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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


The Chewie thing isn't even that big a deal.

1) He just tried to murder her son.
2) He's concerned with getting Finn medical attention.
3) She's looking right past him to Rey, anyway.

If they'd just pushed in on the shot a little bit more, you wouldn't have even seen Chewie on the edge of the frame as Leia looks at Rey, and a large number of these complaints probably wouldn't be lodged.

But yeah - Chewie's all about getting Finn patched up at that point. Also, Chewie doesn't seem to be the kind of character that's about hugging in those instances. When he thought Han was dead on Hoth, he didn't walk over to Leia and hug her, either. He howled at the sky and thunked his head on some metal thing or another. Emotionally distressed Chewie likes to be by himself, I guess.
I just typed up essentially the same thing, then just tiredly deleted it all.

Probably would have played better if Leia interacted with Chewie in some way as he walked by, or he wasn't kind of half in the shot and half out of it, or they made more of a point of Chewie rushing Finn inside with the medic people, but there you go. The first we see of him after this is him quietly grieving by himself inside before R2 boots up.

As for why Leia hugs Rey, it's because of the people who went down to the surface to get Rey, she's the only one left standing. Han is dead and Finn (who Leia personally thanked for defecting and saving Poe) is seriously wounded and in a coma. They both lost something and are having a shared moment of grief, in contrast to the celebration of the larger victory around them.

I'm finding it interesting how so many of the complaints in this thread are just really honing in on these weirdly specific things that are frankly kind of meaningless in the grand scheme of things, or even complaining about elements that are actually examples of strong filmmaking, while some of the more big picture things that are a bit sloppy are barely even touched on.


No it doesn't.

Yes it does...

"I don't like pepperoni pizza. It's greasy and oily and and the sauce gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth. Like you."

Now just change it to him talking about sand, or Jedi training. It's like a teen talking about his shitty neighborhood, or his crappy job at McDonald's. Sure it's the kind of things a shitty first boyfriend would say, but seeing the way their relationship deteriorates, it makes sense.


As for why Leia hugs Rey, it's because of the people who went down to the surface to get Rey, she's the only one left standing. Han is dead and Finn (who Leia personally thanked for defecting and saving Poe) is seriously wounded and in a coma. They both lost something and are having a shared moment of grief, in contrast to the celebration of the larger victory around them.

And, well, Rey needed a hug.

Like, did you see her?


Oh and did BB8 go with Rey at the end or stay? I think he stayed at the base.

Also what is Chewie going to do while Rey trains?


Junior Member
Still, why would anybody want their candy not to be just sweet?

Candy that is only sweet is gross. It has no depth of flavor. That said,sour patch kids are way too sweet in the middle once the sour wears off.

The next best combination is sweet/salty. I love some salted caramel with chocolate.
Come on, it is a movie. It's not like they meet and he tries to convince him and he just says no and nothing happens. It is apparent that Kylo has to do something horribly to show he is on the dark side.

You mean after the entire movie thus far has showcased how evil he is? They didn't have to kill Han at all. This is the series of movies where losing limbs doesn't just happen, it's damn near a requisite. Kylo could've just refused Han's help and severely injured him, having Chewy or Finn/Rey pulling Han out.

The only reason Han dies in this is because Ford wanted it.
Just finally caught the movie last night, and I enjoyed it greatly. I do, however, agree with those who point out the various plot point similarities between TFA and the OT.

Snoke has fascinated me a great deal as a character. I love a good villain. What do we think in this thread? Entirely new character? Or is there something to the Darth Plagueis theories?


Yes it does...

Now just change it to him talking about sand, or Jedi training. It's like a teen talking about his shitty neighborhood, or his crappy job at McDonald's. Sure it's the kind of things a shitty first boyfriend would say, but seeing the way their relationship deteriorates, it makes sense.

Nah. There's a version of that scene that could exist with almost the same dialog, in a parallel universe where the actors were allowed to get comfortable with each other and play off each other and have fun, where Hayden plays the scene like Anakin's saying the dumbest shit ever and Padme says how stupid it is, but recognizes the earnestness behind the dumb shit which endears him to her more. There's a version where Anakin doesn't use a clunky, dumb sand metaphor at all and just straight up says life on Tattooine sucked but being here, with Padme, makes going through all that worth it.

But that's not the scene we got. The scene we got is Anakin actually for real saying this shit and Padme actually for real taking it seriously. That's like the problem in aggregate with the dialog in the prequels. The actors were required to say all of it, and were required to take it seriously and at face value.





Come on dude. Look at this. Poe is thirsty for that Chocolate.

true, fucking sexy gif



-It was the same old shit all over again. Overpowered poor kid on some desert planet, baddies built another Death Star, he is his father, Death Star goes boom.
-The "coincidences" (e.g. Millenium Falcon was there, Han and Chewy found it when the others got it...).
-Kylo Ren being a pussy. He isn't even capable of beating Finn in a light saber battle when some shitty Stormtrooper did in a melee battle at the tavern. And no, the minor injury doesn't count.
-Rey being so overpowered out of nowhere.
-Why didn't they hit the fucking Resistance base at first with the Starkiller?
-The Resistance lost half their fleet at one point in the last battle. It looked like some minor skirmish.
-Was their really any need for the new faction names when it didn't change much?

And theirs suck. I knew I couldn't count on some of theirs anyway.

Well, right after it was mentioned that he was his son it was said that it would be the real test blablabla. Han then follows Kylo on a bridge (same old shit like always).

1. Fair complaint. It was a lot of the same themes from the OT. Don't think it makes it bad. Just not a very original story lol.

2. If you're complaining about lucky coincidences in a Star Wars movie.... lol. Rewatch the old ones.

3. Ghaleon pulled up the good gifs. Kylo was cocky in his fight against Finn. Its perfect for his character. We've seen how immature he is. It's not mentioned in the film but the book alludes to him becoming weaker after he killed his father, despite him believing it made him stronger. Also MINOR injury? LOL. The minor injury he sustained was a little lucky nick from Finn's saber. That bowcaster shot was fucking BRUTAL. he kept pounding it. You saw it dripping blood in the snow in one shot, very clearly.

Throughout the ENTIRE movie we see Chewie AND Han obliterating people with that thing. If you're gonna complain about anything, complain about how the fuck Kylo took a bowcaster hit so well.

4. First part of the Rey fight she is very much on the defensive. Not only that but Kylo doesn't want to kill her. He even mentions how she needs a teacher. Snoke told him to see if they can turn her because she's so powerful with the force. Once she fights with a bit of Force Magic in her she catches Kylo off guard. Kylo who is already struggling emotionally and physically due to injuries. Just gets injured and injured in the fight. Rey has some combat experience from Jakku with the staff so she's not completley clueless. Make no mistake, a healthy Kylo vs Rey... Kylo would win. He's gonna be a tough opponent in 8.

5. Did you even watch the movie? They didn't know where the base was at that point.

6. I took that as half their fleet of THAT battle. They likely have other bases and ships. And I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. One of my gripes with the movie is the lack of explanation of the galactic power struggle. What we know now is that The Republic is the main ruler but the First Order is a challenger. Since the fall of the empire they've been locked in a sort of cold war with them. Neither side wanting to engage in all out war. That is until Star Killer is completed. The First Order wipes out the Republic Senate.

The Resistance is allied with the Republic very loosley. The Republic gives them funding similar to how the US funded afghan troops in the 80's vs Russia or how Russia funded the vietcong in the vietnam war.

They are the ones that skirmish, spy, etc with the first order.



Elden Member
some of the nit picking here is ridiculous. Seriously people are argueing about Chewie not hugging someone??? The film has some logical problems, yes, but some of the things people are bringing up are beyond ridiculous.

The Adder

Saw it a 4th and, I think, final time in theaters. Some unexplained plot points are apparent by now (I know these have been covered elsewhere and far earlier):

1. How did Rey, as a lowly scavenger, know how to pilot the Falcon (and presumably that other ship that was blown up)?

2. Why did Leia hug Rey when she returned on the Falcon while Chewbacca, of all people, walked right past her?? This seems very awkward. Leia wouldn't have even met Rey yet, let alone share an emotional bond over, presumably, the death of Solo.

3. After the power thingy was blown up, Finn, Rey, and Kylo were suddenly fighting in a big, dense forest, but wide shots from the POV of the X-Wings showed nothing like a forest around that power thingy.

4. Han Solo / Kylo Ren reveal was an unfortunate mistake. Should have saved it for the end when Solo confronted Ben. It would have had far more emotional impact.

5. Luke should have force-pulled the saber from Ren's hand and IGNITED it. That would have been awesome.

I still love the film, I just wish they hadn't glossed over these plot points so poorly.

1. She'd flown before.

2. Because Chewie probably feels like hit let Han die.

3. Yep. End of the film had pacing and spatial location problems.

4. I disagree. The power in that scene comes from knowing what's about to happen as soon as Han sets eyes on Ben.

5. Nah.
I'm sure if Leia and Chewie ahd exchanged some sort of look with each other, people wouldn't have a problem. But as it is in the movie, Leia just seems to ignore him. I don't really see it as a nitpick, but I also don't see it as something major. It could be another thing that got hurt by the movie's pacing.

It kinda is bullshit that Ren tanked that Bowcaster shot. Thing was a mini-rocket launcher in this film.

On my second viewing, I noticed that Chewie shot other Stormtroopers with his bowcaster and they did not get kicked back.
1. She'd flown before.

How, exactly? She's like the equivalent of that society's pan-handler or beggar. That's the mystery to me. I know she said she was a pilot (I hadn't heard the part about "I've flown before, but not in space"), but I guess I just don't buy that a poor girl living out of a foot of an AT-AT as a scavenger ever got serious time in a ship. Oh well.

I'm sure if Leia and Chewie ahd exchanged some sort of look with each other, people wouldn't have a problem. But as it is in the movie, Leia just seems to ignore him. I don't really see it as a nitpick, but I also don't see it as something major. It could be another thing that got hurt by the movie's pacing.

I agree with this. If she had even cast a glance in his direction and maybe grazed his arm with her hand as he walked by I would have believed that scene a bit more.


The ending needed to be a bit more reflective/contemplative than it was, as we're sure not getting much in episode 8 focusing on Han's death.

On my second viewing, I noticed that Chewie shot other Stormtroopers with his bowcaster and they did not get kicked back.
In the Castle invasion besides Zeroes literally getting flipped over from a direct shot, when Han uses it he blows two Stormtroopers back by an indirect shot that lands in front of them.


semen stains the mountaintops
The ending needed to be a bit more reflective/contemplative than it was, as we're sure not getting much in episode 8 focusing on Han's death.

Episode 8 will probably take place months or even years after 7 so I don't really see characters reflecting too much on Han's death when The First Order is fucking shit up.


Elden Member
Saw it a 4th and, I think, final time in theaters. Some unexplained plot points are apparent by now (I know these have been covered elsewhere and far earlier):

1. How did Rey, as a lowly scavenger, know how to pilot the Falcon (and presumably that other ship that was blown up)?

2. Why did Leia hug Rey when she returned on the Falcon while Chewbacca, of all people, walked right past her?? This seems very awkward. Leia wouldn't have even met Rey yet, let alone share an emotional bond over, presumably, the death of Solo.

3. After the power thingy was blown up, Finn, Rey, and Kylo were suddenly fighting in a big, dense forest, but wide shots from the POV of the X-Wings showed nothing like a forest around that power thingy.

4. Han Solo / Kylo Ren reveal was an unfortunate mistake. Should have saved it for the end when Solo confronted Ben. It would have had far more emotional impact.

5. Luke should have force-pulled the saber from Ren's hand and IGNITED it. That would have been awesome.

I still love the film, I just wish they hadn't glossed over these plot points so poorly.

1. Ren had scavagend a flight simulator program from the star destroyer, she used it to learn about ships, learn how to talk to droids and other languages and enjoyed learning about the galaxy (thus how she knew about Jedi, though thought they were just a myth). Parts of this are talked about in the novel, but she also says she knows how the fly in the film.

2. Leia is a force user, just untrained, im sure she felt Rey's deep angusih over all that had happen, plus anyone in a place of leadership that sees someone coming off a ship with her friend torn up would show compasion toward that person (plus you know they just saved everyones life and potentially the galaxy, hugs all around!)

3. JJ has proven to be horrible with spacial orientation and overall settings, he chooses to take the pretty shot over the realistic practicle one. That scene is hardly the biggest offended in the film when it comes to that.

4. Disagree, but i fully understand this opinion.

5. oh boy the amount of problems such a scene would have would have been halarious after the initial awesomeness.


Episode 8 will probably take place months or even years after 7 so I don't really see characters reflecting too much on Han's death when The First Order is fucking shit up.

I don't either which is why I think the last bit needed to be a bit more reflective besides Rey rushing off to get her training.
Has anyone done the math on how much energy it would take to move a planet of Starkiller's size?

Not really possible to do. There's no comprehensible way to accurately model hyperspace travel with physics as we understand them, even as an estimate.

It's a paradigm shift, you know? You can't just take the amount of force necessary to accelerate an object of a given mass to the equivalent speed, because you can't accelerate to those speeds. Whatever they're doing to achieve hyperspace travel is completely outside of our physics model.
How, exactly? She's like the equivalent of that society's pan-handler or beggar. That's the mystery to me. I know she said she was a pilot (I hadn't heard the part about "I've flown before, but not in space"), but I guess I just don't buy that a poor girl living out of a foot of an AT-AT as a scavenger ever got serious time in a ship. Oh well.

It's explained in the tie-in material, she has a flight simulator that she practices with, but none of that is really explained within the narrative of the movie.


How, exactly? She's like the equivalent of that society's pan-handler or beggar. That's the mystery to me. I know she said she was a pilot (I hadn't heard the part about "I've flown before, but not in space"), but I guess I just don't buy that a poor girl living out of a foot of an AT-AT as a scavenger ever got serious time in a ship. Oh well.

This line of questioning Rey's pilot skills is just so mind-numbingly devoid of thought from my perspective. Like, if you apply any amount of critical thought it makes complete logical sense.

Let's say she lived on Earth in some shit town, at a car salvage yard. She goes around to wrecks, gets engine parts, cleans and restores the engine parts, and sells them to the owner. She also has clearly, through a shit load of exposition and action and demonstration, worked in all kinds of vehicles like cars and trucks and semis, making repairs to them, making modifications, etc. She's lived her entire life since childhood working at this car salvage yard, around cars, on cars, repairing cars, modifying cars, climbing in old broken cars. Not only that, but she has her own motorcycle! We even see that she is a big fan of race car drivers, as she has a homemade doll of a Nascar driver and a helmet she wears at home as she longs of leaving the shit hole town herself. Is it not logical that at some point, she probably had to drive a car because of this situation? Make sure a car she repaired actually worked? Drive a car from one end of the salvage yard to the other to move it? Make a run into town for supplies, or to drop off parts, or any other of 100's of reasons? Is it not only logical, but fucking probable? Like almost a complete certainty?
In the Castle invasion besides Zeroes literally getting flipped over from a direct shot, when Han uses it he blows two Stormtroopers back by an indirect shot that lands in front of them.

In the Starkiller base, Chewie shot troopers directly and they didn't go flying backwards.
none of that is really explained within the narrative of the movie.

That's the issue some people have with it. But, like Luke, she stated she could fly, so we can believe her. Unlike Luke, though, she pulls off from amazing stunts in the downed Star Destroyer. But the pacing let me roll with it for a bit.


So are the resistance and the first order still on the same playing fields? Also what;s stopping the New Republic member worlds from just going to war and curb stomping the FO.


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before: the scene when Poe is walking out of the hut at the very beginning of the film, before he looks through the binoculars, was that sped up?


Having seen the movie, the main thing I got out of it is that the "TRAITOR" dude is the new Boba Fett, not Phasma. It's like they tried to push Phasma too hard for Summerslam so her push fell flat and everybody is chanting for TRAITOR dude.

Like and I mean that seriously and not in an ironic, meme-y fashion. Dude only had one scene but he was entertaining as hell. Like, he sees this one guy holding a legendary weapon that he presumably only ever seen his evil superpowered boss hold and what does he do? He drops his fucking shield and his gun. Then he whips out a staff thingy and proceeds to inexplicably win a lightsaber fight without an actual lightsaber before getting shot down.

I know it's a stupid detail, but I seriously loved that scene. In all seriousness it's not really the MAIN thing I got out of the movie, but I don't know, just really liked Traitor dude. Hope he at least gets a side novel or something, I'd totally buy it.
This line of questioning Rey's pilot skills is just so mind-numbingly devoid of thought from my perspective. Like, if you apply any amount of critical thought it makes complete logical sense.

Let's say she lived on Earth in some shit town, at a car salvage yard. She goes around to wrecks, gets engine parts, cleans and restores the engine parts, and sells them to the owner. She also has clearly, through a shit load of exposition and action and demonstration, worked in all kinds of vehicles like cars and trucks and semis, making repairs to them, making modifications, etc. She's lived her entire life since childhood working at this car salvage yard, around cars, on cars, repairing cars, modifying cars, climbing in old broken cars. Not only that, but she has her own motorcycle! We even see that she is a big fan of race car drivers, as she has a homemade doll of a Nascar driver and a helmet she wears at home as she longs of leaving the shit hole town herself. Is it not logical that at some point, she probably had to drive a car because of this situation? Make sure a car she repaired actually worked? Drive a car from one end of the salvage yard to the other to move it? Make a run into town for supplies, or to drop off parts, or any other of 100's of reasons? Is it not only logical, but fucking probable? Like almost a complete certainty?

Scavenging for parts in a junkyard doesn't make someone a mechanic.
Scavenging for parts in a junkyard doesn't make someone a mechanic.

But she's obviously a mechanic.

Are you saying it's unrealistic that Rey could have spent her entire life doing that one job and not ever having learned anything else about the stuff she's stripping for parts?

I'll have to do a running tally at some point.


Is there going to be a spreadsheet you'll share with us later on Google Docs or something?

It's an imperfect film. Nobody's arguing otherwise, I don't think.
I'm finding it interesting how so many of the complaints in this thread are just really honing in on these weirdly specific things that are frankly kind of meaningless in the grand scheme of things, or even complaining about elements that are actually examples of strong filmmaking, while some of the more big picture things that are a bit sloppy are barely even touched on.

This is movie discussion in a nutshell more often than not.


So are the resistance and the first order still on the same playing fields? Also what;s stopping the New Republic member worlds from just going to war and curb stomping the FO.

I kind of imagine that whoever becomes the new chancellor will be pro-war by necessity, so they'll start pumping out a new fleet at Kuat. Can't imagine the New Republic isn't in control of it.

But yeah, I have no idea how the FO is supposed to fight back with Starkiller Base gone unless they adopt hit and run/guerrilla tactics, which they don't seem built for, or unless they ally with other anti-NR forces.

Would be a good introduction for the Chiss.
That's the issue some people have with it. But, like Luke, she stated she could fly, so we can believe her. Unlike Luke, though, she pulls off from amazing stunts in the downed Star Destroyer. But the pacing let me roll with it for a bit.

Agreed, her flying can be easily explained away, the script demanding her immediately do a fan-service tribute to the RotJ Deathstar sequence is my only real nitpick.


It's the Star Wars universe. Anakin was a poor little boy barely 8 or however old he was. And yet he was a solid pilot.

Oh you wanna throw the "prequels are stupid" excuse. Fine.

Luke was a super poor boy growing up on Tatooine. He didn't even scavenge he just worked on his uncles farm and occasionally messed around with his friends. And yet he became the best pilot in the rebel alliance.

He also knew how to fix stuff because he had to growing up. Same as Rey.

The force powers likely help too. I kinda knew Rey was gonna be force sensitive once I saw her fly and fix shit.


Scavenging for parts in a junkyard doesn't make someone a mechanic.

The movie clearly demonstrates that she is more than simply a scavenger. She knows what specific pieces of scrap are valuable and how to clean/restore them, how the Falcon works, where the gunner seat is, how to fix it when it breaks, what specific tools and pieces she needs to fix it, how to UN-fix it when they want to try and poison people who are boarding, what modifications have been made to the ship and why those modifications are mistakes, and how to bypass those modifications to make the ship run better. She says out loud that she's a pilot, and that she's flown but never off planet. That stuff is all in the movie.
Meanwhile, Luke all "Yeah, I can fly" and the audience is "GOOD ENOUGH FOR US!"
Not only that, but he can fly really damn well. As in, why did they even hire Han? Probably could of gone through the entire OT without him and then we wouldn't have this little nuisance Kylo Ren running around.


1. Really? I didn't catch that that she said she'd flown before.

5. Well she's holding out his saber to him. I assume Luke is going to have to step up and train her, and presumably that means holding a lightsaber at some point. I think him doing what I described is just a re-acceptance of the Jedi Master mantle that he needs to have to bring order/peace/whatever back to the galaxy. I just wanted him to ignite it, look at it, and then look back to her or something...anything but stand there with his mouth hanging open.

Also, the crowd was huge at the 2pm showing. It was as big or bigger than most movies I've seen on opening weekend. This thing is a juggernaut.

She blabs is out to Finn after they destroy the TIEs and go into outerspace. You have to pay attention to what she's saying and block out Finn's excitement.

Also, we see that she knows her way around the Falcon and mentions working on it with Unkar Plutt. Of course, the novel, Visual Dictionary and a bunch of other stuff has tons more stuff about how Rey knows her way around ships. Even her speeder is modified to fly in the low atmosphere very much like the snowspeeders the Rebels had in Empire Strikes Back.
What exactly didn't you like about it?

It was better than anything in the prequels.

TFA has a small ice planet suck in a massive sun and no snow melts. The whole movie is a giant greatest hits album with barely an original bone it its body. It is still well shot, written, acted, etc and is very entertaining to watch but photocopying and rebooting previous films under the guise of making a sequel is questionable. It is the joke of 22 Jump Street turned into a film and production time bought for the other films. I loved what they actually added to the mythos but I'm constantly annoyed when thinking about it how creatively bankrupt the movie was.


It's the Star Wars universe. Anakin was a poor little boy barely 8 or however old he was. And yet he was a solid pilot.

Oh you wanna throw the "prequels are stupid" excuse. Fine.

Luke was a super poor boy growing up on Tatooine. He didn't even scavenge he just worked on his uncles farm and occasionally messed around with his friends. And yet he became the best pilot in the rebel alliance.

He also knew how to fix stuff because he had to growing up. Same as Rey.

The force powers likely help too. I kinda knew Rey was gonna be force sensitive once I saw her fly and fix shit.

Yes, it's hugely obvious in the movie she is meant to have the same intuitive abilities of Anakin and Luke. If she's not a Skywalker, she at the very least the spiritual heir to them.

And yet, some people complain about realism... Which, again, makes one think there's something more to their complaints.
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