I am so pumped to grab this on PS4. Is JS Joust as good with Duelshock 4s as it is with Move controllers?
I guess PS4 is restricted to just 5 players, but PS3 supports 7. The more people, the better this game is. I have always played it with a move controller, and it feels great as something to hold during this game. I imagine the duelshock would be a little more awkward to hold.
How essential is the Move thing for JS Joust? (On PS4 here.)
How do you play Joust with Dualshock 3s since those have no lights to tell you when you've been knocked out?
details? :-DAnyone found any of the secrets for this? I found the obvious one, (the secret menu in J.S. Joust), but I'm sure there are others...
I have the ps4 version (hurray crossbuy). The camera is not needed at all for PS move controllers. It is not tracking you in a positional space. Its only reading the accelerometer and gyroscope in the controllers for the game. You can navigate the menus and everything with just a move controller. However only JSJoust can be played with the moves. Everything else requires controller. But camera is not needed to enjoy Sportsfriends.
PS4 is up to 4 players
Thats a weird restriction
Does the system itself not recognize more that 4?
PS4 is up to 4 players
I think it's more weird that the PS3 did seven, truthfully, but yeah... I wish the PS4 did seven bluetooth controllers too for sports games, old arcade ports (X-Men), and things like this.
Hmm. Have two Ds3s, two moves and two DS4s.
Any chance the DS4s will work on the PS3 so I can get 6 players?
My PS3 code was ready on my humble account page this morning, redeemed and now have both PS3 & PS4 versions queued up. Happy release day sportsfolks!
Fuck, didn't know about the cross buy thing, that's bullshit.
Wouldn't use the PS3 version often but it would have been awesome to have for when there are more than 4 people over for Joust.
Don't give up just yet.
If that magical day draws near where you plan to have more than 4 people over for Joust.... let me know.
Is there a way to play Joust with a mix of Moves and DS4 controllers? I only have two of each and would like to get a four player game going.
Don't give up just yet.
If that magical day draws near where you plan to have more than 4 people over for Joust.... let me know.
details? :-D
how much? did you get that b2g1?
As a developer of BaraBariBall, I'm having quite the experience today reading the reviews that are popping up.
Friendship isn't some pie in the sky concept.
Not so magical haha, was planning on having people over this weekend to play. I will probably just be a sucker and fork out the cash for it. I just wish there was some sort of disclaimer before I bought it.
BaraBariBall is excellent, thanks a lot for the work you put in. Played it at home with my wife and then today at work with a co-worker, and despite them losing every game everyone thoroughly enjoyed it![]()
Pole Riders and JS Joust are awesome. Not feeling BBB, but I'm sure I'll warm up to it when I can get four people playing.
Played a bit of this with my siblings tonight; really like the games!
BBB might be my favourite (though Hokra might take its place once I get 4 people together to play), Joust was fun even though it was played in terrible conditions, and Pole Riders is wacky (boy can you get some crazy movement going on!)
Regarding BBB, it seems like there's a bit of overscan going on? I find players can move off left, right, and bottom screen. I check my PS4's screen adjustment and it seemed to be lined up fine, then I went and changed the adjustment to be much smaller but I had the same problem. Slightly off topic now, but I found the subtitles of Infamous: Second Son aligned right to the bottom of my screen, and now I'm wondering if there's a problem in my setup? The PS4 is calibrated correctly or overscan (white corners visible and perfectly aligned to screen edges), so could my receiver be doing something weird?
how much? did you get that b2g1?
True that. 2/2 here.
It's almost time for us to start rolling out the bold claims about BaraBariBall. I don't want to tilt the scales too soon. Get your hands on it and I'll meet you on the battlefield!
Such an awesome collection of games. Hokra is probably my favorite, though Pole Riders is hilarious. Need to spend more time with BBB, I'm not very good at it.
A friend pointed out two hidden games: one is like vs QWOP and is awesome and the other is like a fish eye view of Pong. The first game is u, r, d, l x2 then X button on the main menu. Forgot what the other is.