SuperAwesome said:
How much longer do you think it's going to be?
By what means did you get it? (mom and pop, b/m)
I'm playing on Realsitic and I've reached the last level. I'm actually impressed by the length of the game. I should finish the game with a total 8-10 hours.
TheLegendary said:
Primer: have you played Chaos Theory/older Splinter Cells?
If so...can you play the game like you were able to play the older games? How action oriented is it?
And you're 10 hours into single player or have you played all game modes? How long is the SP campaign?
Ok, here is where I need to be careful. First off I'm a HUGE Splinter Cell nut. Loved Chaos Theroy and Double Agent(Xbox1).
Hate to say it but that form of stealth is dead

. If you think you can play Conviction like the old splinter cells, cancel your pre-order. I dont hate the game, but I had to adjust my expectations. The new "stealth" is dropping 4 dudes in mark and execute without being seen. Is this fun? yea, but I miss what Splinter Cell was known for.
miladesn said:
without any spoilers, How is the story?
Its mess. Some of the twists and reveals really make you scratch your head. (IMO)
I know ive been pretty negative, but the co op is bad ass.