Loved the film but didn't like the implementation of Snoke or Ren. Who the hell even is Snoke and why does he seem even more powerful than the Emperor? How did the First Order get so powerful? And Ren came across as a big pussy tbh and I feel he wasn't very well developed. I think that's why when it's revealed he's Han's son it comes across more as a "Huh?" than a "ZOMGOMFG" cause we literally know nothing about this guy. I feel like the casting for him was off (looks like Snape) and that they missed an opportunity to present him in an appealing way. They should have had him try to seduce Rey or perhaps mislead her in some other fashion. Maybe "Ben" meets her, gains her trust, but subsequently the big twist is that "Ben" is Ren and suddenly Rey has a tough decision to make.
And rather than tell Ren's backstory so briefly, why not show it? I was expecting a flashback or something.
Just my two cents.
I saw the movie yesterday, and Ren looked like some scrawny Indie Rocker. I just couldn't take him seriously as some sort of threat. They should have kept his mask on for a couple more movies.