Fuck you all.
Fuck you too <3
How did all the food gifs get started?
Fuck you all.
Aim for the Ace 1-3:
So I knew Gunbuster was a parody or somehow related to this show and thus wasn't looking forward to it as Gunbuster is the worst show I have ever watched in my entire life.
Big mistake! This show is god damn amazing. Such a great show. It makes that crappy parody or whatever it is look even crappier in comparison.
This is it, guys.
The last page.
And I will hear none of that 50ppp bullshit.
Ikki Kajiwara and Sumika Yamamoto created the originals. All Dezaki had to do was adapt them to a TV context. But I'm sure you already knew that, as a fellow Dezaki fan.
Say: what did any of you gents think of Dezaki's Space Adventure Cobra? I know that the first episode has the quickest, most slippery pacing I've ever seen in an anime ever, but that's all I've gotten through.
Troll harder.
50 posts-per-page for life.This is it, guys.
The last page.
And I will hear none of that 50ppp bullshit.
Ikki Kajiwara and Sumika Yamamoto created the originals. All Dezaki had to do was adapt them to a TV context. But I'm sure you already knew that, as a fellow Dezaki fan.
At the same time, what the author thinks is frequently overrated. Some pieces of art or literature just work in ways the creator didn't intend!
Oh look, one of those silly hundredphiles
We can hold more food gifs in one page than you ever thought possible.
Just finished Code Geass R1. Ultimately I'm glad I watched it. I was pleasantly surprised at what it became, despite the slow start and, lets say, slight leaps of logic. Thanks Brazil & co who suggested I check it out.
But a hearty Okarin maddo scientist laugh at DAT. ENDING.
This reminds of the scene from Shaun of the Dead where the obnoxious boyfriend dude gets eaten.
Aim for the Ace 1-2
This coach is good stuff.
Just finished Code Geass R1. Ultimately I'm glad I watched it. I was pleasantly surprised at what it became, despite the slow start and, lets say, slight leaps of logic. Thanks Brazil & co who suggested I check it out.
But a hearty Okarin maddo scientist laugh at DAT. ENDING.
Seriously, is looking awkward while eating one of her secret skills?
This is gonna end with a Kirino gif, isn't it?
He wasn't the sole originator. Everyone at Mushi Pro pretty much came up with various get-arounds designed to deal with their horrid lack of budget, time, and animation talent (though the last point was rectified by the turn of the '70s). Dezaki had a unique style that originated out of this great miasma, as does Rintaro and Sugii.But Dezaki certainly did originate certain techniques for handling animation on a limited budget.