Dreavus said:I am disappointed by the typing of the needle shot... piecing is kinda of crappy to have on a gun. The stuff that doesn't dodge too much like slimes and most machines resist it! Whereas it seems to be super effective against beasts, who usually dodge around like maniacs. I should have waited for a pepperbox recipe.![]()
This is what I'm somewhat afraid of. Throw in PVP and keep expanding the gear and people will stay.czartim said:What is the "end game content" in this game? Like, once you have 5* equipment, is there any point in continuing to play?
Also, I have a concern that once most players have 5*, newbies will be able to get any equipment they want at the cost of energy since there will no longer be a need for mats any more.
Wallach said:The entire Antigua line is piercing, too. On the plus side, both upgrade lines pretty much maul gremins/wolvars. You just have to get used to fighting them and unloading when they can't dodge (when they're attacking/casting/yelping etc). Or if someone (aka Eeks) is freezing everything you can really rail on those types. I agree that it is dumb that they're most effective against the most dodge-happy enemies, though. Seems counter-intuitive for a weapon line that is harder to access than all of the other guns because of the jelly gems.
I went with the shadow upgrade line with my Antigua (because the 5* is called Sentenza, I mean what choice did I really have) and I'm kind of undecided on what to pair it with gun-wise. I'm keeping a Calibur in my 3rd slot for general purpose, but I'm thinking of going with a frost or fire line Alchemer. Fire seems more powerful but I hate the damn flammable slimes. Worth noting that dodge-spammy types don't seem to dodge Alchemer shots.
On a side note, I'm not sure who Kururugisuzak is here on NeoGAF but I got your Cold Iron Carver recipe.
theinfinityissue said:So.. I finally found one of the "unique" monsters today.
What I expected: A slightly reskinned monster with insane stats and ultra rare loot.
What I got: A slime cube with a mustache, beard, and toupee, with normal stats and loot.
Disappointed? Not even a little bit.
Cloudius12 said:Send Varindo a Friend Request.
I wonder if there is any guild bigger than GAF?
I think people overthink the Jelly King a lot. I've played in some groups where everyone is completely anal about what is happening (they don't do any of the arenas on the way there (what a waste of earnings potential), they'll only do the minimum necessary to open gates, etc. and when they get to the final level all the preparation they did in previous level sis really for nothing because they get smashed. There is definitely strategy involved but it is really only to bumrush the king and use high dps and poison to kill him.Dreavus said:Got wrecked by the Jelly King today with a few other gaffers. We need a total bad-ass like Haly or Varindo to come and help us out, otherwise it feels so hopeless. =(
Does anyone know how often he spawns smaller jellies? I know people say "ignore everything and go for him only", but there ends up being so many jellies that, as a group, wreck shields and clog up the field. If the respawn time on them is significant, than maybe it'd be worth it to clear them out a bit (provided the King himself remains poisoned/on fire/cursed)?
Angelic Set is pretty good but you're going to need trojan horseshoes eventually and.. well, fuck that :/Quixzlizx said:Anyone have a good suggestion for what line of helm/armor I should pair with Cutter/Voltech Alchemer/Owlite Shield?
Diablohead said:I spent all my crowns and some energy trying out random crafts and the peppergun is rather awesome, good damage, lots of shots, sets things on fire, damn easily the best pistol in the game so far because it actually does some damage worth giving a damn about.
its like pso / guild warsBrettison said:Are there different servers that you are locked into like say WoW or LOTRO or is it like PSO where your not locked in?
eek5 said:Angelic Set is pretty good but you're going to need trojan horseshoes eventually and.. well, fuck that :/
Diablohead said:its like pso / guild wars
I thought about that too, make a load of level 1 and 2 craft with good bonuses ready for level 3 crafting, going to take a lot of time and moneyeek5 said:Oh man.. I just found out that unique variants go all the way up to ultra. Wondering if I should mass craft some haze bombs to get damage vs construct/undead/etc. ultra or high for my main bombs.. :/
For the haze bombs, it costs 200cr and 10ce to craft. The materials used are pretty abundant and you can sell them for 300cr to vendor so you lose about ~200cr each. I doubt anyone would buy a 1* item but maybe you could sell a couple good variant 2*'s to cover some of the cost. I wonder if it'd be worth the trouble though. I'm assuming an ultra damage bonus would be pretty good though.Diablohead said:I thought about that too, make a load of level 1 and 2 craft with good bonuses ready for level 3 crafting, going to take a lot of time and money
Osaka said:Jesus christ I hate the badger-like Wolver Prime squirrel thingies. The big ones.
At this point you could probably get 2* & 3* equipment fairly cheap, but the fun for me is finding the mats and crafting myself. I only involve others if I'm really struggling to find something.mjc said:I saw you with some other GAFFERS just before, although I couldn't stick around since I needed to buy energy.
I decided to buy 3500 energy for $10 since I was all out and I couldn't do anything. Is the most efficient way to get energy just to farm crowns and then sell them for more energy? I'm not totally sure how someone can get a leg up like that when you start out.
I understand it hit whatever in front of it, but sometime the hitbox can be weird and hits you when you are on its side.Lumbers' damage area has been decreased.
You and me both. Bullet hell Gun Puppy is one thing, but that homing missile BS gets me going.Cloudius12 said:I am waiting for the Gun Puppy nerf, the homing missile one.
InsertNameHere said:Seems fun, I could probably use some help as I just got to Haven and have little idea of what I'm doing though.
IGN: Lead-Protagonist
Edit: Any tips so I don't go around wasting energy?
ArtistDude88 said:So I'm thinking about completely redoing my armor.
I think I'll start working my way toward:
Helmet - Divine Veil [★★★★★]
- Elemental & Shadow defense power
- Fire resist
- Shock resist
- Curse resist
Armor - Divine Mantle [★★★★★]
- Elemental & Shadow defense power
- Fire resist
- Shock resist
- Curse resist
Armor Set Bonus: N/A
Shield - Royal Jelly Shield [★★★★★]
- Normal, Piercing, & Health defense power
- Stun resist
- Sleep resist
What do you guys think? I won't have any poison or frost resist... But everything else is covered.
Hmmm... I could get a trinket for frost... So Poison would be my only weakness![]()
Osaka said:Wish I would've paid as much attention before I decided to go for the Skelly set route.
ArtistDude88 said:So I'm thinking about completely redoing my armor.
I think I'll start working my way toward: