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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


There are two things I don't get at all

- What's going on with the new Republic? It's criminally glossed over, we saw the new order killing the whole Senate and barely someone bats an eye and no one seems Concerned about the people besides 'who's giving us money now'.

Yeah, from what I've gathered from other sources is the New Republic is the old rebellion. They don't have much of a military (by choice) and the corrupt Senators are too scared to do anything about the growing First Order. Leia calls them out and gets marginalized thus she forms the resistance to keep an eye on the First Order.

I think the general feeling is.. "welp, told you First Order would fuck us over if left to do what they want. gg New Republic."

There's a deleted scene with Leia talking with someone from the New Republic that explains quite a bit but got cut for some reason.
Yeah, from what I've gathered from other sources is the New Republic is the old rebellion. They don't have much of a military (by choice) and the corrupt Senators are too scared to do anything about the growing First Order. Leia calls them out and gets marginalized thus she forms the resistance to keep an eye on the First Order.

I think the general feeling is.. "welp, told you First Order would fuck us over if left to do what they want. gg New Republic."

There's a deleted scene with Leia talking with someone from the New Republic that explains quite a bit but got cut for some reason.

It'd have been nice if it was in the movie. They probably cut it because it ruined the breakneck pacing.


Unconfirmed Member
From the visual dictionary:

The origin of the red arm will be explained in C3PO #1 comic in February 2016. For better or worse I am not joking.
Now my biggest problem with the film is something I didn't even notice while watching but in retrospect has been bugging me more and more was how Finn and Rey were handled. Rey does too much and Finn does too little. I know there's been a lot of discussion about Rey being a mary Sue and while I won't go that far, in retrospect she was pretty much perfect. I'm glad we got a strong female lead and how she subverted a lot of tropes like her saving herself before Finn can and her escaping by herself without needed to be saved. However I felt like a lot of this came at the expense of Finn's development who did absolutely nothing through out the whole film. All he does in the film is run and gets saved. Which would've been fine had he been given at least 1 moment to shine but that moment never came. Even when he's fighting some no named Storm Trooper he still needs to be saved by Han. This was crushing to me because I was looking forward so much to his character.(I knew he was going to be second fiddle to Rey before going into it but I didn't expect it to this degree) I still really loved his character but the fact that everyone but him gets to do something cool was annoying. Hopefully this is just setting him up for great things in the rest of the trilogy but I am pessimistic about that after this.

Finn did save Poe, and he helped defeat the TIE Fighters during the Falcon's escape from Jakku. Also, without him, the Resistance wouldn't have rescued Rey from Starkiller Base and wouldn't have been able to come up with plan to destroy it.
I loved how the scene was shot as well with the silence and the use of the lighting to show to duology of the force and when the sun disappears the blue light disappears leaving only the red showing how Kylo succumbed to the dark side, that scene was great.

The light returns to his face afterward ;)

Now my biggest problem with the film is something I didn't even notice while watching but in retrospect has been bugging me more and more was how Finn and Rey were handled. Rey does too much and Finn does too little. I know there's been a lot of discussion about Rey being a mary Sue and while I won't go that far, in retrospect she was pretty much perfect. I'm glad we got a strong female lead and how she subverted a lot of tropes like her saving herself before Finn can and her escaping by herself without needed to be saved. However I felt like a lot of this came at the expense of Finn's development who did absolutely nothing through out the whole film.

All he does in the film is run and gets saved. Which would've been fine had he been given at least 1 moment to shine but that moment never came. Even when he's fighting some no named Storm Trooper he still needs to be saved by Han. This was crushing to me because I was looking forward so much to his character.

Finn is the reason the Resistance won.
Finn did save Poe, and he helped defeat the TIE Fighters during the Falcon's escape from Jakku. Also, without him, the Resistance wouldn't have rescued Rey from Starkiller Base and wouldn't have been able to come up with plan to destroy it.
His shining moment was when he (an ex stormtrooper who had wanted to run as far away as he could form the evil all powerful First Order) ran head first toward a wannabe sith lord who personified everything he was initially afraid of.

He knew he didn't have a chance, but his bravery and selflessness showed how far he had come since the beginning when all he cared about was himself.

He won, even though he didn't beat Kylo.


On my second watch, I found it really funny that Finn shoots down the first missile when they're in the Tie Fighter, then completely ignores the other ones as he gets distracted by complaining to Poe about heading back to Jakku. One of the others then inevitably hits them.
On my second watch, I found it really funny that Finn shoots down the first missile when they're in the Tie Fighter, then completely ignores the other ones as he gets distracted by complaining to Poe about heading back to Jakku. One of the others then inevitably hits them.

Finn looked back at Poe and shouted, "I don't want to Jakku!"


Once And Future Member
- What was the point of BB8's map? If R2-D2 'S part was necessary it meant that either it was all they needed, wasn't it? Bb8's was nothing of use.

They didn't know where the small section from BB-8's map was - it could have been anywhere in the entire galaxy. Since it was a part of R2-D2's complete galaxy map when overlayed they could see where it was. You needed both parts, since R2-D2's didn't have Luke's location on it.


JJ prolly wanted the Leia reveal with Han Solo. The deleted scene happens before that. Also, he probably wanted to keep Fisher's parts to a minimum (lol).
Why? I want more Fisher :(

They didn't know where the small section from BB-8's map was - it could have been anywhere in the entire galaxy. Since it was a part of R2-D2's complete galaxy map when overlayed they could see where it was. You needed both parts, since R2-D2's didn't have Luke's location on it.
Ooooh got it, it was for reference. Thank you!

You know what, I'm kinda mad that we're falling into the same old EU trap of having things explained in side stuff (There is a mobile game that is cannon ffs), and it's been just 15 days into the first movie. Movies should have all the information needed.

The Chef

JJ prolly wanted the Leia reveal with Han Solo. The deleted scene happens before that. Also, he probably wanted to keep Fisher's parts to a minimum (lol).

On my first viewing I felt she was a bit of a distraction. She looked great but sounded really terrible. May have been better to not have her at all.
"Huge"? You've got to be kidding me. Are you seriously nit-picking over that?

Some of the complaints here just make me roll my eyes.

I'm surprised I'm not blinded by all the eye rolling ive done in this thread. The lengths people are going to in order to complain about the film are nuts.

Instead of discussion of possibilities in the universe, character origins, etc.. we're nitpicking about stormtroopers getting combat training, and talking about Lucas' "vision" in the PT?




They didn't know where the small section from BB-8's map was - it could have been anywhere in the entire galaxy. Since it was a part of R2-D2's complete galaxy map when overlayed they could see where it was. You needed both parts, since R2-D2's didn't have Luke's location on it.

I think the problem is more that R2 showed it as a puzzle piece. Where in reality R2 had the whole galaxy map and probably the token to a cypher to insert BBs map over it to merge in the location.

Kinda hard to show visually in the second or two they did. Easier to show a jigsaw puzzle.

Either way, on a galactic scale the piece BB had would hold millions of star systems. That's a lot of real estate to find a exiled hermit.
Finn did save Poe, and he helped defeat the TIE Fighters during the Falcon's escape from Jakku. Also, without him, the Resistance wouldn't have rescued Rey from Starkiller Base and wouldn't have been able to come up with plan to destroy it.

Saving Poe, alright. Shooting down TIE fighters isn't exactly an accomplishment imo. Also he was completely inconsequential to the Starkiller part. Rey was escaping on her own. Han and Chewbacca set the chargers and Poe finished it off. Not sure why you're attributing that to him.

Finn is the reason the Resistance won.

His shining moment was when he (an ex stormtrooper who had wanted to run as far away as he could form the evil all powerful First Order) ran head first toward a wannabe sith lord who personified everything he was initially afraid of.

He knew he didn't have a chance, but his bravery and selflessness showed how far he had come since the beginning when all he cared about was himself.

He won, even though he didn't beat Kylo.

I disagree with that. He was scared but he never only cared about himself. He did save Poe, and was trying to save Rey the whole time and was willing to try to find the resistance with her in the beginning. Aside from saving Poe though alot of his action were largely inconsequential.
watched it a 3rd time, still love it.

Snoke is still the worst thing about the movie. Too much freakin' Gollem Serkis inside him, you cannot unsee it.

Fuck Andy Serkis
There are two things I don't get at all

- What's going on with the new Republic? It's criminally glossed over, we saw the new order killing the whole Senate and barely someone bats an eye and no one seems Concerned about the people besides 'who's giving us money now'.

- What was the point of BB8's map? If R2-D2 'S part was necessary it meant that either it was all they needed, wasn't it? Bb8's was nothing of use

If somebody hands you 1 puzzle piece out of a 1000 piece puzzle... are you going to have any clue where that piece is/goes/what it could be?

No way.

Now imagine an entire galaxy, which is, oh, about 10 billion puzzle pieces or so, minimum?
+1 Snoke is the dumbest thing about this movie

-dumb name
-dumb design
-zero backstory or motivation
-fully CGI, looks like a cartoon
-nothing interesting about him

I'm not a big fan of Snoke's design but Serkis is brilliant.

Serkis is an asshat with no respect for the people who bring him to life:


According to Serkis, the only thing that the digital artists at Weta do is paint ‘digital makeup’ over his immaculate acting. Says one-man-band Serkis:

All his stupid CG acting all look like Gollem no matter how much he tries to disguise his voice. You cannot unsee it, take away the CG character and all you have is Serkis doing the same thing as he always does. A one trick pony
Not sure why you're attributing that to him.

He told the Resistance about the Starkiller's layout and weakness... Without him they wouldn't have had a clue how the weapon even works and how to destroy it.

As for Rey's escape, I suppose there's a chance she could have stolen a ship and escape Starkiller. But if Kylo had found her, she would have been absolutely destroyed, without Chewie, Finn and Luke's lightsaber.


Probably is the least good SW OST (not using the word worst), but March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme and The Jedi Steps are all gr8

Agree, just feels a bit uninspired. Specifically, it doesn't feel like it tells a story, which most JW compositions do.

I still love Reys theme, but something is missing. Maybe the extended soundtrack fixed that? Not sure JW is used to the breakneck, 100% chase that JJ movies are.


He told the Resistance about the Starkiller's layout and weakness... Without him they wouldn't have had a clue how the weapon even works and how to destroy it.
They actually didn't even seem to be all that aware of it until it was actually in use.

Which, again, at least somewhat justifies the First Order going for the third time charm.
How freakin random was it that this cat was an X-Wing pilot?

Not random at all. In fact, once Abrams was hired, it was pretty much a guarantee he was showing up somehow.

Same with Rian Johnson and this guy:


Noah Segan is GOING to be in Episode VIII somewhere. Lord knows how, or as what, but that dude's coming along for the ride


If somebody hands you 1 puzzle piece out of a 1000 piece puzzle... are you going to have any clue where that piece is/goes/what it could be?

No way.

Now imagine an entire galaxy, which is, oh, about 10 billion puzzle pieces or so, minimum?
But R2's map was the 10-1 Billion Puzzle pieces and bb's the one piece. Someone explained it well above though, no concerns now.


Sorry, I can't hear you over this awesomeness.

Is that your Best of Star Wars themes remix tape? ;)

Anyway my complaint isn't just about the music - reuse the old tunes they're cool - but the music they used in the film it was way too low key, non existent even, and was probably due to JJ or whoever edited it.

So many problems with this film. JJ botched it. I thought he could handle it after doing soo well with Star Trek.

Instead of the Star Wars film I got a mediocre JJ film in the Star Wars universe. Maybe the guy doing the sequel to this one will do better.
Serkis is an asshat with no respect for the people who bring him to life:


All his stupid CG acting all look like Gollem no matter how much he tries to disguise his voice. You cannot unsee it, take away the CG character and all you have is Serkis doing the same thing as he always does. A one trick pony

I don't agree with his opinion if that is what he believes, but I don't think he's a one-trick pony. I knew Snoke was Serkis but I doubt I would have if I'd gone into the film not knowing anything.

Is that your Best of Star Wars themes remix tape? ;)

Jedi Steps? No, not the main bit.


I don't agree with his opinion if that is what he believes, but I don't think he's a one-trick pony. I knew Snoke was Serkis but I doubt I would have if I'd gone into the film not knowing anything.

I didn't know he was in the film, didn't even recognize his voice. It was the facial expression of Snoke that made me realize it was Serkis.

Guy should just put on makeup, no idea why they go for him specifically. If the CG is so realistic they don't need a particular actor, he doesn't do anything special another actor couldn't do, it's just acting at the end of the day, and Serkis always over-acts everything, especially facial expressions. Guy acts like he's better fitted for such roles but he really isn't in any way.


On a side note I think I just really don't want these star wars movies. I don't mind them existing but to me it severely hurts the legitimacy and integrity of the IP that Lucas isn't the creative force behind star wars anymore. The idea that a company buys a fictional universe with its story and characters, then tells us that from now on this and that is canon just isn't compatible with artistic integrity. I will never be able to see disneys output as anything but a star wars-like clone even if everyone but lucas is still involved. It's kinda like queen without freddie mercury. it's just queen-like even if they still are the official band.

As if JJ having complete production control over the new trilliogy zaps it of any artistic endeavor?

Lucas's new trilliogy was all we need to see how far artistic decision went with him. When push came to shove, he threw in things that would translate easily to marketing and pushed the tween/teen centered universe towards kids around 5; to sell more toys.

As for the EU and cannon this and that; just like Treks EU its mostly a mismash of terrible. It's fine to stand in its own, but as big budget productions go it needs to be buried and the universe needs to be allowed to be explored in film by... Film makers.
Unkar Plutt seems to buy Rey in the flashback. Did people take this in consideration regarding her being a Skywalker? (Why would Luke sell her to a merchant in Jakku)?

My personal theory is:

Luke was on the run from the First Order and Kylo after having his new Jedi Order slaughtered, and hid his daughter away on a planet just like he was. He wiped her memory and implanted an "alarm" on R2D2 to go off when she was nearby to activate so she could find him if the need arose.

Unkar Plutt was her caretaker on the planet, keeping a distant eye, but protecting her. If you notice when he sees she has the droid that the FO is looking for, he tries to get it away from her, because he knows if she is found/captured by the FO she will certainly be killed.


My personal theory is:

Luke was on the run from the First Order and Kylo after having his new Jedi Order slaughtered, and hid his daughter away on a planet just like he was. He wiped her memory and implanted an "alarm" on R2D2 to go off when she was nearby to activate so she could find him if the need arose.

Unkar Plutt was her caretaker on the planet, keeping a distant eye, but protecting her. If you notice when he sees she has the droid that the FO is looking for, he tries to get it away from her, because he knows if she is captured by the FO she will certainly be killed.

R2 woke up because BB8 spoke to him, confirmed by JJ and Kasdan. Just took a while to boot up.

Unkar isn't really protecting her, a cut scene involved him trying to kill Rey at Maz's castle for stealing the falcon and getting his arm ripped off by Chewie. Guy is evil. He calls the first order on her ass too when she has the droid. The movie goes out of its way to tell us she was left in bad hands. Not Luke for sure unless he wanted her to die or live miserably.
I didn't know he was in the film, didn't even recognize his voice. It was the facial expression of Snoke that made me realize it was Serkis.

Guy should just put on makeup, no idea why they go for him specifically. If the CG is so realistic they don't need a particular actor, he doesn't do anything special another actor couldn't do, it's just acting at the end of the day, and Serkis always over-acts everything, especially facial expressions. Guy acts like he's better fitted for such roles but he really isn't in any way.

Serkis's style of over-acting fits the Ice Capades more than motion pictures.

I agree, Serkis' face and voice brings absolutely nothing to the film.


I hope Rey is not Luke's (or anyone known's) daughter. Way to cheapen the character. I think it's better if she's just "a new hope". Hopefully she also has an interesting arc and not just an archetypical hero arc.


Is that you John?

Music used in the movie sucked. Try better next time, John.

Is Williams even doing episode 8, I swear I remember conversation that he would do 7 but someone else would take over after that. The next movie is coming a lot sooner than sequels usually do. He would be recording in about a year or more from today.
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