For a movie you don't like you sure seen obsessed with it.
I read scripts of bad movies all of the time. They're entertaining. And I liked the movie. It's a solid C. It could've been better, but it's definitely not bad.
For a movie you don't like you sure seen obsessed with it.
Funny how this scene has about has much xwings they sent against Stasucker canon. Wonder where were the Ywing bombers or cruisers they had or even the fleet they keep mentioning but we never see...
Strange, the script says Rey stops attacking Kylo because she doesn't want to go to the dark side. But in the movie, after Kylo is disarmed, she made no attempt to get closer to him or had any visible sign of internal struggle. Plus, the ground started cracking literally instaneuously. There was no dark side struggle in the film for Rey.
The film soundtrack is really growing me. A lot of hidden depth in there.
Anyone notice a bit from the Hoth battle music in track 7, believe it's called The Falcon?
Anyway yeah it's a great score, just not as immediately memorable as the previous ones apart from a handful of themes. But that hardly makes it lackluster.
Strange, the script says Rey stops attacking Kylo because she doesn't want to go to the dark side. But in the movie, after Kylo is disarmed, she made no attempt to get closer to him or had any visible sign of internal struggle. Plus, the ground started cracking literally instaneuously. There was no dark side struggle in the film for Rey.
Compare this fight to the one at the beginning of Episode III, where Anakin successfully disarms Dooku but then kills him anyway.
The film doesn't try to make it a huge dilemma, since the turning point of the fight is supposed to be Rey embracing the Force and not channeling the dark side, but we're definitely meant to contrast Rey's choice to spare him with Anakin's choice to finish Dooku off (likewise, with Kylo's choice to kill his father).
It's a moral distinction between the characters, underlined by the literal rift that then appears between them.
Rey's face looked pretty angry and determined in her fight, though. I didn't get a sense she was channeling the light until they crossed lightsabers and she closed her eyes.
To me, Ren absolutely toys with Finn during their duel. He's casually flipping his saber around and just testing Finn's abilities. As soon as Finn gets a shot in, Ren says "fuck this," knocks the lightsaber away from Finn, and slashes him down his back.
I mean Kylo even turned his back on Finn waiting for him to get up, he was teaching this traitor a lesson.Yep! Super obvious on a second viewing in particular. I had problems with Finn hanging with Kylo in the first viewing, but definitely got over it when I saw the movie a second time.
Figured I'd throw this in here instead of the review thread, Anita Sarkeesian put up a review
She liked the film but had a lot of issues with it
I'm having a hard time seeing Kylo Ren being redeemed. Killing his own father seems to be the unforgivable sin. Granted, Vader killed children, friends, and blasted a whole planet, and still managed to get redemption. But there's something that feels different in Ren's case. Probably like Bobby says, because he got all the opportunities to go back to the light, and so seems more responsible of his acts. But I think the father thing also counts, I think it's the writer's way of saying "nope, this one is never coming back to your side".
During my first viewing I saw the red/blue dynamic. I'm not "seeing what I want to see."
To me, Ren absolutely toys with Finn during their duel. He's casually flipping his saber around and just testing Finn's abilities. As soon as Finn gets a shot in, Ren says "fuck this," knocks the lightsaber away from Finn, and slashes him down his back.
Finn shouldn't be conflicted about killing the people he grew up with because they are space nazis. They're space nazis and deserve to be put down. /s![]()
New theory for you guys:
Finn's parents are...
Maz and Luke
Absolutely. He knocks Finn to the ground and walks away when he could deal the killing blow. He's arrogant and cocky.
Kylo toys with Finn for the most part until Finn gets a shot in. Kylo disables him immediately after that.
Kylo also has Rey fleeing and defensive for the duration of the fight, until he makes his proposition and she gets some Force guidance. He also seems to be paler and sweatier as the end sequence progresses.
In the scene where Kylo is talking to Vader's helmet, about the temptation of the light, he says something along the lines of 'show me again the power of the darkness, grandfather.' I wonder if he's supposedly getting visions, or voices, from 'Vader'. Maybe Snoke playing tricks on him?
Anyone notice a bit from the Hoth battle music in track 7, believe it's called The Falcon?
Anyway yeah it's a great score, just not as immediately memorable as the previous ones apart from a handful of themes. But that hardly makes it lackluster.
Yea taking a bowcaster to the ribs will do that.
Seriously, that shot would have owned anybody else. I can't believe people are like "Wtf Rey beat Kylo thats so lame" and completely ignore the fact that he should've died like 30 minutes before that even happened.
Figured I'd throw this in here instead of the review thread, Anita Sarkeesian put up a review
She liked the film but had a lot of issues with it
I've said in this thread I think that a few of the relationships and motivations are forced, but that review made me want to punch a baby.
I got my CD and listened to it a few times and like a total of 5 or 6 tracks of the 23. Definitely not as memorable out the gate, but there are some gems on there.
That script is totally legit. It came straight from Disney to WGA members
Yea taking a bowcaster to the ribs will do that.
Seriously, that shot would have owned anybody else. I can't believe people are like "Wtf Rey beat Kylo thats so lame" and completely ignore the fact that he should've died like 30 minutes before that even happened.
I wondered that myself. It is definitely intriguing.
My favourite bit is the 2-3 seconds of piano when Rey is sliding down the face of the sand dune. Assuming this is her theme.
Just came off as pretentious to me.
Anyone have Kenobi's full dialogue during Rey's vision sequence? In the first theatre I saw the movie at, the words were crystal clear. The sound mixing in IMAX last night almost totally covered up that part of the vision dialogue. It seems like a lot of people are missing this as well due to poor sound mixing in some theatres. Most just hear "These are your firs steps" at the end.
Just one more reason to ignore the prequels. If we had seen everything that asshole Annie did, I don't think we'd be happy about his redemption.
Star Wars (tm)For a movie you don't like you sure seem obsessed with it.
Kylo toys with Finn for the most part until Finn gets a shot in. Kylo disables him immediately after that..
This actually mirrors the Vader/Luke fight in Cloud City.
Vader toys with Luke for most of the fight, as he doesn't want to kill him - then Luke nicks him on the right shoulder (with the same lightsaber Finn uses against Kylo) - within just a few seconds, Vader disarms Luke and the fight is over.
Fast forward to TFA, when Kylo is toying with Finn. Finn then nicks him on the right shoulder - Kylo then disarms him within just a few seconds to end the fight.
Well he was in the process of dying during the fight. The bolt wouldn't have by anything vital but it ripped a chunk of his body off.Kylo toys with Finn for the most part until Finn gets a shot in. Kylo disables him immediately after that.
Kylo also has Rey fleeing and defensive for the duration of the fight, until he makes his proposition and she gets some Force guidance. He also seems to be paler and sweatier as the end sequence progresses.
I don't see how or why Obi Wan should be communicating with Rey unless she's a Kenobi. Going to need a re-edit of ROTJ with Ewan McGregor.
Nah, she's Yoda's kid.
900 years is a long time to go without some lovin
Nah, she's Yoda's kid.
900 years is a long time to go without some lovin
Isn't she a bit...tall for a Yoda spawn?
Isn't she a bit...tall for a Yoda spawn?