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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Actually with helmet on (and before his tantrums) he seemed almost the real thing, so IDK

edited: I was wondering, since when a movie has to justify every little thing? Or since when we are so extremely nitpicky and why?
It's not a documentary or dissertation, we should believe what we are told, because that's how art works and how politics does not.

Because when dealing with a female lead character, one has to account for their abilities in a 100% realistic, and borderline cynical manner.

This doesn't apply to male lead characters who block blaster shots while blind and take out space stations a week after quitting being a farmboy.


There's a lot of mystery about Rey. She was clearly trained early on as a jedi but hidden away with her memory erased by Luke. It's just now that the force is being awaken. She fly's like a jedi which she has no idea how she's doing the things she is doing as well. I think the next movie will reveal everything how Empire Strikes Back did.

^ I can buy that, and if so bravo for the long con.
I've said this before but I think that Abrams and co. are looking at visuals and "cool moments" first and any sort of continuity a far second and essentially leave it up to fans, the novel writers, and others to make it work in the fiction. I would bet dollars to donuts that the last thing they were thinking of when creating that Rey-Falcon sequence was how it would reflect her piloting skills or character power-level or whatever.


I've said this before but I think that Abrams and co. are looking at visuals and "cool moments" first and any sort of continuity a far second and essentially leave it up to fans, the novel writers, and others to make it work in the fiction. I would bet dollars to donuts that the last thing they were thinking of when creating that Rey-Falcon sequence was how it would reflect her piloting skills or character power-level or whatever.

Well said. Since we haven't yet seen the whole picture yet, it's easy to want to nitpick on the 1st of 3. I have a feeling that once we've seen all three movies that a lot of what we saw in the 1st new episode will make sense


There's a lot of mystery about Rey. She was clearly trained early on as a jedi but hidden away with her memory erased by Luke. It's just now that the force is being awaken. She fly's like a jedi which she has no idea how she's doing the things she is doing as well. I think the next movie will reveal everything how Empire Strikes Back did.

lol "clearly"
I read the novelization over the past couple of days.I t tries to explain the science (probably badly, but at least it puts for the effort) of the Starkiller base, and of course fills in some of gaps, but not by too much. You're not getting a great deal of additional insight, but I found it worth reading. It also provides a little more story on Leia and Resistance prior to the reunion with Han, but it makes sense that the movie decided to save Leia's appearance for later.
EW got their hands on some high-res stills of Maz and Snoke:




Gotta say, I'm liking these designs even more now that I'm able to actually take in the amount of detail built into them.


The more I look at Snoke, the more I think "you just couldn't have done this with prosthetics" is pretty much bullshit.

Agreed, Snoak looks great considering it's all a hologram. Once we see him in person, I look forward to a really organic looking villain. Bless the higher powers that he wanted to bring Kylo Ren back to finish his training..we deserve a villain that has experiences growth and a motive. Maul was such a waste imho.
It's arguable, definitely, but I was fine with Maz being CG from "HAN SOLOOOOO" on. Snoke, on the other hand, should have had the super-deformed visage we saw in that concept art leak from shortly before release. As it is, he looks... well, generic is too broad a term, but it's the closest to what I'm thinking.
Nah, they've already said he's 7ft tall, and I guess the anatomy of the character has more to do with why they went all CGI than simply his facial features (I think).

But that Wizard of Oz vibe is absolutely there, and it seems very intentional, considering how easily people are picking up on it.


With Snoke, it's true that they couldn't do that facial scarring without CG, but I don't see why the character as a whole couldn't be a guy in makeup with CG being used to remove part of his face for the scarring, ala Two Face in The Dark Knight.
Has any backstory emerged yet to explain how everybody let Snoke get close enough to young impressionable Ben Solo to whisper sweet darkness in his ears long enough to win him over?


Has any backstory emerged yet to explain how everybody let Snoke get close enough to young impressionable Ben Solo to whisper sweet darkness in his ears long enough to win him over?

Not that i'm aware of no, I'm guessing that Kylo's relationship with his parents opened a window that allowed Snoke do drop dreams/thoughts of Darth Vader to sway him
Has any backstory emerged yet to explain how everybody let Snoke get close enough to young impressionable Ben Solo to whisper sweet darkness in his ears long enough to win him over?

Apparently, he was there all along. I don't know in what form, perhaps just speaking through the Force across the void. But his presence has been with Solo from the beginning. Leia sensed it, though after it had already begun.
Has any backstory emerged yet to explain how everybody let Snoke get close enough to young impressionable Ben Solo to whisper sweet darkness in his ears long enough to win him over?

There is some mention of Ben hearing things in one of the movie tie-ins, the speculation I've read hints at Snoke possibly force-whispering things to Ben at a young age and sowing the seeds that way.


You don't get to bring friends.
Honestly I think Snoke could have been a mix of both. Case in point maybe use make up (like below) and use CG to help make him more emaciated the same way they made skinny Steve Rogers.



Has any backstory emerged yet to explain how everybody let Snoke get close enough to young impressionable Ben Solo to whisper sweet darkness in his ears long enough to win him over?

My guess is maybe the Knights existed before Kylo joined and became leader. He may have used one of them as a middleman to do the initial sweet talking.
From the novelization:

He met her eyes steadily. "We've lost our son, forever."

Leia bit her lower lip, refusing to concede. "No. It was Snoke."

Han drew back slightly. "Snoke?"

She nodded. "He knew our child would be strong with the Force. That he was born with equal potential for good and evil."

"You knew this from the beginning? Why didn't you tell me?"

She sighed. "Many reasons. I was hoping that I was wrong, that it wasn't true. I hoped I could sway him, turn him away from the dark side, without having to involve you." A small smile appeared. "You had -- you have -- wonderful qualities, Han, but patience and understanding were never among them. I was afraid that your reactions would only drive him farther to the dark side. I thought I could shield him from Snoke's influence and you from what was happening." Her voice dropped. "It's clear now that I was wrong. Whether your involvement would have made a difference, we'll never know."

He had trouble believing what he was hearing. "So Snoke was watching our son."

"Always," she told him. "From the shadows, in the beginning, even before I realized what was happening, he was manipulating everything, pulling our son toward the dark side. But nothing's impossible, Han. Not even now, at this late time, I have this feeling that if anyone can save him -- it's you."


semen stains the mountaintops
They probably made him CGI since he's a 7 foot tall skinny guy and I imagine they didn't want to use practical effects for TFA and then CGI for future movies.
Nah, they've already said he's 7ft tall, and I guess the anatomy of the character has more to do with why they went all CGI than simply his facial features (I think).

But that Wizard of Oz vibe is absolutely there, and it seems very intentional, considering how easily people are picking up on it.

Not gonna lie the first time I saw him the idea of it being a recreation/homage to the early Vader/Palpatine scenes in the OT didn't dawn on me in the slightest and I thought he was a giant.
Han isn't dead. The blade missed vital organs, the heat of the weapon immediately cauterized the wound and stopped internal bleeding, and he landed softly on the wings of a large bird of prey as it was flying through the facility, seeking shelter from the persistent bombing taking place outside.

Han isn't dead. The blade missed vital organs, the heat of the weapon immediately cauterized the wound and stopped internal bleeding, and he landed softly on the wings of a large bird of prey as it was flying through the facility, seeking shelter from the persistent bombing taking place outside.


... Who were then both incinerated when the oscillator, and subsequently, the base went up.

That is to say, the bird flew Han to a hanger, where he hotwired a TIE. They engage in rip-roaring adventures to this very day.
The more I look at Snoke, the more I think "you just couldn't have done this with prosthetics" is pretty much bullshit.

Good cgi v bad cgi is important. pt had bad cgi.

Anyway im just going to be a dick to piss people off here.

Darth jar jar, is actually darth plagiues. We know when you become a darth your name changes.

Palpatine was not talking about events that happened in the past to anakin, but rather what he was planning to do.

Snoke/Plagiues/jar jar looks so fucked up compared to his original form because of the murder attempt, he had to biologically reconstruct himself from almost nothing, because, well, he is plagiues he can do it.

Come at me. You know it makes sense :p



Han needed to die. It sets up his son to go full dark side and complete his training, and provides motivation for Luke to train Rey in the Force. I feel like episode 8 will be mind blowing with the existing characters having been established. I actually CARE about what happens from here on in, and as a fan you can't ask more of me. They delivered imho


Han needed to die. It sets up his son to go full dark side and complete his training, and provides motivation for Luke to train Rey in the Force. I feel like episode 8 will be mind blowing with the existing characters having been established. I actually CARE about what happens from here on in, and as a fan you can't ask more of me. They delivered imho
'Han needed to die' ??! Tell that to Chewbacca. #AmIRight?
So, we're probably getting a Episode VIII trailer with Rogue One, right? I mean, the movie is only 5 months after Rogue One releases. The crazy thing is Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 releases the same month of Episode VIII. That's a lot of spacey goodness!
So, we're probably getting a Episode VIII trailer with Rogue One, right? I mean, the movie is only 5 months after Rogue One releases. The crazy thing is Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 releases the same month of Episode VIII. That's a lot of spacey goodness!

I'm a guy that usually goes to the theater once a year. No joke. Between Marvel and Star Wars.. I'm all kinds of out of sorts. Already watched TFA twice. I'll likely watch the Marvel films once but who knows for Rogue One and Ep VIII
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