyal the first one is in comparison with the comics. No big cheesy drama either, Uncle Ben just died saying "Peter" and nothing more. If it was on modern days, he would give a speech before he dies.
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good cast, villain, action set pieces, engaging narrative, score, pacing, dialogue

in comparison, the first Tom Holland film feels like MCU DLC with dodgy CGI, war crime joke, action sequences nowhere near as engaging or well directed. no genuine danger because Stark is always nearby. waste of good actors and underdeveloped villain

Tobey McGuire and Alfred Molina helped set the bar and the film still holds up

Did you forget the entire last act of Homecoming where Spidey could have fallen to his death from a plane? He handled all that on his own.

My answer is Raimi Spider-Man 2 for best Spidey film. Everything about it is great imo.
Then Far From Home, then Homecoming. I especially like these films as they change things up and take him out of New York.
Then Raimi Spider 1 and 3.
Then the dreadful Amazing Spider-Man films.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I love into the spiderverse, what’s up danger. But Spider-Man 2 is probably the best.
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