burgerdog said:Er, but if we don't update we can't play online coop. Updating!
Any stores selling this for less than $60? Not interested in ordering anything online.
Amneisac said:I still don't really understand how things like this happen. This seems to be happening to pretty much everyone given my experience with it so far.
MrCompletely said:looks like the release day update is causing massive freezing problems for many people.
JambiBum said:I don't have a freezing issue. Maybe that's because I played the part of SP it freezes at before the patch lol.
To lock up your game.JambiBum said:Does anyone know what the patch was for?
zero margin said:Is this problem happening for everyone who starts a new game + updates? Anyone not had the issue?
Multiple day-one purchasers of Splinter Cell: Conviction are seeing the game freeze on its second level and at other moments. Publisher Ubisoft tells Kotaku the issue is being investigated. Please note: There is a temporary fix.
The freeze has been reported by Xbox 360 players who have been playing the game with an Xbox Live connection. They reach the game's second level and it freezes. (The example above is from Kotaku reader SanjiX).
Some of those players, according to comments published under Kotaku's review of Splinter Cell Conviction, say that clearing their 360's harddrive cache and then re-booting their 360, with Xbox Live disconnected, allows them to bypass the freeze.
On the official Ubisoft forums, a member of the company's tech support team walked through the steps to apply that temporary fix:
Steps to clear the system cache below.
1. Load to the Xbox 360 dashboard
2. Choose "System Settings"
3. Choose "Memory"
4. Highlight your hard drive
5. Press "y" for device options
6. from here just choose to clear system cache
Ubisoft does not have a long-term fix ready for gamers yet, but a company spokesperson told Kotaku "We are aware and looking into it."
At this point, the freeze seems to be related to a day-one patch issued for Conviction. That patch, according to an earlier conversation between Ubisoft and Kotaku, corrects a system-freezing problem I and fellow games reporter Russ Frushtick of MTV Multiplayer encountered while playing the game's co-op campaign together. As noted in my review, a frenzied moment late in the co-op campaign triggered an unusual alert message that indicated that the consoles we were playing on were running out of available memory (4 MB left, 3 MB left, etc.). Frushtick and I had been playing a review copy of the game on special "debug" Xbox 360s and could not be certain the issue would be relevant to store-bought copies of the game played on regular Xbox 360s. But Ubisoft indicated that the problem warranted the title update that is automatically applied to the game when a person puts Conviction into an Xbox Live-connected 360 today.
Whoompthereitis said:So, let me get this straight...
If I buy the game today, take it home, and only play single player offline, I should be fine?
Jesse Jane said:yah looks like it.
From what I've gleaned in reading various articles, sounds like not all are faulty, but most are. You're essentially entering a lottery.Pandoracell said:Wait, are all of the CE USB drives faulty?
Pandoracell said:Wait, are all of the CE USB drives faulty?
MortalMonkey said:From what I've gleaned in reading various articles, sounds like not all are faulty, but most are. You're essentially entering a lottery.
skyfinch said:I bet they're sitting back, drinking their bagged milk and laughing at us.
The patch corrects a system freezing problem in co-op mode but if you download the patch, it will then freeze in single-player story mode on the second level? WTF?Jesse Jane said:here you go
JustAnotherOtaku said:Is this just for preorders/online orders or in-store too?
heringer said:I can see why the game won't score as high as Chaos Theory. Some fans might be pissed with some decisions.
I always liked Splinter Cell, but to me Conviction is the best entry. The cleverly designed levels make the set pieces more thrilling and fun. The gameplay is clearly a step up. You can flank enemies in a breeze. The overall pacing is much better to me.
So yeah, it's definitely a different beast. It's not as slow and methodical as past entries as it is instinctual and visceral.
spindoc said:I'm sad about the new direction(I hate it), but I'm glad the franchise has a good chance to grow. Maybe it'll trigger a new wave of stealth games into the market! /wishful thinking
frontieruk said:I don't hate it, I just don't see it fitting in the Splintercell ethos, if anything I see it as promoting the misconception that Americans are gun happy thugs when dealing with problems (I'm assuming the co-op is the same play style) ie blast anything that is causing you an issue, the previous games gave the impression that you were always at risk and always made you feel being covert was the easiest solution, I see myself playing this as a gears style game, move >> shooting set piece >> move , the stealth element basically being the gears cover system and some climbingStealth as we knew it is gone for this franchise, we made it a success by buying something that was different, but obviously the level of sales was not enough so they've gone to a by the numbers action game
we have asked Microsoft to remove the update for the time being until we can determine the cause and fix the issue.
Chriswok said:I figured that Ubisoft were simply tapping into the '24' Jack Bauer fanbase.
frontieruk said:I don't hate it, I just don't see it fitting in the Splintercell ethos, if anything I see it as promoting the misconception that Americans are gun happy thugs when dealing with problems (I'm assuming the co-op is the same play style) ie blast anything that is causing you an issue, the previous games gave the impression that you were always at risk and always made you feel being covert was the easiest solution, I see myself playing this as a gears style game, move >> shooting set piece >> move , the stealth element basically being the gears cover system and some climbingStealth as we knew it is gone for this franchise, we made it a success by buying something that was different, but obviously the level of sales was not enough so they've gone to a by the numbers action game
MrCompletely said:looks like the release day update is causing massive freezing problems for many people.
As mentioned in the link I provided above, Ubisoft is asking Microsoft to remove the patch to prevent people from downloading it. By later today, the patch will probably become unavailable for the time being.Ricker said:Too late for me,damn can`t play now it will freeze again at the same place...this warning should be added to the thead title...
Amneisac said:This makes two HUGE releases from major developers / publishers having major problems for me recently:
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Battlefield Bad Company 2
There is seriously no excuse for a game being pushed out by studios of this pedigree to have a game-breaking bug in it.
Wasn't it that ticket dropping problem that was on the thread title for a bit?MrCompletely said:What was game breaking for BFBC2? I got that before release and had 0 problems ever in that game.
This one was a release day patched, I've had SC:C since Friday and haven't had a single problem.