Play last stand if you want some mine goodness. It's a really good mode to get some of those explosive challenges out of the way and such.Najaf said:Infiltration mode was fun indeed. I miss using my remote mines though.
the music OWNS in this game
mYm|17| said:the music OWNS in this game
whatevermort said:I'm just starting the, and so far it's been really fun to play, but the narrative has been a complete clusterfuck. It's one of the messiest stories I've seen in ages, with these pointless and confused flashbacks and flashforwards. To tie this sort of shambles together requires really solid writing, and, well...White Box
dslgunstar said:How close or far do they have to be to get the Cat and Mouse PEC points? Cause Ive ganked people that were literally standing right on top of the LKP, and I've ganked people 30 yards away. Doesnt seem to make a difference![]()
RedStep said:My understanding is that YOU have to be 10 meters away. I don't think it matters where the target is.
Smokey said:Damn only about 1,000 posts for this game in the official thread?
elektrixxx said:Is there a way we can get the USB stick content? We didn't get a USB stick in our LCE, but I'd like all that content.
BigKaboom2 said:Every time I've tried to use remote mines in Deniable Ops I haven't been able to find the detonator - am I missing something? I'm usually under duress when I'm tossing them out so I'm not totally sure what's happening but I can't seem to set them off.
UPlay are points you earn playing Ubisoft games when you sign up at while having your 360 synced up. It's kind of neat. You can use the points to purchase weapons and uniforms right now. You earn the points by completing certain actions in the games. Think of it a bit like achievements where you actually earn something.Smokey said:What is UPlay?
I have the game rented from Gamefly so no manual, but I keep seeing this feature being mentioned?
yes, on realistic some parts gets a bit frustrating but it's easy for the most part.firehawk12 said:Is the single player as frustrating?
miladesn said:yes, on realistic some parts gets a bit frustrating but it's easy for the most part.
firehawk12 said:All I can say is FUCK CO-OP (story).
Bad enough that you have the shitty "OMG you were detected now you have to restart the game" missions, but that ending? God, I was playing on easy and I still swore so much at the screen.
I suppose the epilogue -was kind of funny, but god, I'm never playing that ever again.the Double Dragon homage
Is the single player as frustrating?
Same people who thought it was a good idea to make Gears of War with Rainbows Six skin:lol . the game is very fun though, I really like deniable ops and co-op. the story was pretty good too but yes you can play it like a shooter if you want even on realistic, it's a lot more fun and harder to be stealthy in this game. You can just hide and shoot everybody in the head, change position and repeat. It's more satisfying to get pass through lots of enemies without being seen and you can do that in some levels but most of the times shooting everybody is a lot easier.firehawk12 said:Who thought it was a good idea to make Gears of War with a Splinter Cell skin? Man.
CrazedArabMan said:Wow, the Co-op was amazing and not frustrating when I went through it on realistic, a lot of fun. I don't know how you got so angry with it on easy.
firehawk12 said:Well, playing with randoms on the stealth missions was a pain... and then the last thing you do in the game? I had to do that over 30 times because something would go wrong - either the game would bug out or some other thing would break.
Maybe you're supposed to play Co-op later on after you upgrade your stuff to make it easier, but it was a total pain in the ass for me.
firehawk12 said:Well, playing with randoms on the stealth missions was a pain... and then the last thing you do in the game? I had to do that over 30 times because something would go wrong - either the game would bug out or some other thing would break.
Maybe you're supposed to play Co-op later on after you upgrade your stuff to make it easier, but it was a total pain in the ass for me.
BigKaboom2 said:Ok so it's not the same as single player and you can't throw out multiple mines at once? Maybe I did detonate them and somehow didn't notice.
CloakedPuppet said:Hey - fair enough. Perhaps my knee jerk reaction to his post could have been rethought.
I don't have a problem with people not liking the game. At the same time, I couldn't help respond to his post because it had zero points to illustrate why he felt the way he did. He could have very easily just been in a bad mood while playing it - or he was tired or...whatever. Point being - it irks me when people knock a game but don't back it up with anything. Especially when a game is as good as this one is.
ToyMachine228 said:Definitely playing again. Probably starting tomorrow. I'm pissed I don't have anyone to play Co-Op with. None of my friends have picked it up.
Darkmakaimura said:UPlay are points you earn playing Ubisoft games when you sign up at while having your 360 synced up. It's kind of neat. You can use the points to purchase weapons and uniforms right now. You earn the points by completing certain actions in the games. Think of it a bit like achievements where you actually earn something.
lantus said:I'm kind of surprised to see no one on my friends list playing this game, I thought it was going to reach a lot of people, maybe in the long run I suppose.