After years of development, Sportsfriends is finally coming out for PS3 and PS4!
What is it?
Sportsfriends is a collection of 4 award winning local multiplayer games focusing on simple, accessible, multiplayer fun while still being incredibly deep for those who choose to master each game. Each game is meant to be fun to play and fun to watch and the whole package is meant to be perfect for events and parties.
What are the four games?
I'm so glad you asked. The games are...

Hokra is a 4 player minimalist sports game. Players are split into teams of two and have to hold the ball in their area of the map as long as possible. Passing and communicating with your teammate is key. Controls are really simple with a single button passing when you have the ball and dashing/tackling when you don't.
Hokra Links:
Gameplay Footage: http://vimeo.com/92931610
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n4SVMenu9s

BaraBariBall is a retro styled fighting game for 2 or 4 players. At first glance it plays a lot like a game from the Smash Bros series, but with the added twist of a ball that is used for scoring. You score by dunking the ball in the opponent's side of the water. But don't get too focused on the ball because falling into the water yourself will lose your team a point.
BaraBariBall Links:
Trailer: http://vimeo.com/40992833
How to Play: http://strangeflavor.net/bbb/howtoplay/
Gameplay Footage: http://vimeo.com/92930660
BBB Grand Finals from UFGT9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Ea-F7WVFw

Johann Sebastian Joust is a no-graphics playground game that uses motion controllers for up to 7 players (4 on PS4). Each player has a controller in hand. If it moves too fast they are out. Your goal is to get the other players out through any means necessary including, but not limited to, pushing, pulling, kicking, and pillow or shoe tossing. This is all complicated by having to protect your own controller.
Special Super Important Note: You do NOT need PS Move controller to play JS Joust. You can use Dualshock controllers just fine.
Joust Links
Trailer: http://vimeo.com/31946199

Super Pole Riders is a physics based pole vaulting competition for 2 or 4 players. Every player has a pole. There's a ball on the wire above you and a goal at either end. Use the pole to push or kick the ball into your opponents goal. It is simple and hilarious and has a bear.
Super Pole Riders Links:
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgQg-eVAw7E&feature=youtu.be
Gameplay: http://vimeo.com/92930947
Where can I get it?
It'll be available on PSN for PS3 and PS4 on May 6th for $14.99 in North American and May 6th for €13.99 in Europe.
Important Note: If you buy it on PS3 you get the PS4 version for free. But if you buy the PS4 version you don't get the PS3 version. Apparently this odd arrangement is a long story. So that, combined with the fact that the version of Joust on PS3 is superior, means you should probably buy the PS3 version?
What are the version differences?
PS4 version features:
- DualShock 4 wireless controller support for all the games
- Play JS Joust with up to four players
- Play JS Joust with DualShock 4, making special use of its speaker and LED
PS3 version features:
- DualShock 3 support for all the games
- Play JS Joust with up to seven players
- Play JS Joust with DualShock 3
- Load your own music files into JS Joust!
PC/Mac Version?
It is supposed to be coming very soon after the console version. They have also planned to release a beta build to Kickstarter backers around the time of the PS release.
Local Only?
Yep! All these games are local only and have no online play options. You'll need to gather your friends and enemies around the console and a TV to play them. They also have effectively no single player content. I can assure you from experience that almost anyone can play these games. Especially Joust.