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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

I hope it's a red herring. It wouldn't be much of a reveal otherwise.

There may be a hint in the film that she's not a Skywalker. Maz tells Rey that she knows the people she's waiting for are never coming back. But there's someone who could: Luke.

Would be an odd thing to say if they were one and the same. (Unless that's just there to further throw people off, but Maz seems to have some insight into Rey.)

Easy answer is that the people who dropped Rey off didn't include Luke and Rey's thinking of it being her family doesn't necessarily mean her parents. But I also have a feeling Rey might've misconstrued the one who still might come back as Luke when it was really Finn who had just abandoned her.

I'm undecided still, but everybody I talked about it don't see it any other way, only that Luke is her father. Rather expected, but still, even for that alone I hope Luke is not a father, as in - that would be too predictable.
Interesting. I'd have to see the exact quotes from maz from that scene -- I took it for more of a metaphor (e.g. not ruling out Luke).

I certainly hope she's not Luke's kid -- it feels too obvious. I saw some speculation on her being a Kenobi which I think would be a more interesting direction.

What is wrong with something being obvious or predictable? Had the Vader being Luke's father twist been planned from the start and Leia being Luke's sister for that matter, I imagine it wouldn't have been as well of a kept secret and Kasdan and Lucas just lucked how with how it played off the first movie. We also probably wouldn't have had the whole kissing thing with Luke and Leia.

There was this idea I saw somewhere playing on Yoda's "no, there is another" from ESB, which IIRC was intended on being Luke's sister but his sister (and maybe that was a play on how Luke at one point was going to be female) was going to be a new character and they instead just moved it to being Leia because it was easier/simpler but they never went anywhere with Leia in that manner. So now instead Rey would now be the other that Yoda meant. I mean, when you look at it, Luke turning Anakin back and killing the Emperor was meant to bring balance back to the Force but it doesn't seem like it did that at all or only for a very limited time since Snoke was still out there. So now we have Rey set to be the one who finally, actually accomplishes what the vague (and kinda dumb) prophecy meant.

The film dropped hints that that was the case. Especially telling was the look Rey had when she finally faced him and held out his saber. Fucking beautiful moment, really. It would be soured if it was just a ruse.

I think the surprise will be more about who was her mother. At least, I hope they can make it surprising somehow. I can't think of any characters that could fit the bill, but I'm not like other SW geeks who carry a Wookipedia in their brain.

I agree though I think it's likely Rey's mother, if she was Luke's wife is probably dead and killed by the Knights of Ren. I'm hoping that if they don't use Mara Jade (which I'm 99% certain they won't) she'll end up being her analogue in a way Ben Solo is to Jacen... But in this case Rey is now a combination of Ben Skywalker and Jania Solo though that doesn't work as neatly.

Problem with Rey knowingly being related to Luke or a grand daughter of Kenobi is why would you leave her on Jakku?

If she was a former student of Luke who survived after Kylo lost the plot, why would you leave her on Jakku instead of taking her with you?

If she was an evil one, who perhaps killed other students and Luke wouldn't kill her so blocked her memories to save her from herself and others. You could say she was too young to be that person.

Being the grand daughter of Kenobi. Is it possible Obi Wan had a family and Rey's developing powers put fear into her parents who dumped her but the fact she doesn't know who they are is odd, did someone else take her. Did the Kenobi family maybe get wiped out by someone, even Snook who Obi Wan maybe went after the Revenge of the Sith unknowingly in search of help to take on the Empire.

The easy answer would be Luke wasn't involved with her getting dumped on Jakku and she possibly got "lost" though if you were going to hide someone in this situation it might be a good idea not to know where they're hiding yourself as an extra layer of protection, maybe when the people who were transporting her somewhere else had to leave her somewhere in a hurry when shit went sideways. Lor San Tekka stayed behind to keep watch ala Obi-Wan. I think it could be explained in a satisfactory manner.

EDIT: Wow I took a long time typing this out...

There is another, not that lazy General Leia.

Rey of Light.

Exactly. Rey is "A New Hope". *Cough*


It might not be a coincidence that she was left with the guy who owns, or was foreseen to own, the Millennium Falcon.
It might not be a coincidence that she was left with the guy who owns, or was foreseen to own, the Millennium Falcon.

I think he didn't own it when she got dropped off.

I stole it from Unkar Plutt. He
stole it from the Irving Boys, who
stole it from Ducain.


So will prequel haters be mad if Ewan reprises his role as obi wan in VIII?
I won't. I don't like prequels but he remains a solid choice for Obi Wan. No reason he wouldn't fit nicely here. That said given Luke's alive as a mentor for Rey I wouldn't expect more than brief elements of Obi (or Yoda) going forward. Glimpses and short pieces of voice over would be enough. I don't want all the films to be as overstuffed as TFA trying to fit in enough of both new and old characters.


I think he didn't own it when she got dropped off.

I stole it from Unkar Plutt. He
stole it from the Irving Boys, who
stole it from Ducain.

We don't know how long anyone had it. Doesn't really matter in a galaxy where people can see the future.


For a moment, I thought that Finn had awakened as a force user, not Rey. But now poor Finn won't (probably) even be in SW VIII. :'(


I won't. I don't like prequels but he remains a solid choice for Obi Wan. No reason he wouldn't fit nicely here. That said given Luke's alive as a mentor for Rey I wouldn't expect more than brief elements of Obi (or Yoda) going forward. Glimpses and short pieces of voice over would be enough. I don't want all the films to be as overstuffed as TFA trying to fit in enough of both new and old characters.

Rey "I should help them"
Obi Wan - "I disagree, you're not ready"
Anakin - "You were an awful teacher Obi Wan"
Obi Wan "Quiet mouth breather"
Anakin "You hid my kids"
Obi Wan "You killed kids"
Anakin "Younglings actually"
Luke "Enough of this prequel shit!"
Rey "So....dark side?"
Yoda "Hmmmm"


Problem with Rey knowingly being related to Luke or a grand daughter of Kenobi is why would you leave her on Jakku?

If she was a former student of Luke who survived after Kylo lost the plot, why would you leave her on Jakku instead of taking her with you?

If she was an evil one, who perhaps killed other students and Luke wouldn't kill her so blocked her memories to save her from herself and others. You could say she was too young to be that person.

Being the grand daughter of Kenobi. Is it possible Obi Wan had a family and Rey's developing powers put fear into her parents who dumped her but the fact she doesn't know who they are is odd, did someone else take her. Did the Kenobi family maybe get wiped out by someone, even Snook who Obi Wan maybe went after the Revenge of the Sith unknowingly in search of help to take on the Empire.

I think Rey as a Kenobi makes more sense, they either abandon her for her own protection or because they don't want to deal with harboring someone showing signs of being like Obi Wan.

The empire didn't completely dissolve and I'm sure there were ongoing ramifications in First Order territory after the emperor was killed.


Elden Member
I asked the same thing last thread. With what we're given in the movie, we have to assume that he overheard that the droid had been taken off-world the same way every bounty hunter we see immediately knows to phone home with the droid's location on sight (why the heck did they bring BB-8 everywhere instead of just keeping him hidden?)

Of course, I've also since found out there's an apparently canon novelization that actually covers what Poe did after the crash.

It's in the Force Awakens novel, an entire chapter is dedicated to Poe getting off the planet. Even involves a speeder chase.
I've had the audio book for almost two weeks now since it was free when signing up to Audible but maaan... I really suck at listening to books, I don't think I've retained anything I heard from it, far too many distractions while listening to it. It's why I've always preferred reading since you generally have to pay attention then.

So will prequel haters be mad if Ewan reprises his role as obi wan in VIII?

I'd rather they give Ewan his own side movie set in between EP III and IV and do a CGI reconstruction of Alec Guinness for Obi-Wan's force ghost and I doubt his son would object, Star Wars made his family very, very rich thanks to the deal Alec got and others seemingly turned down with much regret I imagine. Ewan would be the second best option.

On the other hand Alec Guinness kind of became an asshole about it (not that I can fully blame him) so maybe not.


I'd rather they give Ewan his own side movie set in between EP III and IV and do a CGI reconstruction of Alec Guinness for Obi-Wan's force ghost and I doubt his son would object, Star Wars made his family very, very rich thanks to the deal Alec got and others seemingly turned down with much regret I imagine. Ewan would be the second best option.

On the other hand Alec Guinness kind of became an asshole about it (not that I can fully blame him) so maybe not.

No CGI dead people. Just have Ewan do it.

Did he sign some percentage of profits deal or something ? Was Alec annoyed at being remembered for it rather than anything else or did he think it was nonsense or something?
Wasn't he in a coma? I don't think he's waking up any time soon for SW VIII. I don't follow the movies a lot, so he may have already been announced for the next film though.

He's already been announced.

And it's a coma, but it's a "movie coma"...he'll probably wake up in the time between movies (Or, maybe even right at the beginning).

In the book, they specifically state that it's a "medically induced coma".


He's already been announced.

And it's a coma, but it's a "movie coma"...he'll probably wake up in the time between movies (Or, maybe even right at the beginning).

In the book, they specifically state that it's a "medically induced coma".

I feel I was naive to even think they'd do that. lol


The easy answer would be Luke wasn't involved with her getting dumped on Jakku and she possibly got "lost" though if you were going to hide someone in this situation it might be a good idea not to know where they're hiding yourself as an extra layer of protection, maybe when the people who were transporting her somewhere else had to leave her somewhere in a hurry when shit went sideways. Lor San Tekka stayed behind to keep watch ala Obi-Wan. I think it could be explained in a satisfactory manner.

Exactly. Rey is "A New Hope". *Cough*

Forgot about him, Lor San Tekka. Yeah, he had the Luke map part as well. Poe knew to go there as well from Leia I presume? Lots of players but nobody knows all the facts except Luke and maybe Tekka, can't remember if he said it was a map to Luke or just something important. Can't be a coincidence they all went there. I think Rey wasn't meant to be there alone but whoever left her was to take the heat elsewhere and actually come back but ended up in trouble, maybe Luke was even stranded all this time.
He's already been announced.

And it's a coma, but it's a "movie coma"...he'll probably wake up in the time between movies (Or, maybe even right at the beginning).

In the book, they specifically state that it's a "medically induced coma".

Exactly, there will probably be a time jump, Finn will likely be awake and just have some scars. It's better for the character if there is some growth time between the movies, ala he's become part of Resistance, he has more experience, etc.


What if Poe Dameron is a clone?

This totally crossed my mind when I saw him come back. It could be a fun twist if they wanted to go there, but I don't think Star Wars cloning makes a perfect copy. They still have to be trained, etc. That's why all the clones look like Jango, but don't act like Jango. Poe is Duncan Idaho?

And Ewan has to play Obi-Wan again! He does a great job and actually enjoys the role, unlike other British people who are no longer with us. :p

'Here’s the cool part. We asked Ewan McGregor to come in and do the line,' the director said. 'And he was awesome and we were very grateful. He was incredibly sweet and handsome, and all that stuff. Then he rode off on his motorcycle. Literally the coolest voice over actor ever.'

Who doesn't want to work with a man like that? You could go on motorcycle adventures!


Finn was basically comic relief. I enjoyed his part in the movie, but to think a comic relief character somehow becomes a badass and saves the day is dumb. They did that shit in MGS4 with Johnny, never again.



I definately see the resemblance, some Padme in there too


No CGI dead people. Just have Ewan do it.

Did he sign some percentage of profits deal or something ? Was Alec annoyed at being remembered for it rather than anything else or did he think it was nonsense or something?

IIRC he was just annoyed that a fairly simple film (which A New Hope is) with a fairly simple if effective performance from him (which it is) overshadowed the far, far better work he'd done in what are arguably better films critically.

IIRC he also got annoyed at being pestered by fans (which you don't do in UK particularly then) which to be fair as an older guy I can understand.

What's funny is I'd still put his Obi Wan as the best and most nuanced performance in the OT over any of the other actors.


My totally serious theory: Luke force-mated with Ghost-Anakin to create Rey. Ben saw everything and went insane and evil and destroyed the academy.
I really hope there's no more super weapon that destroys planets anymore. They need to stop that shit.
In Ep 8, they will begin constructing a star sized weapon called System Murderer and the Resistance has to get the plans in order to destroy it.

I figured many people noticed, but I haven't been checking on this thread much.

They could've done so much more with Finn, but we got what we got


I really hope there's no more super weapon that destroys planets anymore. They need to stop that shit.
Agreed. I rolled my eyes when I saw they'd copped out by one-upping the Death Star. What's next? A weapon that's built out of an entire system? It throws planets at other planets.

Consider that the best film of the OT (ESB, of course) didn't have any kind of superweapon. Sure, our heroes need a goal, but it can't just be the same shit over and over again. Han even said as much in TFA.
Agreed. I rolled my eyes when I saw they'd copped out by one-upping the Death Star. What's next? A weapon that's built out of an entire system? It throws planets at other planets.

A weapon that throws galaxy shurikens...

Shit, I want to watch Gurren Lagann now
They could've done so much more with Finn, but we got what we got

Was most disappointed with the bait and switch, instead of co leads we got a comedic sidekick.

To be fair he is the biggest wildcard going to the next film. I just hope he isn't going to relegated further in the background with more comedic parts.
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