Just got around to checking out the latest EGM in the mail and came across the Splinter Cell 3 press start info. Not a whole lot there but what caught me by surprise is that the game is due out this holiday season. UBI needs to slowdown. We are going to have, six months between releases? Sometimes I think a year is pushing it but I wonder what is their rush to have a new Splinter Cell game out so soon? Sales obvsiously but isn't this a good way to run a franchise into the ground?
According to the preview it sounds like UBI has two teams making Splinter Cell games and the teams alternate games. So I guess Splinter Cell 3 is handled by the team who developed the original Splinter Cell? Now we should expect the Pandora Tommorrow team to have Splinter Cell 4 ready by next March/April? Sheesh.
According to the preview it sounds like UBI has two teams making Splinter Cell games and the teams alternate games. So I guess Splinter Cell 3 is handled by the team who developed the original Splinter Cell? Now we should expect the Pandora Tommorrow team to have Splinter Cell 4 ready by next March/April? Sheesh.